Chapter 43

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    I was giving the last touches, putting the details in their right place. I know this might be weird at first, but I'll have to explain what this is. After that, I hope he understands why I did this. My last conversation with Michael made me even more excited about this surprise. He proved me that this will be worth it, and I'm sure I'm going to do the right thing. We need this...

    I already told Luke and Phillipa what I was doing, and they have been helping me. Luke has been helping by sending me some pictures that I need and Phillipa is helping with my emotional state. All of them are arriving in a few hours so I have to hurry.

    I'm nervous because I don't know if he will get it. Maybe even if I explain, he will think this is way too... weird, maybe? I don't know... I'm kind of freaking out right now.

*-Hey! Sophia! We're leaving now so in about... uhm, 3 hours? Yeah, Calum said we are there in 3 hours. Do you think you will have everything prepared by then or do you need me to distract Michael?
 -No, there's no need to. I think I can handle it in 3 hours.
 -Good, because Michael is dying to get some rest so the first thing he wants to do is go to the hotel...
 -Oh, okay... Do you think you can wake him up a bit? I want him to be wide awake when he sees me.
 -Don't worry about it, he will get so excited to see you that he will forget that he needs sleep. -he both giggled.
 -Okay, thanks Phillipa.
 -No problem.
 -And say thanks to Luke aswell.
 -He said and I quote ''anytime''. Oh, he also said something about you two being even... What does he mean?
 -Nothing. Just tell them that I know.
 -He went away to chase Zoey. Those two, I swear to god... They are dying to eat each other out but don't. They are SO annoying!
 -I bet they are... But I got to go back to work. See you in 3 hours?
 -Yeah. Bye Sophia!*


    I had just finished doing everything that I needed to when I got a text from Luke.

From: Luke
Message: Hey there, hope you're ready because we're there in 5 minutes.

To: Luke
Message: 5 MINUTES?

From: Luke
Message: Or maybe less...

To: Luke
Message: Couldn't you warn me earlier?

From: Luke
Message: Sorry.

    I ran from side to side, putting on perfume, looking at myself in the mirror and checking on my make up. The room was perfect, and so was I... I hope.

    I went downstairs, to the hotel lobby, and waited there for them. It wasn't long until I saw Calum entering the building.

 -Shhh, don't scream! Please...
 -Oh, I know what you're doing. Phillipa told me.
 -Do you really think that she wouldn't tell me something?
 -Yeah, you're right.
 -Now... Is the room ready? Michael's arriving.
 -This is so freaking exciting!
 -Wow, Calum, you look more excited than me...
 -That's just because I'm dying to see him fall in love with you again.
 -Thanks, Cal.
 -You're welcome. Now, I shall help my woman with her bags. -Calum said, using his ''old man'' voice.

    He ran outside and soon I saw Phillipa getting in, I waved and she screamed.

 -I'm sorry I screamed! I know, I know... ''Be quiet'', I know. He's coming! Excited?
 -Oh, and hi!
 -Hi! -she laughed and hugged me.

    Everyone got in the hotel. Luke, Zoey, Ashton and Christy got in and they all said hi but quickly moved away. Luke winked and warned me that Michael was coming my way. I closed my eyes and breathed in. ''Calm down'', I said to myself.

    When I opened, I saw him. He was coming inside and he was wearing that snapback that I love to see him using. He was walking my way but didn't realise I was there. He was looking to his right and left side, not knowing where the others were. That's when he saw me... He stopped in the middle of the room and looked at me, mesmorized. I couldn't stop smiling and he just stood there, with his mouth opened, almost forming an ''O''. He let go of his bags and ran my way with his arms opened, and when he got close to me, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his arms, making me loose the contact between my feet and the floor.

    ''You're here'', he whispered in disbelief. I didn't answer and just grabbed him even tighter. I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to feel him there. I needed it... But I still need to show him the surprise.

 -What are you doing here, Sophia?
 -Well, I thought you might need me or something...
 -Yes! Yes I do! I missed you so much! -he paused.- But are you staying?
 -I need to show you something first.
 -Come with me, please. I might need to explain what's going on... But you need to see it first.
 -I've seen you naked before, you know... -he chuckled.
 -Sorry, I ruined the mood didn't I?
 -Kind of. -I smiled.
 -Okay, so let's go.

    I went for the elevator as everyone saw us getting in. Michael followed my withou saying a word, he just grabbed my hand and smiled. I missed seeing him like this... His eyes were shining and his smile was going from one ear to the other, and I felt so much joy growing inside me because of him.

    When the elevator door opened, we both stepped out and I dragged him to my hotel room, that I specifically ordered so the surprise would work.

    I opened the door and we both got in. He started looking around in amaze, especially because this hotel room looked just like his room in Australia. I did everything I could to replicate it, so we could go back in time. Everything was the same, even the little lamp he had on his bedside table, even the window was located at the same place of the room, almost with the same view of the stars.

 -Why did you do all of this?
 -Remember when I said that there was nothing we could do now? What about we go back in time and start all over again?

    He looked a bit confused so I proceded my introduction.

 -Hi, my name is Sophia. -I smiled.
 -Hi, my name is Michael. -he laughed. -Let me show you to my room.

    Michael started walking through ''his room'' introducing me to all the things that I placed. I nodded and looked with interest at everything he had to say.

 -So, you'll be living in my house for... 2 months. Right? -he said, referring to the school project.
 -Actually, how long is the tour?
 -Sophia! Are you coming with us?
 -Yes... I am. I mean, if you're fine with that.
 -Of course I'm fine with that! Was this the surprise?
 -Wait, what? You knew about a surprise?
 -Well, I did hear Luke and Phillipa talking about a surprise that you were doing... -he chuckled.
 -Oh my god! I'm going to kill them!
 -Don't worry, Sophia... I didn't know what you were doing... This surprised me, it's amazing! How did you do this?
 -Luke owned me a favour...
 -Oh, he takes those things very seriously...
 -I know. He called your mum to send all of these things just for this.
 -Wow. -he paused, looking around.- You want to know something?
 -I love you so, so much.

    He walked towards me and grabbed my waist. I gently pulled his head next to mine to my lips would be close to his.

 -I love you too.

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