Chapter 38

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                                    ~Phillipa's P.O.V.~

    I woke up with movement. I was inside a plane, sitting next to Calum and Michael. On another seats were Ashton, Christy and an old man, and on the one in front of me we Luke, Zoey and one of their managers. It was 3am or so, and I had spent the evening with Calum. I'm worried of how I'm going to tell Sophia what happened, actually, I think I didn't do the right thing, but after Calum and I had ''the talk'', I had to come with him. Sophia couldn't come, anyway. She's way to busy working to have a ''better life'' or whatever she calls it, she wouldn't accept it, and I have to make my own choices. I couldn't afford to lose Calum.

    I'm still not talking to Zoey or Christy, but they did begged me for forgiveness, and said they were sorry, and I'm willing to forget this whole thing, leave the past behind, but not now. What they did was wrong and I think they should think about it more. I want them to learn their lesson.

    Calum was such a sweetheart. After I arrived, he told me everything, and I mean everything. He did not just tell me his conversation with Sophia, he also showed me their text messages, and told me word by word their phone calls. He explained he had been closing himself since I left, even though we never properly broke up. We just stopped talking... I told him how hard it was for me and he told me the same thing. We both chatted about how our lives have been since we stopped talking and our conclusion was the same: it was a misery. So... Calum asked me to come on tour with us, since no one asked. I tried to think, but I couldn't and the word ''yes'' came out of my mouth faster than I expected. I already told everyone I'm leaving, and my mum is probably packing my stuff to send me. I'm afraid to tell Sophia... I'm afraid of her reaction.

    She might be nice about it and understand me, but she also might flip out and get angry. I know that I would do the same thing.

 -Baby, we're landing soon. Do you need something?
 -No, Cal. Thanks, I'm fine.
 -Ugh, your love makes me sick. -Michael mumbled.
 -Jealous? -Calum smiled.
 -A little, yeah.

    I patted Michael's back. He looks so down since he saw Sophia, and I'm afraid this might be bad for the band. Everyone's having the time of their lives now that we're all reunited, but Michael's just in the corner, thinking about her.

 -Do you miss her?
 -Who? -He pretended not to know who I was referring to.
 -Sophia... Do you?
 -Well, yes.
 -Why don't you call her?
 -Do you really think it will change anything? I went over to her house, drunk, and she didn't do anything about it. She helped but that's it. She didn't do it for love, she did it for friendship, I could see it... I tried to make her realize that we could work, but I also said we shouldn't. I'm confused...
 -Michael... Do me a favor. Never give up on her. If you want her, fight for her. Sophia loves you just as much as she did when we left, maybe even more. She was dying to see you... And when she did! Oh, I can still see the happiness in her eyes... -I paused.- You don't need to push it much, she's craving for your attention. She just needs you to show her you want her as much as you did before... Trust me.

    He smiled at me. He looked so filled up with hopes, and I hope it will make him feel better. Everything that I told him was truth and I really want him to push this whole thing... I want them both happy.


 -Can we eat, already? I'm starving! -Christy was saying every minute that passed.
 -We're getting to the hotel. We eat when we get there... Just wait a little bit more! -Luke said, again.
 -Guys, isn't that our hotel?
 -Yes, Michael! It is! -Christy shouted.

    We finally found our hotel, after hours of walking under the sun.

    All of us went to our rooms and threw our stuff and rushed to the restaurant on the upper floor. We were all in pairs, except for Michael. He was left alone... Not like it was a completely bad thing for him. He had space to make his own ''man cave'', at least.

    We had a nice lunch, filled with laughter and smiles, and some awkward looks between me and the girls, but it was all fine. I decided that this was time to talk to Sophia so I sent her a message.

To: Sophia
Message: Sorry, I was too busy having a great time last night, if ya know what I mean ;)

    While waiting for the response, we went to a private living room where we could all hang out together. Everyone was having so much fun... But then there was Michael, trying to cuddle with Luke. I swear these two should get married...

    My phone buzzed and I quickly pulled it out of my pocket.

From: Sophia
Message: Wow, are you good with him?

    I didn't want to give out the whole story, so I shortened it and told her we would talk about it later.

To: Sophia
Message: Kind of, I'll explain it to you later... By the way, Michael misses you... He's trying to cuddle with Luke hoping it's you.

From: Sophia
Message: Please don't say that. Weren't they supposed to be in another country today?

    Aww, she misses him too.

To: Sophia
Message: And they are...

    Maybe this wasn't the best way to tell her. I breathed and thought of another way to say it, since she wasn't answering.

To: Sophia
Message: Sorry, but I couldn't resist the offer. Me and Calum are kind of back together, and since I know you wouldn't come because of your job, I didn't. I'm sorry...

    After a short period of time, I got a response.

From: Sophia
Message: Don't worry, it's fine. Enjoy :)

    Well, that went better than expected.

xx Almost ending this story, just a few more chapters and it's over... It's taking longer than I thought, actually, but it's almost there. Thank you to all of the people reading, love you lots.

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