Chapter 41

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......the bravest thing I ever did was go on living when I wanted to die......
"Go to this address," I hand Marco the piece of paper. "Don't stop until you get there. You got me?"

Marco nods but then...

"You're not coming with me?"

I shake my head. There wasn't anything I wanted more than to make sure he got to that address. But I can't. Samuel knew. He couldn't prove it but it was clear in the text he'd sent to my phone.
It was a simple message but to the point.

'You're not as sleek as you pretend to be and you'll never get your hands on the papers either',it said.

And the moment I read it, I knew Samuel would be out for me. He'd killed Henry, I know it in my bones now. He knew, I knew, and he knows now that the whole family knew. Everything had been happening so fast that I felt a little out of control. The world feels different somehow. As if this is the end, at least, the end of the road for me. Samuel will have me taken out, if he'd had his favorite son killed for falling in love, then I have no doubt what he has planned for me. The son who's only ever caused trouble. With me out of the way, he'd be free to turn Marco into the man he wanted him to be.
He'd go after Lex and John next.
The family would be lucky to survive.
It had come down to.....tonight.
First, I had to get Marco somewhere safe.
Lex had my money, my hotel, everything in my name, and if something were to happen to me, Lex would have Marco sent away with enough money to start over. To have a life of his own, which was all I ever wanted for the kid. It was all set. Lex would see Marco off somewhere safe before Samuel could get to him and John. As he would see to the rest of his family when the time came.
Second, Caroline.
I'd set up enough men for her fashion show as I could. Max and the guys would protect her. I'd written a letter to Ramona Hammond, in one last attempt to get her to call off. Not that I thought she would but I had to try everything. The last order I'd given was to Seth and Oscar, asking them to kidnap her if that's what it took to keep her from that damn show. To which, Oscar had asked...

"Are you sure, Paul? This is her dream?"

I'd grinned. "Better to loose one dream than her life."

"Do you really think they'll still come after her, now that ya'll aren't.....together anymore?" Seth questioned me.

"I hope not but....would either of you leave it up to chance, if it were Maggie or Arabella?"

Both had shook their heads but said no more. It was better to be safe than sorry. I wouldn't take the chance.
Not with her or Marco.
Lex didn't know about my decision to turn myself over to Samuel. John didn't either. This had all started with me and it should end with me.....But it wouldn't be the end.
Samuel would still get what he wanted.
And there wasn't shit I could do about it. Not now. We'd be fucking lucky if the information on Lex didn't come out first thing tomorrow morning. Samuel would crush us....but....not if I could just get my hands on the information before my father killed me...then I'll have died for a reason. Maybe..... if Lex could pull off the impossible by talking Franco out of going public.
Id give Lex that chance, even if it meant the end of the road for me....
Oscar and Seth didn't even know I'd made the decision to come here tonight, either. They only knew that Samuel D'Amore had played calm when confronted with Tommy and that Samuel guessed it had been us to break into his office, but nothing else. They knew Lex was pent up, they knew John was nervous, but they didn't know that I had planned on this night being my last.
Marco had been waiting on me. I'd sent the text to the phone I'd given my brother, then tossed it into the pond myself when he'd climbed down to me. From his ease with sneaking out, I assumed my kid brother had done this before. I showed him the way out of the property, a hidden path that lead to my car. A friend of Max's would drive him to Lex's home. I'd thought Marco wouldn't question me too much, which was stupid thinking on my part, Marco is a D'Amore after all. He would have questions until he was blue in the face.

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