Chapter 4

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    It was almost midnight and the five of us were still on the couch. We were all alone and the movie was about to finnish. When it was over, I got on my feet, said goodbye and started to make my way to my bedroom, expecting to fall asleep and forget about Michael. I don't even know what movie I just watched, I just thought about him all the time. He held my hand through half of the movie... He only stopped to take the popcorn from Calum, and then he rested his head on my shoulder.
    When I first saw him, I thought he was going to be a douchebag. He looked like a ''heartbreaker'' kind of guy, and I only knew him for a few hours, but I already saw a different side of him.
 -Where are you going?-asked Luke.
 -Well, I'm going to my room. I'm tired and you guys probably are better without me...
 -No! Stay here, we want to get to know you.-Ashton said, with a really nice smile.
    I could see that they were just trying to be nice to me, but I didn't want to be alone with them. Not after what happened with Michael, it was too awkward for me.
 -Let her go.. She arrived today. I bet she hasn't had a good night of sleep in a few days.
    Michael said, giving me the excuse to get out. I wished them a good night and walked to my bedroom. I noticed a shadow following me upstairs, and when I looked back, Michael was there. He smiled and said:
 -Just checking if you don't get lost.
 -Don't worry, I don't. Karen already showed me around.
 -I know, but... I just wanted to make sure you were o.k. You seemed a little.. down.
 -No, Michael, I'm fine, why would you think that?
 -Look, I'm sorry for the hand thing. I thought it was a good idea but, now I see it wasn't.
    I took a deep breath and whispered ''It's okay''.
    I walked in my room and looked around. I thought it was going to be hard to fall asleep. I texted my mom, telling her that I was going to bed, even though she was probably about to wake up, due to time-zone. I couldn't handle it, and one tear slipped from the corner of my eye to my cheek. I missed my family already.
    I hearn a knock, but it wasn't coming from the main door. There was another door on my room... Curiousity got the best of me and I opened it. It led to Michael's room and he was standing there.
 -Yeah, I forgot to tell you about- Sophia, are you crying? What's wrong? Was it something they said? Because they tend to say a lot but they don't mean it...
 -No.. I was just texting my mom and I...
    I started crying even more. I'm not used to being away from my family, and we're really close. Michael hugged me and then dragged me to my bed. He sat on the corner of the bed and put me in his lap.
 -Please, don't cry. I'm here for you, with everything you need, okay? I'm going to make sure you're happy and smiling all the time.
 -Don't worry, I guess this is normal.
 -I know. But don't cry. Pretty girls should never cry.
    He rested his left hand on my back, and the right hand was on my face. He slowly kissed my cheek and then hugged me again.
    I was already lied on my bed, ready to fall asleep. Karen was home and the boys were still in the living room. Michael really did make me feel good. I wished I had more people like him on my life.
    While we were together he did everything he could to make me laugh, even making weird faces, but it worked. It cheered me up.
    I plugged my earbuds to my cellphone and started to hear some music. I already had Michael's number on my phone, so I thought it would be a good idea to text him.

To: Michael Clifford
Message: Thank you for what you did, it really made me feel good :)

    I dropped my phone on the bedside table, adjusted my pillow and fell asleep.

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