Chapter 11

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    It was wednesday afternoon. We were walking from the school to a café nearby. When I say ''we'' I mean me, the guys, Phillipa, Zoey and Christy. We were all getting along, but in different ways. I was talking with Michael, Zoey and Luke. We were talking about differences of the places we came from and then changed the subject to music. Ashton was with Christy and all I could hear was the famous ''Ashton giggle''. They seemed like they knew each other for years. I looked over my right shoulder and saw Phillipa and Calum holding hands.
 -Psst, guys. Look at them...
    Everyone looked discreetely but Michael. He just stared and shouted ''omg, you guys are so cute together'' trying to sound like a teenage girl. They let go their hands and stopped smiling to each other.
 -Really Michael? You're such an idiot, did you really had to do that?
    I gave him a little push and he just laughed.
 -Oh, come on.. You know they'll start making out as soon as they're alone. They don't need to fake it.
 -That's true -Luke interrupted- last night Phillipa spent all night texting Calum, and by the look on her face it wasn't just ''friend talk''.
    We were in the café and they decided to practice. Apparently it was there they were going to give a show on friday. They performed a song called ''Kiss me kiss me''. I couldn't stop looking at Michael and believe me, I was trying hard no to. He actually looked hot with a guitar, and he was distracting me from the conversation I was having with the girls. Then they played ''Don't Stop'', and it had a really catchy tune. Michael had a solo on it, and while he was singing he looked directly to me.
                 ''Everyday it's the same, love and games that you play,
                  back ad forth, round and round, kinda like it this way.''
    All of us agreed going to Michael's house and watch a movie. At leat it's not like the last time. We watched ''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'', a choice made by the guys, but we all enjoyed it. They were all leaving so I started preparing to take a shower.
 -What are you doing?
 -Getting ready to take a shower... what does it look like?
 -You're not taking a shower, I am!
 -Michael, don't annoy me. I'm taking a shower now.
 -Let's see about that...
    He started running to the bathroom and I followed him. He got there first and locked the door.
 -Michael, what the fuck? I told you I wanted to take a shower now!
 -Unless you're taking a shower with me, you're gonna have to wait.
 -There's no way I'm taking a shower with you.
 -Then wait...
    I sat on the floor, leaning to the wall, with my clothes on my lap. I waited for almost 15 minutes and then the door opened.
    Michael came out, with just a towel covering his lower body. I think I stared at him and probably opened my mouth and gasped... probably. He looked really good.
 -You can go now.
    He smirked. I think he noticed that I stared. I got up, holding my clothes but he put his hands on the wall, each on each side, making it impossible for me to leave. He was looking into my eyes, to my lips. He was getting closer and closer, his hair was dripping large drops of water and they were landing on my skin, making me shiver.
    My heart was beating fast, and I dropped my clothes on the floor. I felt his lips beggining to touch mine and his right hand messing with my hair. It was electrifying. With his left hand, he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. He was all wet from the shower and the clothes I had on were getting wet as well. I didn't want to stop and neither did he. We paused for a while, I held his gaze. He picked me up, pushed me to the wall and kissed me again and again. Suddenly, we heard the keys on the front door and Karen's voice saying ''kids, I'm home''.

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