Chapter 31

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 -Ugh, I'm sick of walking.
 -We're getting there... The map says the restaurant is 67 meters away from this statue, so we're getting really close.
 -Are you sure, Sophia? I'm so tired...
 -Hey, there it is! That giant sign! Come on, let's go...


    We've been inside this restaurant for about three hours and we don't intend to leave any time soon. We walked around all morning to have a chance to show the city to Christy and Zoey, since they have never been here before. It was a good experience at first, but then we tried to catch a cab or the train, but we couldn't. Too many people were doing the same. The show is tonigh and it's only in 5 hours. We're all excited and scared at the same time, but we promised that no matter what happens, we'll be together. And we got front row tickets, what was amazing... We could see them right in front of us, again. We were the first fans they ever had, and we'll be here supporting them, on the first night of their world tour. The feeling growing inside of me it's something I never felt before... I'm so nervous and full of joy, but I try not to show it in front of the girls, I know that there's a great possibility of them ignoring us. I don't want to be let down.

 -We should probably get going, right? -Zoey said calmly.
 -Yeah, I want to go the hotel to change so we can get to the arena.


                    ~Michael's P.O.V.~

    Tonight is our first show of our new tour. It's a world tour so it's something really exciting. The guys have been bugging me all day to leave my hotel room and go for a walk, but there's too many girls outside and I'm definately better here, alone, playing video games. They say I'm only locking myself because of where we are... Sophia lives here. I haven't seen her since she left and that was 6 months ago... Half a year. I'm trying not to think about it much. I know that I will remember her face in the crowd tonight, but I have to be strong. Even though our band is getting famous and successful, I'm a bit down. Seeing her leaving me... leaving us... really affected me, and I'm still angry with myself from what we said to each other. I can't believe I told her I didn't want to be in a relationship, of course I did! I loved her... I mean, I love her. But there's nothing I can't do to ease the ache, to take the pain away.

    Even with her memory, that's not the reason I don't want to go out. I just... I feel more comfortable inside. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans and my friends, but I need to be alone for a bit. I need to absorb all of this. It all happened too fast.

 -Michael! Ready to rock out with our socks out? -Luke giggled, thinking his pun was funny.
 -Luke, that was awful, don't ever try to be funny again. -we all chuckled.
 -Seriously... Are you okay?
 -Yeah, I was just finishing this thing... You wouldn't understand.
 -You're right, I won't. But get ready... One hour before our big show! Ahh!

     I got up from the couch I had in front of the TV and walked to the closet. I chose the usual... Black skinny jeans, black boots and a ''Metallica'' t-shirt. I remember Sophia told me she loved this t-shirt and she actually wore it a few times. I could still almost smell her skin.

 -Hey, Michael! Your guitar is next to my bass... -Calum said.

    We've been all pretty down since they left, but Calum looked better than all of us, but I felt like he was hurt the most. We never touched that kind of content, though. We just tried to forget it...


    10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! My legs started sprinting to the stage as I placed myself on the right side of it. First Ashton played the drums, and only then me, Luke and Calum got it started with the guitars/bass.

    The first song we played was called 18. Me and Luke wrote it with other few people, and it doesn't have a really important meaning to us. What I like the most about it is just he melody, not the lyrics itself.

    While playing it, I kept my head down, looking at my guitar and only glanced a few times to the crowd and saw so many people cheering for us... This is crazy.

    We kept on playing some songs... we went by ''Out Of My Limit'', then ''Disconnected'' and then ''Amnesia''. I noticed something really weird... While we were playing ''Disconnected'', Calum was acting really weird. He wasn't being himself... I thought it was because he wrote this one for Phillipa, but that's when, in the middle of ''Beside You'', I saw them... What are they doing here? All four of them? Sophia?!

    Throught the finish lines, when Calum was singing ''She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was...'' I couldn't stop looking at her. She's so beautiful but she hasn't changed a thing. I know she looked at me, I just saw her glancing over my T-shirt. She's here! Sophia's here!


 -Well, you know guys, this next song is not about taking the short way home... -Luke said, desesperatly trying to be funny.
 -Shut up, Luke. -I said, as usual.
 -Now, even though I'm not as funny as I though, I'm going to need everyone in this room to sing with me if that's okay...
 -Sing with him! -Ashton shouts.
 -'Cause I can't sing very well... -Luke says, ironically.

                          *So we're taking the long way home, 'cause I don't want to be wasting my time alone. I wanna get...*

    As soon as Luke stopped singing, the crowd filled the room with their own beautiful voices. Some of their screaming, others singing, it was something taken out of our dreams. The melody started sounding through the room and the audience kept on singing along, even the girls.

*Now we’re stuck in the middle of nowhere
Yeah, you know we took our time to get there
We’re hiding out in a dream
Catching fire like kerosene
And you know I’d never let you down
'Til the sun comes up, we can own this town
Something like make-believe
Living in a movie scene

I know this is the way it’s supposed to be*

    Our eyes met in the middle and she sang along to every word. I couldn't do anything else but smiled, and she smiled back.


                    ~Sophia's P.O.V.~

    The show was over and the crowd started making its way outside. I was so stoked about what just happened. They all noticed us and they all smiled at us. I notices Michael staring at me a few times and I'm not going to lie, it made me very happy, even enthusiatic.

 -So, what are we going to do now? -Phillipa asked, with tears falling from her eyes.
 -We could try and sneak in...
 -Christy, I don't think we can get in backstage...
 -Oh come one... I really want to be with them, I miss them! Let's at least try, alright?

    We all looked at each other and after a few moments in silence, we all nodded and agreed with trying.


 -Escuse me, are you Sophia, Phillipa, Zoey and Christy?

    A tall and very muscled man, dressed in a black formal suit came to us. He looked upset and not like we could just give him a sweet talk and let us pass, he looked like he was from the security team. We were surprised he knew our names.

 -You have to come with me right now, please follow me.

    We all got concerned. What is this about? What does he want?

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