Chapter 17

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 -I want you to spend the night with me. Just to sleep...
 -I just want to be with you. I slept a lot better with you by my side...
    His eyes were shining as a shy smile light up on his face. He held my hand, bringing it to his lips and he gently kissed it. I smiled and said ''okay'' as sweet and calmy as my voice could be.
 -So... It's going to take a while to explain their story.
 -Just start already. - I said, waiting impatiently.
 -Okay. Ashton used to be in a bad place. Before he met us, he didn't have many friends, and the one he had were complete jerks. He spent a lot of time online. This was almost a year ago... That's where we met him. We needed a drummer and he was one. He came to this part of the town to be closer to us, and to go to the same school as we do. But it was hard to talk to him, he didn't say much. The only time we felt he was happy was when he was playing the drums. He kept being that way for a few time until he met this girl on the internet. He told us a bit about her, and he would run home just to talk to her. He only told us she was brittish and that he was in love. Then he started becoming more... normal, I guess. She made him feel more comfortable with himself.
 -And that girl is Christy?
 -Yes. Look, Ashton was and still is the man of his family. His father left them. He's raising his little brother and sister alone with his mom. It used to be really rough before he met us... and her. Christy made him realise that he deserves a good life, to stop being so hard on himself. She's the reason he's okay and alive right now.
 -So they know each other for.. like... almost a year?
 -Yeah... I guess.
 -And they're dating?
 -They're dating for a long time, but they never really met each other.
 -Wow, that's amazing!
 -What? Not knowing each other?
 -No... Falling in love like that, and keeping a relationship even though they're seperated. It's... beautiful actually.
 -Yeah. You can't imagine how happy he was when he found out she was coming on this trip. He was the happiest we ever saw him.
     I was fascinated with the story. My head was spinning with all the thoughts I was having. Does that mean that Michael and I are a chance? Can we keep on talking? Maybe even date? If they can do it, why couldn't we? I would love to try at least. Michael asked me what was I thinking, but I didn't want to tell him the truth. I'm not telling him that I'm excited by the fact that we may have a future together.
 -Oh, just how beautiful love is...
 -Well, it is on these occasions, because I can give you a thousand more reasons of how love is not good at all. And we both know it all too well.
 -Don't be such an idiot. Love is a great thing, we just can't do it too well. We can't deal with it, I guess.
 -I agree that it's a good thing, but it can also wreck someone. And you know that..
 -Yes, I do, but please.. I'm in a good mood, don't try to ruin it. Please. -We both chuckled.
 -Sorry, promise I won't do it again.
 -I hope so...
    We both smiled. Karen came in to warn us she was going to spend the night with a friend. I could see she was sad from what happened with Michael's dad. Michael got up and kissed her forehead and I think he whispered ''it's going to be okay''. I think he needs to rest a bit. He's always the strong one in the house, and he's everything to Karen, I can see it by the way they behave with each other.
 -What do you want to do now, Sophia?
 -I don't know. I'm a bit tired, but I don't want to go to sleep yet...
 -That's my life's dilemma.-he laughed- I got something we can do...
 -Come with me.
    I gave him my hand and followed him. Michael was guiding me to his room. He made a gesture so that I could lie on his bed and I did, while he was opening his window. I didn't really understand what he was doing until I saw the view.
 -Do you like it?
 -Yes, Michael! It's beautiful!
    From Michael's bed you could see the stars burning up in the sky. It was the perfect view to a silver and golden sky and I felt so amazed. Michael smiled at me and lied next to me. He rested his arm behind my back, making me leaning on him. He kissed my cheek and smiled. We stood on that position for a few minutes. We were just there, looking into the sky, toghether, quiet and calm. The view was truly amazing and nothing could ruin this moment... Unless someone texted me and I had to get up and go to my room to get my phone.
    Me and Michael heard my phone buzzing. I got up, unfortunately, and grabbed my phone, and I had a text message.

From: Phillipa
Message: So? Did he tell you already? It's so cute, I can't believe it!

To: Phillipa
Message: Yes, I know... But you just completely ruined a beautiful moment I was having with Michael!

From: Phillipa
Message: Sorry, were you guys having sex?

To: Phillipa
Message: What? No... I'm concerned that the first thought you had was that one. But, how is it going at Calum's?

From: Phillipa
Message: We're getting ready to go to a club. Wanna come?

To: Phillipa
Message: Hmm. Not sure... I'm going to ask Michael.

From: Phillipa
Message: Okay, I'm waiting. Answer quickly please!

    I left my room and entered Michael's. He was asleep on his bed, still on the position we were in before.

To: Phillipa
Message: Sorry, apparently I'm busy now. We'll go next time.

From: Phillipa
Message: I think it's better for you not to come, anyway. There will be a lot of kissing between me and Calum.

To: Phillipa
Message: Then I'm definately not going. Have a good time...

From: Phillipa
Message: Don't worry, I will.

    I climbed into the bed, staying right next to Michael's side. I made and effort and put us both under the sheets, kissed him on his cheeks and turned the light down.
 -Good night Mikey.

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