Chapter 23

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                 ~Michael's P.O.V.~ 
     Sophia and the rest of the group just left the hospital. I stood here alone and explained the doctor that just sent everyone outside that I was waiting for information of what happened with my mum. My head wasn't functioning like it's supposed to, there's a lot going on. I can't process things right. There was a huge fight with Amy and Sophia, and I didn't say anything to her, to the woman I love. It's weird because I admitted it out loud and I felt relieved, but I also regret it instantly. Not because I don't truly love her, but because I don't think that any of us, besides me and Sophia, should know it. Now everyone's going to put themselves in the middle of our story. And then there's my mum's situation. I know the doctor said she was out of danger for now, but it was too much. My mum has been struggling a lot with all kinds of situations and that provoked the stroke she had. I'm so worried with what could've happened. I'm lucky that my mum was staying in a friend's place and she helped her.

    I haven't talked with my dad since the incident, since my mum came home running and crying, telling me that she had caught him with another woman. I remember that night like it was yesterday. I remember I fell asleep on the couch with Sophia layed on my shoulder that night, and I had to carry her to my bed due to her nightmare. That night I heard the sound of the front door closing and then some sobs. I remember that I noticed it was my mum and left Sophia in my bed, and ran to my mum. She was crying and she later told me what happened. And I remember that I only smiled when I came to my bed again and saw Sophia sleeping, like an angel that only came to make me feel good.

    ''Shit'' I mumbled to myself. ''I should call her or text her'' I continued mumbling, reminding myself that she's been here for me everytime, and I know that she's probably thinking that I don't care about her or that I'm using her. We had such a great night and now I'm refusing to accept her help. God, I'm making her feel the same way she did yesterday with what happened with Amy.

    I tapped on my phone, dialing her number and called her.

*-Hey, Sophia!
 -I'm so sorry I didn't say anything to you, it's just... There's a lot happening...
 -I know, Mikey. I'm sorry for making it all worse.
 -No! You're not making anything worse, you're just making it easier and better to handle... believe me. I need you here with me.
 -I can't go back now... I'm already at your house.
 -Oh... As soon as I can, I'll go there. -I paused to check if there was anything she wanted to say- I love you, Sophie.
 -Love you too, Mikey.*

    She's definately the only one that can make me smile on a day like this.


                 ~Sophia's P.O.V.~
    I hang up the telephone. Michael just proved me wrong. Maybe I'm being to harsh with him, he's been having a couple of rough days, I should just help him with it, not trying to make it worse. I'm happy that he said in front of everyone (especially Amy) that he loves me. I think we're ready to take the next step, at least I am. I really want to be with him, oficially, but I don't really know how to do that now... I don't even know if I should.

    I sat on the couch and looked around. The house was so quiet. I looked at the walls and noticed some photographs that I never looked closely enough to know who were there. There were a lot of pictures of Michael, when he was a kid. I chuckled with some of them. He lookes like such a nerd and somewhat awkward kid, and now... Now he's the guy everyone wants. A certain kind of jealousy started to hit me. ''He's yours dummy, he loves you'' my subconscious yells. I smile with the thought of everything he has done for me. Yes, he is mine.


 -Is anyone here?
   I heard a voice coming from the front door.
 -Who is it?
 -It's me... Michael. I forgot the keys.
    I went downstairs and opened the door for him. He looked much better than he did in the hospital, but he was alone.
 -I thought you were coming with Karen.
 -No... The doctor said it was best for her if she spent there a few nights to rest, so we're going to be home alone for some days. Hope you don't mind.
 -I don't, just don't leave me all alone again. I didn't know what to do so I just went to your room.
 -Really? And what did you do there?
 -Well, I saw your guitar collection, movies collection... Then I fell asleep on your bed.
 -How can you possibly fall asleep after seeing the best collection in the world! I don't understand you! - we both chuckled.
 -Well, it would be more interesting if you were there to explain me stuff about them that I don't really care.
 -Oh, trust me, I know.
    Michael finally seemed good. Not happy, but better... He was laughing a bit and making jokes, and I could see that his eyes had a little bit more shine.
 -Did you see your mum?
 -Yes, I did. She woke up and I went inside to be with her for a while.
 -And how is she?
 -She's okay. She told me that she would look after her a lot more carefully after this.
 -I hope so... I was really worried about her.
 -Yeah, me too.
    A phone started ringing with a familiar sound. It was ''American Idiot'' by Green Day and I soon realised it was Michael's phone.
 -Sorry, it's Luke. I'm going to put it on speakerphone.
*-What's up?
 -Hey, Michael. I know you're probably still on the hospital but I have some news for you that might cheer you up.
 -I'm already at home, but what is it?
 -Well, a guy just called us to book a show on a festival in Sydney, and they said if we started posting videos on YouTube, he would be able to show it to some friends he has in L.A. Did you hear it? L.A.! That's in the U.S!
 -No shit, Sherlock.
 -Michael, don't use your sarcasm on me now.
 -I'm really excited about it but when is it?
 -In two weeks! Ahhh! I'm so pumped up!
 -I can see that... And are we going to upload videos?
 -Yes! Imagine if we actually get the chance of going to L.A.! It's going to be amazing! We're going to be famous and everyone will love us.
 -Shup up, Luke. No one will like us that much...
 -Stop ruining my dreams, Clifford.
 -Well, I'm gonna go. My girl is waiting for me -we both chuckled- can you stop by later?
 -Sure. Treat your girl well, she deserves it. Bye.*

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