Chapter 34

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 -Yeah... I know you too well to know that you would wake up at this time, or even later. So I decided to show up and take you to breakfast.
 -Oh, uhm... Here's the thing. I'm leaving after luch. I have to get ready to go home...
 -Well, this is a bit awkward... So you can't come with me?
 -Only if it's really fast... And if you help me with my bags. Is that okay?
 -Yeah, sure... I think you need to get dressed first.
 -You're right... Just wait a second, then.
 -I'll go downstairs and wait in the lobby.
 -Okay, see ya.
 -See ya.

    Michael left and I rushed to my closet to search for some clothes I brought. I choose a simple white tank top and some jean shorts. I grabbed my black boots and put them on. Quicly, I pulled my hair on a messy hair do, and for the first time, it looked okay.

    I ran for the door and locked it, while putting the key card on my purse, next to my phone and wallet. ''Oh god, here we go again...''


    The elevator's door opened and I spotted Michael's red hair in the middle of the small crowd. I saw a lot of girls outside, probably fans, and the hotel manager was telling the security guars to keep them away from the hotel. In the middle of this whole mess, Michael was just waving at his fans, with a giant smile on his face, and screaming ''I love you, guys!'' from the top of his lungs, so they could hear it.

    I couldn't stop smiling, looking at him greeting his fans. He deserved it, they all did...

 -Hey, Michael...
 -Hey! Are you ready?
 -Yeah... Where do you want to go?
 -I don't know anything here... You should decide.
 -Uhm... okay. I just think it's going to be a bit difficult to leave the hotel.
 -Oh, we're going by car.
 -Are you driving?
 -Oh, no... -he lauhed- I have a private driver.
 -I guess I forgot you are famous now.
 -Yeah, you did... - he smiled- Come on, follow me.

    I followed Michael to the elevator and we went to another level, where the garages were. We walked for a while and then I spotted a car in all black, with black windows. The kind of car that someone with a very private life would want. Michael waved at a bald man, with a dark blue suit, and he got in the car. Michael opened the door for me, and I got in the comfortable back seats.

 -Where are we going, sir?

    The man in the suit asked, and I chuckled with the word ''sir''.

 -I'm not sure. Sophia, where are we going?
 -Uhm, we could go to a café near this hotel, it's nothing fancy, it's just-
 -Sir, if I may... There is a diner downtown. They serve breakfast, and a good one. If you want I can drive you there. -the man said, interrupting me.
 -Sure, Mark. Do you know where it is?

    The environment in the car got calm and quiet. Michael grabbed my hand, and held it in his own, glancing over me and smiling. I didn't know how to react... I haven't been with him in half a year, I'm not sure what to talk about. Thankfully, he started to talk.

 -What have you been doing?
 -Well, I didn't do anything throughout the whole holidays, but now I'm working at a coffee shop. It's nothing much, but it's something. I needed the money anyway...
 -You? Working? Wow... You really did change. -he grinned.
 -Stop mocking me, please...
 -Sorry. I just thought you were the kind of girl that would live on her parents house until she was 45 years old and found someone to share her 70 cats with...
 -Really? Thank you, you're so nice to me...
 -Hey, I would be the guy that you could share your cats with, I would be totally fine with it.
 -You would be with a crazy cat lady?
 -I've seen worst.
 -Your fans are so lucky. -I said ironically and we both laughed.


     We were in a private room of the diner, due to all the screaming fans. Some of them started taking pictures of me, but I followed Michael's advice and covered my face while we walked through the crowd. I don't want anyone recognizing me...

    It was a small but cozy room, with fresh air and great food. Me and Michael were making small talk, and he looked like he was avoiding some kind of conversation.

 -So you're going home today?
 -Yes, my boss can't handle the job to himself, even though there's not a lot of people going there now.
 -You're going so you can work?
 -I have to... I want to buy a car soon, and then start my life...
 -I see...

    I thought of how we're probably never going to talk again, and that thought was running through my head, making me feel uncomfortable. I had to ask...

 -Are we never going to be together again?
 -What do you mean?
 -Well, you're going on tour and I'm working... Are we going two different ways? So different that we'll never be together again?
 -I don't think I -he grabbed his phone, that was now buzzing.

    He looked relieved that someone was calling him, I could see he didn't want to answer my question. I heard him talking so someone, but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

 -Sorry, Sophia. I have to go... We're going to have a meeting and then an interview.  They just booked it, without even warning us... I'm so sorry. I'll pay the breakfast and call you a cab, bye.

    Without even having time to process the information, he left me alone in the same room. I placed my hands on my face, supporting it on my elbows that were on top of the table. ''Good, he left me... literally''.


    I was walking through the hotel, making my way to my hotel room, and I couldn't stop thinking of him. I spotted Christy and Zoey on the hallway.

 -Hey! -I screamed.
 -Hi, Sophia... -they were trying to avoid me- uhm, we're going to England today.
 -Today?! And you didn't say anything?
 -Sorry... We had an early flight and we had to go... We miss our families, you know?
 -Oh, fuck you...

    I stormed out of the hallway and opened the door to my room. I locked myself there, and started to prepare my things to go home. Is everyone really leaving me? I don't blame Phillipa for getting out of here... In fact, I'm starting to understand why she went away, why she said the things she did.

    I used the bit of anger I had to have streght to put everything together to leave, because honeslty I wanted to sleep all day, everyday. Not waking up and just dream...

    I shook my head to leave all those thoughts in a corner, and grabbed my bags. I didn't warn anyone that I was leaving, not Michael, not Luke, not Ashton and not Calum. Christy and Zoey must be flying already, so I'm not going to bother to warn them... I don't even think there will be a time where I'll talk to them. Maybe I'll do what Phillipa did and I'll just get away from all of this. I'll get away from everything that happened in Australia.

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