Chapter 27

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    After a few minutes, movie night was canceled. Everyone was in the living room and all the noise we made woke Karen up. I heard her coming out of her room and looking for Michael. When she found the room she got in panick. ''What is this?'' she whispered three times as she looked all over the room. ''It was her, wasn't it? Amy?''. She looked at Michael, worried and searching for an answer. Apparently Amy already broke into Michael's house in the past, but this is too much. This is scary and crazy. Michael nodded and added ''I'm not completely sure, but it's what it looks like''.


    It was 00:27am when I looked at the clock. Me and the guys cleaned my room. Well, most of it. Even with everything that happened, we decided that we should still go out and maybe forget all of this drama for awhile. Karen told us she would call some friends over so she wouldn't be alone, and that they were going to finish my room.

    After almost 20 minutes, we were leaving the house. We were going in two different cars. One that Ashton was driving and another one that a guy named Dennis had. Dennis was friend's with all of them, but mostly Calum and Ashton. I hopped in Ashton's car with Christy, Michael and Luke. Phillipa, Calum and Zoey were in Denni's car. We drove for a while and then we got into a club. I have no idea where it was because I spent the whole trip hearing Ashton and Michael fighting over who could put music.

 -Are you sure you want to be here?
 -Michael, I'm fine. I actually need this, it will make me relaxed.
 -Okay... If you need anything I'll tell Ashton and he'll drive us home.
 -Thanks, Mikey.

    I saw Phillipa giving me that look again, but I can't talk now. I need motivation and the only motivation I could get there was the liquid one.

    All of us went to a part of the room with benches, where we could hang out and have fun before everything started to get foggy. Me, Phillipa and Zoey asked for what everyone wanted to drink and headed our way to the countertop of the bar.

 -So, how's it going with Luke?
 -Oh... everything's fine.

    Zoey wasn't talking much and I was feeling that something wasn't right, but I didn't want to push that kind of vibe.
 -And Sophia, are we going to have the talk now?

    Phillipa was starting to piss me off a bit. Not because she was being annoying but because I knew that she was only saying it to make me nervous. I nodded.

 -Look, I'm nervous too. Do you really think we should do it?
 -Phillipa, I need to talk with Michael about this, but I'm no longer making you do it. I think it's the best you can do but I'm not gonna obligate you to talk. Do what you want to do.
 -I want to do it! Trust me... There's nothing more in this world that I want to hear than Calum's voice saying ''I'm yours''. Trust me.

    I looked at her and I saw her expression. She didn't look just nervous, she was scared. But we need to do this. I grabbed some of the drinks while Phillipa and Zoey did the same thing and we took them to the table.

    After a few minutes of talking, laughing and drinking, Phillipa looked at me and then I saw her grabbing Calum's arm and dragging him to somewhere else. I couldn't see them anymore but I guess Phillipa was doing what she was planned to do. I grabbed my glass, took a few sips before getting up. I looked over at Michael, who wasn't really doing anything and whispered ''come with me, I want to talk with you''.

     We moved to another bench, a bit far away from the rest of the group.

 -What going on? Do you want to go?
 -No... I just -I paused- I just wanted to talk.
 -Oh, about what?
 -I have a question to make.
 -What is it? -he looked at me concerned.
 -Well -I breathed in nervously- I want to know what we are.
 -What do you mean?
 -We've been kissing and cuddling and doing all these thing that usually, couples do. I want to know what we are. Are we just friends or more? -I waited for an answer but he didn't say a word so I continued- I need to know this, Michael. If you don't have any intentions of staying with me, I need to know. You know how I feel about you and you told me before how you feel about me. So... What are we?
 -Uhh. I'm sorry, Sophia. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now.

    It felt like the whole world just fell on top of me. I was not expecting this, especially after everything that we went through together. I thought that he loved me, that he wanted me with him. Only me... I thought that I was special to him and that he wanted to have me for himself. I felt tears trying to flood my eyes, my I didn't let them. I breathed in again, looked up and smiled.

 -That's okay. I wish you could've told me earlier -I pushed my head down so he couldn't see my face anymore.
 -Look, Sophia. I'm so so sorry. I love you, I do... But I don't want to go through this again.
 -It's okay, don't worry.

    I got up and went to the bar again to grab another drink, I needed it. I felt really weak but if there was something that I couldn't do, it was crying in front of them because of this.

    Phillipa ran to me, with a giant smile.

 -Sophia! Calum just called me his girlfriend, we're oficially dating!

    She hugged me and I noticed the amount of excitement she had. I wish that I could feel that way too. Soon she realised that I wasn't in the same mood as she was.

 -Did you talked with him?

    I couldn't hold it anymore, the tears were coming off of my eyes, and before anyone could notice them, I ran through the dark corners to the back of the club, reaching for a door and I left. I sat on the floor leaned against the wall.

 -Don't worry, it'll be alright.


    A week as passed since that night. Me and Michael aren't the same with each other ever since, now we're just friends. We hang out together, but never alone. Usually Luke gets to be in the middle of us, maybe because he hasn't been really happy lately and I guess that's because Zoey is ignoring him. I don't know the full story yet, but I'm trying to figure it all out.

    It's only a week left before I go home and I'm really looking forward to it. I miss my family and the people that I call friends, but it's going to be so bittersweet. I don't want to leave these people... I'm sure going to be with Phillipa for a few more months, since we're both on the same school, but it's not going to be the same thing. Christy and Zoey are going back to England and I'm never going to be with these guys that even though they're all complete idiots, they have been my family for two months. Especially Michael... I don't think I'll be able to say a proper ''goodbye'' to him. I want him to come with me, but that can't happen.

    We have been talking about the ''being friends'' thing and he explained me better what happened. He told he it's hard for him to be in a relationship right now, especially when I'm about to leave him for good. I don't know what I was thinking when I thought that we could work it out. Now, I understand him and I'm not angry with him for his answer. I dried my tears and worked on my smile, and from now on I only want to be with him and enjoy it. As friends.

 -Are you ready for your last week of school here, dear?
 -Sure. It's going to be a bit hard for me, but I can't take it.

    I was going to miss Karen as well. She has been my second mum and even though she went through a lot, she always made me feel protected and safe with her. She is an amazing person, and I needed that in my life.

 -Come on, Michael. We're both waiting for you!

    We arrived at the school and my english teacher, the one that came with me and Phillipa, was standing in the entrance.

 -I've been waiting for you. We're going to have a meating to discuss the trip right now, so you'll go to classes a bit later.

    I layed my eyes on Michael and he smiled. ''You can go, I'll let you'' he whispered to me and then smiled. I smiled back and followed the teacher.

    I entered a small room and Phillipa was already there. There were a few papers on top of a table and we had to sign all of them, making our critics and writing a few words on how we felt about this project. I grabbed a pen, pushed the paper closer and started to spill everything that came into my mind.

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