Chapter 7

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♤♧◇when you're a threat, you're always the target♤♧◇
We move in on Katlyn as a group. Our number of four well making a scene as we close in on her from behind. She unaware of the women standing behind her. It's only when Arabella and Maggie move to stand by their men, that she realizes the disrespect of her performance has been noticed. Katlyn plays it cool, speaking first to Arabella then Maggie. Since no one came forth to claim Pauly, she takes a step in his direction. Causing me more irritation than it should.
He looks at her. The glint in his eyes as he says that he might like what he sees. Katlyn Evans? Oh God. I shouldn't care. I don't care. If he finds her slutty ways interesting than it only shows what a fool he is. Why had I thought that he'd see through her? Most men don't see past her large breasts and perfectly round behind. It's all fake.
Having a father that's done most of the work in Manhattan means I can spot a boob job a mile away. The girl gets under my skin more than anyone else. And at the moment, as she's now turned her full attention on Pauly, I could almost forget myself and scratch her eyes out. The way she smiles up at him, batting her fake lashes up at him, it's enough to make me scream with frustration.
The music causes several couples to join on the dance floor. And as Samuel makes his way towards our group, Pauly searches for a way to get as far away as he can. Then the most horrible thing happens. He asks her to dance. Of course, Katlyn takes his offer. He walks her to the dance floor, her smiling in my face as they walk past me.
This evening only gets worse with every second!

"He's dancing with her!" Adalee can hardly believe it. "I mean out of everyone here, why pick her."

She's overheard by someone else.
Mia leans over.

"Because he needed a quick get away," she explains. "Getting away from his father is more important at the moment than anything else."

Then she leaves us, going to her husband for a dance as well. Watching her move towards her husband, I spot Marco on the side lines. He's backed up against the wall. Watching his family but not joining them.

"I'll be back," I tell Adalee. Leaving her to glare at Katlyn and Pauly.

Making my way to the young man isn't easy as everyone is currently attempting to head towards the dance floor. After some bobbing and weaving through all the people, I'm finally able to stand in front of the boy.

"Hi," I greet him with a grin. "How are you?"

Marco D'Amore gives me a confused look.

"You were the girl in the closet," he remembers.

My eyes shut, of course that's what he would remember me from. Not the dinner parties we've both attended through the years. But the being caught in the closet.

"Yeah," I give in. "That would be me. I had plans on coming to see you when your brother took me as a hostage. He thought I'd tell that he was here. I'm not sure why he would be so weird about his coming here but..."

"He's mad at my father," the young man explains.

Marco D'Amore is a tense thirteen year old. Holding himself in a stiff way. Something you'd expect from a man in his forties. Someone with bills, work, and the whole world on his shoulders. It's more than a little strange. He's always been that way. But it's more noticeable now than ever. I feel terrible for him. Stress on someone his age is abnormal. And frankly, sad.

"Well," I say trying to lighten our conversation. "Whatever their issues, I had wanted to speak with you."

"About what exactly," he asks, sounding every bit an adult.

"Just that you're not the only one that has gone through what you're going through now. Losing a loved one isn't easy. But I wanted to make sure you know that things will get better."

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now