Chapter 22

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    The classes were over and Michael hadn't come back from the hospital. I've been texting him all morning to know what happened, but he didn't text me back. Zoey had been trying to talk to me everytime she sees me, but my head isn't on the ''talking mood''. I explained everyone what happened with Amy, and everyone is on my side, but I wasn't feeling good.

To: Michael Clifford
Message: Please Michael, text me... I'm really worried...

    Calum noticed I've been on my phone everytime I get the chance to, and asked what was happening. I told him the only thing I knew, and that is that Michael's mum, Karen, was in the hospital. I didn't know why or for how long she's been there. Calum offered me to take me there, since he noticed I was really worried and that his house was near the hospital.
 -Are you sure you can give me a ride?
 -Sure, don't worry about it. I'll go there with you, I'm worried about her too.
 -Thank you, Calum!
    I hugged him, don't really know why. It's not like we're close or anything, but I was desperate and he was helping me.
 -Hey! Take your paws off my baby. -Phillipa said, laughing about it.
 -Oh, sorry...
 -I'm just kidding, Sophia... He would prefer me over you, anyway.
 -Of course I would. -Calum turned to Phillipa, kissing her- No offense.
 -None taken.
 -So, what's happening? -Phillipa asked, noticing a different vibe.
 -Karen, Michale's mum, is in the hospital. That's why Michael skipped today's classes. I'm going to take her there...
 -Oh my god! Is she alright, Sophia?
 -I don't know... As soon as Michael told me what happened, he ran away... probably to the hospital. I tried to talk to him but he won't answer me.
 -Let's not worry about this, guys. I bet that she's alright.
 -Can I go with you two? I feel sorry for Michael.
 -Sure, Phillipa. So... should we go now?
 -Yeah, sure.
    As soon as we got to the hospital, I started running looking for Michael. I saw a red haired guy sitting on a chair and soon noticed it was him.
     He turned his head to me and I saw his eyes completely red, dried lips and a melancholic look on his face. Michael turned his head down, right where it was when I first saw him, and covered it with his hands. My heart broke when I realised he was still crying.
 -Michael, what happened?
    A silence took over the room. Even though there were a lot of people there, everyone was quiet. He didn't answer me, in fact, he ignored me, turning his head to the opposite side of where I was standing. Maybe because he didn't want me to see what he looked like, but it was too late, I already saw him.
 -Michael please, tell me what's going on!
 -I... I don't want to talk right now...
    I could see he wasn't just sad. He was devastated. Whatever that happened was bad, really bad. I understood and respected the fact that he didn't want to talk and hugged him. I threw my arms and rested them around his whole body, while sitting next to him and taking his head to my chest, so he could be more comfortable. Calum and Phillipa were talking to a doctor, to find out what happened. I could hear Michael's sobs and that made a tear drop on my cheek. There is nothing worse than seeing the people you love suffering.
 -Sophia, can you get over here? -Calum says, waking me up.
     I had fallen asleep with Michael. I looked at a clock standing right in front of me and saw that almost two hours had past since I arrived.
    Carefully, I picked up Michael's body and put him on a comfortable position, knowing he's still sleeping. I got up and followed Calum to a corner near the chairs.
 -I talked to the doctor...
 -Apparently Karen had a stroke. -He paused looking into my shocked face.- Michael's mum has been living with a lot of stress lately, and that provoked a stroke. She's in one of the hospital room's but hasn't woken up yet.
 -But is she alright?
 -The doctor said yes. She has to be in the hospital for a few days to rest, but when she leaves, she's going to have to be carefull. She can't be stressed out, what's going to be difficult.
 -Is it because of what happened with Michael's dad?
 -I think so... There's a lot happening...
 -Yeah... I'm going to see Michael. Where's Phillipa?
 -She went to a supermarket nearby to buy some food. She'll be back in a few minutes.
 -Can I go with you?
 -Of course you can! I think Michael needs a good friend right now.
    Me, Calum, Michael and Phillipa were still in the waiting room, expecting to hear good news soon from the doctor that was with Karen. We all heard a familiar voice coming from the entrance and we turned our heads all in the same direction, at the same time. Ashton, Christy, Luke and Zoey were coming our way and Amy was following them. ''How dare she?'' I heard Phillipa whispering. I tried to control myself not to slap her in the face. I've been avoiding her all morning in school because I know that if I ever saw her in front of me, I was going to have an urge to kill her. I breathed in and thought ''I'm not getting myself into trouble, Michael needs me calm to help him deal with this''.
    Everyone started talking to Michael, trying to calm him down and cheer him up. Zoey immedeatly called my name.
 -Sophia, I've been trying to talk to you all day! Can you please talk with me now?
    My eyes got wider due to her tone of voice. I've never seen her angry but she looked like she was mad with something that happened.
 -Please, it's urgent! I really need to talk to you...
    I nodded. I got up and left the group behind, taking Zoey to the same corner where I talked with Calum.
 -So... What do you want to tell me?
 -Look, as you know I'm staying in Amy's house.
 -I heard her talking with a girl on the phone about you and Michael.
 -What did she say? -I was starting to boil.- Did you hear it?
 -I did. She said something about how she's going to make your life like hell.-she paused- Sophia, she wants Michael, and for what I understood, she destroys everything that gets in her way. If she wants something or someone, she has to have it.
 -Well, I'm not backing off. I love Michael and if she tries to harm any of us I'll... -I got interrupted by Michael's loud voice.
 -What the fuck do you think you're doing?
    My head turned as fast as it could and I saw Amy near Michael.
 -Back off! Don't you understand that I don't want you? It's over, Amy. OVER! You cheated on me and now that I found the perfect girl for me you're trying to get me back? Well, guess what? It's too late! I love Sophia and I want her! Not you! So go fuck yourself and go home! None of us wants you here, anyway...
    My heart stopped with the words ''I love Sophia and I want her''. He already told me he loved me, but never in front of everyone. I was extremely happy with the way he said it, but I was also frustrated. Amy was trying to take him away from me at all costs, and I had to do something.
 -Amy, stop what you're trying to do! Can't you see that he's over you? He's in a hospital waiting to know something about his mum, that just had a stroke and you came here to try to shove your tongue in his mouth? Are you really that stupid and insensitive? -I said, begining to put my rage into words.
 -Who the fuck told you that you have a matter on the subject?
 -Excuse me? Don't talk to her like that! -Phillipa said, raising her voice.
 -Oh, here comes the other one... The one that only came here to fuck someone in the first place!
 -Don't you dare talking to me like that!
 -Amy, get the fuck out! -Zoey screamed.
 -Oh, you? I gave you a home and you're on their side?
 -They are the ones who are right... You're just trying to be the side bitch. But guess what? Michael doesn't even want you like that! Haven't you heard? Michael's in love with Sophia and she's the one for him... Everyone knows it! And I don't care if you kick me out of your house, actually... I'm getting out of there as soon as I can because I'm sick of hearing you whining about Michael. Admit it... He moved on and he's happy with Sophia, not with you!
 -Shut up, Zoey... You don't know anything. Sophia's the whore here... She stole Michael from me and she's going to pay for it!
     Everyone in the group was getting involved in the fight, and they were all on my side. The anger inside me was rising to my head and I couldn't take it any longer. I got closer to Amy and slapped her in the face as hard as I could. She backed away and placed her left hand on her face, covering the redness of the impact. She looked at me, with rage in her eyes and tried to run to me but Zoey got in the way and ended up slapping her too. With the embarrassment, Amy ran away from the hospital alone. Somehow I was releaved but I didn't like what I did. I'm not like that but she really deserved it.
 -I'm sorry but I'm going to ask you all to leave. You're disturbing the environment of this place.
    A man in all white said, pointing to the door. We all got our stuff and left but Michael. He stayed in the room waiting for news and didn't say anything to me. Nothing at all. Did he regret saying it out loud?

xx Hi guys,
I'm seeing that some of you are reading the story and don't vote/comment but I would really appreciate it if you did, it would make me a lot more excited to write some chapters. Tell me what do you think it's going to happen or what you would like to happen. Love you.

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