Chapter 16

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    I sat next to him and pulled him closer. To be honest, I don't know what to do or what to say. I grab his cold hand and put it between my own. He was looking at me, hoping that I would say something he wants to hear. I leaned, putting my mouth next to his ear and whispered ''I love you''. I kissed his cheek and started to get up. Michael immedeatly grabbed my hand as I was leaving, making me stay.
 -Can you stay here with me? Please?
     I couldn't say no, so I sat back down.
 -I'm sorry that you have to deal with this.
 -You already stayed with me when I was sad too, and I'm here for anything that you need.
    He smiled for the first time in a few hours, and even though it wasn't the biggest smile, it made me a lot happier.
    It was friday, 7:13pm. Everyone was on the café getting ready, waiting for the clock to point at 8:30pm to start the show. They still had to wait more than an hour, but they were all so pumped up. Luke and Michael were practicing, Ashton was no where to be seen and Calum was talking with his mom and Phillipa. I could hear a part of the conversation and it looks like Phillipa is coming home with Calum instead of Luke. They sure are getting along.
 -Did you hear that?
    Phillipa says, trying to talk quietly even though we're in a loud café, and no one would hear her if she talked normally.
 -Hear what? That you're spending the night at Calum's?
 -Yes! I just met his mom, and she's so sweet to me! I'm going there after the show and I'm going to spend there the whole weekend! Oh, and on Sunday we're all going to the beach.
 -Wow, that's a real improvement! Do you like him? -I said, not caring about the trip to the beach.
 -No, I don't like him... I adore him! He's something special to me. He makes me feel like I can be myself with him, and I know! You're going to say we're practilly strangers, but we're young, and soon going to be on different sides of the planet. I want to be with him as much as I can.
    I felt like she was trying to give me a lesson, and she was right. Maybe I should enjoy the time I'm spending with Michael, I don't know how we're going to be together after all of us being on different parts of the world.
    I looked around one more time. It was only 15 minutes until the show started. People were arriving... Calum was with his mom and sister, Michael, Luke and Zoey were talking, Phillipa was sitting next to me looking at Calum, and Ashton...
 -Phillipa, Ashton's kissing Christy!
 -What? Where?
 -Right there! Behind that wall!
 -I thought they didn't even knew each other that well!
 -Apparently they do...
 -Something's missing. Remember on wednesday, they were talking.. It was like they already knew each other.
 -Really? I never noticed it.
 -Oh, I'm sure they know each other from somewhere, and you know what? I'll find out...
    The show was starting. All of their close family was here, me, Phillipa, Zoey and Christy were here, people from the town were here... I was a bit proud of them.
    Ashton was the first to step in on the stage, then Michael, who standed on my left side, Luke in the front, and Calum on my right side. They started by introducing themselves and then played some songs. The crowd loved them, especially younger girls who were there just to get their numbers. I'll admit, they were pretty good. It was nothing like rehearsals, it was a lot better. They seemed really confident with what they were doing, and all of them did great.
    When it ended, Karen ran to Michael to hug him. She was so proud of him, and so were the other moms.
 -We can see from miles away you like Mikey.
    I looked back, confused. I didn't know that voice... That's when I saw Liz Hemmings, Luke's mother. I smiled, blushing and getting shy, and she smiled back and stepped away to go backstage.
    Phillipa came to me, running and super excited.
 -Sophia! You're not going to believe this! I know from where they know each other!
    Michael scared me by screaming in my hear. I turned back and he was staring at me, laughing from the sound that I made when I got scared.
 -Sorry Phillipa, but she's mine now..
    He pulled me to his side, and I looked at Phillipa and whispered ''sorry, I don't have the strength to fight back'' and smiled.
 -Okay, but on Sunday we're talking! Oh, and don't forget to buy a bikini!
 -A bikini? For what, what are you guys doing? -Michael asked confused.
 -We're all going to the beach on sunday. Didn't they invite you? -I answered.
 -Oh, yeah... I forgot. Am I going to see you wearing a bikini?
    He looked at me, laughing like a kid.
 -Yes, Michael. Do you think I'm going to the beach wearing pajamas?
    He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.
 -Glad I'm going to see you like that...
    Michael definately wasn't sad anymore. Actually he was happy, very happy. Michael was actually making me smile by acting this way. If he needs to think of me in a bikini to smile or giggle, then I don't mind, I just want to see a smile on his face.
    We were in my room. I was showing Michael my music and movie folders, and he was going crazy.
 -What? You listen to this? And watch this? I think I'm in love with you!
 -Didn't you confessed that earlier?
    We both chuckled. We weren't being awkward with what happened with us before. Actually, we talked about it and decided not to care of those things. We both like each other, and we both know it, but we promissed not to talk about it. We're going to take this slowly. If we feel like we want to be together, we're going to be together, if we feel like we want to be with other people, we'll be with other people. It's simple...
    We were having a really nice chat about movies, when I got a text. I got up and searched for my phone. I looked at it and there was a text message from Phillipa.

From: Phillipa
Message: Ask Michael how Ashton and Christy know each other. I think he knows...

    I looked at Michael.
 -Do you know how Ashton and Christy know each other?
 -Why the hell didn't you tell me?
 -I thought you didn't care...
 -Oh, I do! I saw them kissing... are they dating?
 -Yeah, they are. They actually know each other for a really long time.
 -Really? -he nodded- Keep going...
 -If you want me to keep going, I have to get something in exchange.
 -Okay... What do you want?

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