Chapter 6

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    I got home with Michael right beside me. He's really excited about the band because a local Coffee shop invited them to play there on friday. All I could hear on the way home was ''I can't believe it, after this we'll be famous and have fans... Can you imagine? This is great!''
    I was so happy just of seeing him happyl He looked like a kid on Christmas morning, and that was extremely cute. Can you imagine a punk rock, 18 year old guy be this excited?
 -Sophia, I promise that when I'm famous, you'll get VIP tickets.
    I laughed. He looked so sweet, so innocent. I fell in love with the way he looked.
    On the living room Michael was showing me some of his videogames, and what I could watch on Australian Tv.
 -Kids, dinner's ready!
    Me and Michael got up and went to the dining room, while he was telling me what I had to do the next day on school. He promised he would help me study. When we entered the dining room, Karen was there, alone. Apparently Michael's dad was still working. I asked why was he working on a sunday and Karen told me that her husband worked outside of this city. He worked on a international company, so he had to make a lot of trips. I noticed Michael getting a little sad, so I got closer to him, and leaned my head on his shoulder. He smiled and hugged me.
 -You finnished?
 -Then come on, follow me.
    I got up and followed him, and almost every step he took, he looked back to check on me.
 -Don't worry, I'm not gonna get lost.
    He opened the door to his room and we both sat on his bed. He started explaining me what were the subjects that we we're going to study.
 -Do you understand?
 -Yes, I have the same subjects on my school.
 -Good. In classes, seat next to me so I can help you. And uh.. about your family, are you okay?
 -Yes, I am. I'm fine, there's no need to worry about me.
 -There is. I'll always care and worry about you.
    I felt an odd chemistry between us. He held my hand and for a long time I felt that someone really did care about me, he cared about me. It was scary for me. The last time this happened I ended up in pain, crying on the floor of my bedroom all by myself. I don't want to be hurt again... I started thinking of how I wouldn't be the only one hurt. Nothing can happen between us, I mean.. After two months I'm going home, and I'll probably never be with him again. I don't want to be in pain, but mostly I don't him to feel that way.
 -You don't even know me. You met me yesterday, there's no way you can just care about me, and my life is none of your business.
    I got on my feet and went to my room. I don't know why I talked that way, I don't know why I was acting so... bitchy. I regret it, no I don't want to be this kind of girl.
    Well, too late. I was staying on my bed with my head on my pillow, tears streaming down my face, tears of the memories of the past. My hand gripping on the sheets and all the anger and regret inside me. I picked up my phone:

To: Michael Clifford
Message: I'm so sorry...

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