Chapter 37

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 -What do you mean?
 -What do you think I mean? I'm going there to prove them I'm not as ''delicate'' as I look.
 -Okay... And you get there and then what? Tell them they lied? That what they're doing is wrong? They already know that. It's no use... Believe me.
 -I can't handle this! This is way too much, I didn't ask for any of this. -she paused.- I wish he was here...


    Phillipa went home an hour ago. She stayed here a little bit longer to talk, she really needed it. I really want to tell her what Calum told me, but I can't. He asked me not to and I'm loyal to my promises.

    He's the only person right now that can calm her down. I've seen it happening before... I'm sorry that this has to be this way, I really am. It hurts me seeing Phillipa like this, but there's nothing I can do right now that will make her better... Even I don't know how I'm handling myself.

    As I was thinking of Calum, he called me. I saw his name popping out on my cellphone's screen so I picked it up, tapped on the green side and placed it next to my ear.

 -Hey Sophia... Michael just got here.
 -Oh, okay.
 -Yeah... Just to warn you he's fine...
 -Uhm... okay.
 -Is Phillipa there?
 -No... She was but she already went home.
 -How's she doing?
 -She's... a bit down. Because of all that has been happening. You know, with Zoey and Christy...
 -She needs you...
 -I know. I need her too... -he paused- But I can't have her.
 -I think you can. You just have to accept her...
 -I'm sorry but I can't. I told you, she deserves someone better... Please make her happy.
 -I'll try, but she won't be if she's not with you and you know that.
 -Do you think you two could come here?
 -I can't but she can...
 -Do you think she would?
 -Tell her to come her as soon as possible... I'm leaving tonight and I need to see her before I go away.
 -Sure, I'll call her. Do I tell her it's you?
 -Yes, but don't say why...
 -Done. Bye Calum.
 -Bye, Sophia.*


                        ~Phillipa's P.O.V.~

 -Did he?
 -Yeah, he did... -Sophia said, with her sweet voice.
 -I can't believe this... Should I go?
 -I think you should... I can't because I'm coming back to work tomorrow, but please go... I think it will be good for you.
 -You think?
 -Yes... Now go! They're leaving tonight so hurry...
 -I'm going!

    I said goodbye to Sophia as I ran through the crowd in the city. She just told me that Calum wants to see me... And I'll take that advantage and probably scream at one of the girls, they deserve it. The only reason why I didn't go there before it's because of Sophia. I know she's pissed, maybe even more than me. There's nothing she wants more than to be with Michael again, especially after him showing up at her door, completely drunk.

    She doesn't say it but she's heartbroken and I can see it in her eyes. But fuck it... I'll go alone and I'll try to do the right thing.

    In a matter of minutes, I'm staying at the hotel door number 203. It's Calum's bedroom and I'm feeling a lot of butterflies in my stomach. Maybe even too many...

    I knocked on his door and he opens it quickly without leaving me waiting for him.

 -Hi...-I whispered shyly.
 -Hi. Uhm, come in.

    I stepped inside his room and noticed an odd smell but somehow lovable. It was apple scented candles... The bastard really knew what I like... Or maybe it was a coincidence... Yeah, maybe that's it.

 -You can sit over there...

    He pointed at his bed, poorly made, so I sat on the side corner of it and waited for another demand. He sat next to me, but a bit far away.

 -Why did you made me drive all the way here?
 -Well, I want to talk with you.
 -Okay... Shoot it.

    He took a deep breath and sighed.

 -I'm sorry about what I'm going to say, but... I still love you.

    My eyes were wide open and my whole face froze. I could not move...

 -What do you mean?
 -I mean that I want you. But I can't have you and that's what I explained to Sophia...
 -She knew about this?
 -Yes... But please don't me mad at her. She did it because I asked her to. Can I explain?
 -Sure, go ahead.

    Calum came closer to me and proceeded to explain what he and Sophia talked about and I came to a conclusion. He's the sweetest guy in the whole world.


                        ~Sophia's P.O.V.~

    It's eight thirty in the morning and I'm already sick of being here. I've been working for the past two hours, but it feels like I'm in hell for eleven years. The weather is extremely hot and dry, and there's a lot of kids stopping by to go to the beach.

    I find it odd that Phillipa hasn't said anything since she left, and I'm getting a bit worried, but knowing her as I do, I know that she was fine.

 -Sophia, come on! You haven't checked that client...

    I ran all morning, back and forth, to pick every order on the damn coffee shop while my boss just standed in front of the cooling fan, drinking icy lemonade. Finally, my time came to an end and I ran as fast as I could so my boss couldn't asked me to do another ship. I couldn't handle it... I got home, took a nice, relaxing, almost cold shower and got into my couch to watch TV.

    My phone buzzed and I slowly picked it up.

From: Phillipa
Message: Sorry, I was too busy having a great time last night, if ya know what I mean ;)

To: Phillipa
Message: Wow, are you good with him?

From: Phillipa
Message: Kind of, I'll explain it to you later... By the way, Michael misses you... He's trying to cuddle with Luke hoping it's you.

To: Phillipa
Message: Please don't say that. Weren't they supposed to be in another country today?

From: Phillipa
Message: And they are...

To: Phillipa
Message: What do you mean? And where are you?

From: Phillipa
Message: With them.

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