Chapter 18

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    I woke up hearing noises coming from the kitchen. I was in Michael's bed but he wasn't there. I looked at my phone and it marked 8:56 am and I had a text from my mom.

From: Mom
Message: Hope you're okay. Love you honey.

    I answered quickly and then lied on bed again to get some rest. I didn't want to look for Michael, I just wanted to sleep a little bit more for a while.
    I heard footsteps coming my way so I lifted my head to see who it was.
 -Good morning sunshine. -Michael said, with a sleepy voice and a smile on his face.
 -Waking up like this makes me want to wake up early every morning with you.
 -I know... -he giggled.
    He got closer and landed a tray on top of me.
 -Did you make breakfast? All by yourself? Wow, Michael, you're growing up! -we both laughed due to my sarcasm.
 -Shut up... Yeah, I did. You deserve it. I know I'm annoying and you deserve something in exchange.
 -I deserve breakfast?
 -Well, when you put it like that it sounds weird, but you know... the gesture counts. -we both chuckled.
 -I know Mikey, thank you.
    I picked up the tray and placed it correctly on my legs so it wouldn't fall down.
 -I actually like it when you call me Mikey, but don't call me that around my friends. They'll start teasing me.
 -Oh, if you don't like it I won't call you that...
 -I do! But... just you can call me that, deal?
    We were in a small restaurant having lunch. Michael was telling me about his childhood and how it was for him. He told me that when he was younger, he used to chase girls and ask them to go out, but they always rejected him, and when he stopped caring about them, that's when they all chase him down.
 -That's kind of how I met Amy. She was one of the girls in school that everyone wants, and I had a crush on her since forever. I asked her out once but she rejected me, like everyone else. After two years, she was asking me out. I said yes, obviously... And then, we started dating. I had real feelings for her, but apparently she didn't. But now I don't care... I have you.
    Michael smiled and rested his hand on mine. Suddently his eyes got bigger. ''Shit'' he screamed, followed by a giant laugh. I turned my head back and saw Phillipa and Calum, entering the same restaurant with clothes probably from the day before, still looking a bit dizzy, but well behaved.
    Calum shouted something to Michael, but I couldn't really understand what. They came to us and Michael got up to help them. They definately were still dizzy and not that well behaved after all.
 -Calum, do you know what time it is?
 -Yeah... midnight or so.... right?
 -It's midday... -I answered.
 -Oh, maybe that's why the sun is still up.
    I tried not to laugh, but I did. Everyone in the restaurant started looking at us, staring. Me and Michael were worried and decided to take them both to Michael's place and take care of them, they weren't in a good day.
    I carried Phillipa to Michael's house, and Michael carried Calum. His house was nearby so it wasn't that hard.
    I was in the bathroom with Phillipa, she was throwing up. She rested her head on my legs, promising she would never drink again. ''Yeah, right'' I said to myself.
 -Why were you still drunk, Phillipa?
 -We were having a really good night, but then I wanted to try shots, and other stuff. He told me not to do it, but I still bought them. He didn't want me to drink everything so he... helped me... I guess. -she paused for a while to breath- My head hurts. I feel it pounding, I'll never do this ever again.
 -Do you feel better?
 -Yes, a little bit. Thank you... Can I tell you something?
 -Sure. Anything you want.
 -He told me he loved me. I was a bit drunk already, but I heard it. He was holding me, putting me away from some dudes that were trying to abuse me or something. It all happened so fast... -she paused to breath again- But I swear I heard it. He looked into my eyes, kissed me and hugged me. He whispered on my ear ''I love you''. What do I do?
 -Was that why you drank even more?
 -Yes... I didn't know what to answer.
 -You don't feel the same way... Is that the problem?
 -No, I do, but... I can't tell him that. What will happen to us? We just wanted to have fun with each other, but it's getting all too real. I can't say ''I love you'' back.
 -Didn't you tell me you were just having fun? No strings attached?
 -Yes...But he said it anyways. I can't just have fun if I say it. I don't want to say it... But I love him. I love him so much...
     Phillipa slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep. With Michael's help I layed her on my bed, so she could get some rest. Calum was already asleep in Michael's bed so Michael left a note on their bedside tables, saying we were both going to leave. He grabbed me and dragged me with him to the streets. When we were outside, he put his arm around me, making me feel a lot more comfortable.
 -Why are we leaving?
 -Didn't you need to buy a bikini? Well, I'll pay...
 -Oh, you're just dying to see me in a bikini, aren't you? -we both laughed but he didn't respond.
    After a few minutes of walking, we entered a boulevard with loads of stores and Michael gave me a direction to one of them. I didn't really noticed the sign, because it had a weird name, so I just walked in. It had a lot of clothing items, especially bikinis. He let go of my arm and did a gesture so that I could start looking.
 -So... what about this one?
    I opened the curtains for the first time, revealing my body on a black bikini. Michael's jaw dropped and I didn't know if it was a good or bad sign.
 -Is it that bad? -I asked, hoping he would say no.
 -No! It's... it's really good, actually.
    Michael started acting a bit nervous and... clumsy? He was trying to tell me it was good but he just couldn't say the words right. He took a deep breath and looked at me, straight in the eye.
 -Sorry... It's a good one. It looks really good on you. Do you like it?
 -Do you want that one? Come on, I'll buy it.
    I don't really like having people bying me stuff, but he really wanted to buy me the bikini so I nodded.
 -Don't worry about it, I'll buy it for my girl.- he chuckled, making me know that he was messing with me.
    I put down the bikini so that the cashier could see it. She grabbed it and started to do her own thing, but me and Michael weren't really worried on what she was doing.
 -Here's your bag ma'am. You two look like a really cute couple.
 -We're not... we're not dating. -Michael said, getting a bit blushed.
 -Oh, I'm sorry sir -I chuckled with her use of ''sir'', refering to Michael- I thought you were. But you do look cute together.
    I grabbed the paper bag, thinking of how we actually did look good together.
 -It will hopefully work out between you two, right? -the cashier says, winking at me and putting the receipt on the bag I already had on my hand.
    We both awkwardly got out of the store. When we were finally getting some fresh air, me and Michael looked into each other eyes and started laughing.
 -See? I told you we look cute together.
 -No you didn't. You never told me that.. -I giggled.
 -Well, if I didn't, I thought of it.
    I was about to say something to Michael when my phone buzzed. It was Luke calling me. I picked it up and tapped on the green side of the screen.
 -Hey! Sophia!
 -Hi... How do you have my number?
 -That's not important.. Did you invite Zoey to come to the beach with us?
 -I don't know... I thought that if Ashton's going, he would invite Christy and she would invite Zoey.
 -Well, maybe she didn't. Call Zoey and invite her! Please... I owe you one, I promise.
 -Wow, you really dig her, don't you?
 -I do... Now please call her, or text her. I don't care, just tell her to come.
 -Okay, doing it right now.
    He hang up as soon as we ended the conversation so I texted Zoey with the invitation.
 -Who was it?
 -It was Luke, asking if Zoey's coming tomorrow...
 -That guy gets so obsessed... Did he said he would owe you one?
 -Yeah, why?
 -One good thing he has... When he says that, he means it. If you need anything from him, he will do it. That's why I like him. -He chuckled.
 -That's the only reason?
 -No.. We're actually like brothers. All of us, really. We help each other out whenever we can, but Luke's definately the most loyal person on the band. I like to annoy him, but it's a friendly way of saying I love you.
 -Oh.. I see.
    I got a text from Zoey.

From: Zoey
Message: Sure, I'll be there at 2pm.
    It was Sunday, 1:49pm. I was already at the beach with Michael, Phillipa, Calum and Luke. There was an awkward silence between Phillipa and Calum, they haven't talked since that night, so Luke was trying to make things right. Me and Michael were laying our towels on the sand when we both heard Ashton's giggle. I looked up and saw Ashton with Christy, Zoey and... Amy? What the hell is she doing here?

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