Chapter 12

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    Michael let me go and whispered ''we're going to finnish this later''. He smirked and went downstairs, and I heard him talking to Karen, explaining that I was taking a shower. I picked up the clothes I dropped on the floor, entered the bathroom and locked the door. I took off my clothes in a hurry and opened the shower curtains.
    As the hot steamy water poured into my skin, I began thinking of what Michael said. What did he mean with ''we're going to finnish this later''? I'm not ready to finnish it... I hit my head on the wall, just thinking of talking with him about this. I can't talk about what just happened, it wasn't suposed to happen. What me and Michael had was a good friendship... yes, we kissed and yes we flirt a bit, but I guess that's part of a friendship. Right? Do I have feeling for him? Maybe... I'm not going to lie, he does mix up my thoughts and there are moments where I want to be more than friends, but I know him for a few days. I couldn't possibly ''like'' him.
    I stepped out of shower and began to dry myself with a towel. My hair was a mess but I put a towel over it and left it there until I was in my room, where I had my hair products. I dressed myself, with shorts and a T-shit, just to be comfortable around the house. I slowly opened the door and peeked to see if Michael was near the bathroom or my room, I didn't want to encounter him. I tryed to walk as fast as I could, without running and making much noice, to get to my room, but Michael was leaving his and he bumped into me.
 -Hey, about what happened...
 -Can't talk, sorry. I need to fix my hair, it looks like its gaining life by its own, bye!
    I tried to talk and move as quickly as possible, locked myself in my room and sat on the floor. Wow, that was embarrasing. I was covering my face, wich I assume to be redder than his hair, from the shame. How can I be so stupid?
     I was on my laptop, listening to Green Day and talking with my family on Skype, when I heard someone knocking on the door.
 -So, did you killed your hair's life? - it was Michael and I could hear him chuckle behind the door.
 -Well, kind of. I didn't killed it, but at least it obeys me now.
    We both laughed. I loved the fact that even after the stupendous awkward thing we just had, we're both able to laugh about it.
 -My mom sent me here to call you. Dinner's ready, but she's going to leave again in 10 minutes. She's visiting my father and will only get back in a few hours.
    Oh no... Me and Michael, alone, again. This can't be good.
 -Oh, I'm coming. Just saying goodbye to my family.
 -Okay, but please don't take too long.
 -Don't worry, I won't.
   I got on my feet and made my way to the dining room. Michael was helping his mother preparing the plates on the table.
 -Do you need any help?
 -Oh, no dear. But thank you. You're a visitor, you didn't come here to do the dishes or the laundry.
 -My mom always told me to offer myself to help while staying in someone's house, so that's what I'm doing.
    Karen smiled at me and whispered to Michael ''see? you should get a girl like her, not like that other girl, Amy''.
 -Thank you for offering to help, but while you're here we'll do anything we can to make you feel good, so you have two whole months to appreciate.
    I smiled back. She was so nice to me, I don't think everyone would treat me this way. Michael pulled my chair so I could sit. I thanked and he gave me a shy smile. We all sat down and began to eat.
 -I'm sorry if I'm awful as a guide to you, but my husband awaits me. Sorry dear, I know it's not good to be around him that much, but I can't do anything about it.
    Karen pointed at Michael and winked. We said goodbye and she closed the door and left.
 -So... want to play something? I have here lots of games, if you want to.
    I picked up some games and saw some interesting ones. From all the ones that I saw, I picked up ''Mario Kart''.
 -I heard this one can cause wars. -I smiled.
 -It's not worth picking that one up, you're going to lose. In fact, you'll lose in every game there is to choose.
 -Mr. Clifford, is that a challenge? Because I'm good with challenges...
 -Yes, it is. Are you ready to lose?
 -I don't know, are you ready to get your ass kicked by a girl?
    He started running the videogame while I sat on the sofa, making myself comfortable. Even though the episode we had today, it all seems to be normal. Hopefully it will remain like this for the whole two months.
    After almost 10 minutes of playing, we got a conclusion.
 -I won! I told you I was going to kick your ass!
 -Yeah, you're right...
    His reaction wasn't right. He was happy by seeing me winning. Wait, did he let me win?
 -Did you do this on purpose?
 -What? Let you win?
 -Michael, come on! Now we have to play again! I can beat you...
 -No, you can't, and we're not playing.
 -Why, are you scared?
 -No... Because I don't want to play anymore.
    He grabbed me and kissed my cheek. Well, I better forget the whole ''remaining like this for two months'' thing. I started getting nervous, I thought he was going to mention the kiss. But he didn't. He just pulled me closer, hugged me and turned on the TV. All of a sudden, I felt tired. I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier, and I just remember leaning my head on his shoulder and feeling his right hand on my leg and his left hand gently rubbing my face. Could I be any happier than I was?

Taking the Long Way HomeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin