Chapter 36

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.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,family ain't who you're born with, it's who you die for.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
"Sir, please. Ms. Hammond has refused to see you," the assistant says. "You can try to set up an appointment for some time next week or-"

I walk away from the woman's desk. She assumes that I plan on leaving but instead, I push my way through the door that I know Ramona's office is behind. The assistant shouts after me. Bringing out on lookers as I make my way down the hall. Ramona's office turns out the be the largest and the one at the very back. I don't bother knocking.
Ramona stands from her desk, a little alarmed by my intrusive behavior.

"Ms. Hammond, I'm so sorry! I told him you wouldn't see him. He's very persistent and-"

Ramona holds up a hand to stop her new young assistant from blabbering on.

"I'll see to this myself, since it's apparent that you can't," Ramona waves her hand in a shoo manner.

She waits until the door closes behind me before she turns her attention to me again. Ramona's a tall, thin woman. To me, she looks a lot like a praying mantis, with her large green eyes, super high cheek bones. Her black hair is cut short, with one white strip hanging from the left side of her part. She wears expensive tiny looking glasses, that sit down on the tip of her long nose. The suit that she chosen for today, is black and white, matching her hair. Ramona's a fashion designer for a reason. Her style is sleek and fresh.
As is her office decor.
It also matches her hair and suit.
Black and white.
I find her theme assuming.
Nothing is ever black and white.
Not in life or love.

"I should call security up here and have you removed and charged, but luckily for you, Caroline has already given me a call."

I had counted on that but what I hadn't counted on was that Caroline would tell her why.

"She said, that you didn't want her walking in the show. That you thought she could be put in danger, for some ridiculous reason she wouldn't say, and that you had placed guards with her at all times and that they would have to be allowed in. Back stage and all. Now, comes the part where I inform you that there will be double security, both out front and back stage. The party is strictly invitation only and there will be security there too. You have nothing to worry about, Mr. D'Amore."

I raise a brow, giving a nod of impressed understanding.

"That all sounds good," I give her the compliment she's looking for. "But did Caroline bother to tell you, there are specific people that will be after her?"

She snorts. "Aren't there always. It's the exact reason I thought of this show. Katlyn was out to embarrass Caroline. Caroline was able to turn it into something wonderful, making quite the name for herself in the process."

I try to fight my grin. Yes, it had made her name well known, but that had also been the night I'd decided to start seeking her out.

"Yeah, but these people aren't some jealous wannabe's. These are bad people, who won't mind taking out the entire audience if they have to."

Ramona looks momentarily shocked but too soon she's ignoring my warning again.

"Mr. D'Amore, you're searching for a way to scare me into calling off the show, you won't. I've been working hard on this and you should be thrilled a fashion show that will be based around your girlfriend. Not many shows ever are centered around one girl, who's only modeled two shows her entire life."

I cringe at the title she's given Caroline for me. And I reply too quick.

"She's not my girlfriend."

Perfectly Ruined by:jdollar *a D'Amore story*Where stories live. Discover now