Chapter 35

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*-Are you home already?
 -Yeah, I figured that if I had my family around I would feel better. I don't think I could handle being next to them for any longer.
 -I'm coming home now, I'll be there in a couple of hours. See you...

    Phillipa was safer home and I know that, and it's the best that she can do. Especially with what happened with Calum. I thought that his gesture was really sweet, but I was also concerned with them both.

    I closed the room door, with my purse and bags on my hands, and made my way to the lobby. Outside, there were a few girls, but nothing that worried me. I walked out of the hotel, following my path to the cab on the street, and while doing it, I heard some of their voices saying ''are you michael's girlfriend?'' or ''i don't know you but I hate you'' and some calling me names, but I kept walking and soon closed the door. As the door closed, their voices disappeared and the sound of the radio started to blast.

    ''To the airport, please'' I said to the woman on the front seat. I picked my earphones from my purse and connected them on my phone. The music always puts the pain away.


 -Hi mum.
 -Hey honey, you're home! Phillipa stopped by... What happened? Why did she came earlier?
 -Oh, it's a really long story. I don't really want to talk about this now... I'm going to my room, if that's okay.
 -Sure, honey. Don't forget that tomorrow you have to go to work.
 -I know, bye.

    I closed the door behind me, placed my bags on the floor and jumped into my bed. Oh, the comfort of my own bed is the best thing there is right now... It feels good to be home once again. I searched for my laptop and turned it on. The first thing I do is check social media... That's always the first thing to do when I come home.

    I logged in to a few accounts and I see some of my friends on vacations. Some likes, retweets and comments later, I see it... Christy and Zoey... With them. A picture posted recently, definately today... ''Weren't they supposed to be in England?'' my subconcious yells. I try to forget the subject, but a lot of pictures pop up on my screen and I can't help but feel betrayed. ''Weren't the guys supposed to have a band practice and interviews?'' my subconcious interferes again. No! I'm not worrying with these little problems. I turned off my computer and layed on my bed to read a book.


    I woke up in the middle of the night with loud noises outside my house. I lived in a quiet and peaceful place, so it is almost impossible to have random people outside doing this type of noise. I looked at my bedside table, where I had a clock, and it marked 4:12am so I started to worry. No one would make any noise unless something was very wrong.

    My mum was still asleep because of the pills she has to take and my brother was at a party with some friends, probably only coming back in the morning. By myself, I made my way to the door, slowly and quietly, and peeked through a tiny hole it had. I could see someone outside my house, wandering around, looking for something... But there was almost no light, so I couldn't see who it was. I slowly opened the door and offered help.

 -Excuse me? Do you need help?

    An intense smell of alcohol came from that person, and soon I realized that this person was intoxicated.

 -Sophia? Is it you? Did I find you?
 -Michael? What are you doing here?

    Michael tried to walk to me but he tripped on a few steps I had in front of me and fell.

 -Michael! Are you okay? Have you been drinking?
 -Me?! No!! I would never drink!
 -How did you find me?
 -Ohh... I asked Phillipa...

    I tried to pick him up and take him inside. It was a bit hard for me, since he was drunk and it wasn't helping. He kept on laughing and making fun of me for being worried with him.

 -Oh.. You're the only person that really cares. You're so stupid... How can you care? I'm such an idiot. I don't deserve you... -he paused while I carried him to my room- That's why I ditched you. You're way too much for me. You deserve a lot better...

    I stopped for a while, leaving him sitting on the corner of my bed looking at me.

 -You don't deserve me? What makes you think that way?
 -Oh, come on... Look at you... You're perfect.

    He lied down on my bed and didn't say anything else. I actually thought what he said was really sweet but he was drunk... Shit. He just puked on my floor.

 -Goddamit, Michael.
 -I'm so sorry...
 -It's okay... Come on, I'll give you a shower.

    From all the times my brother came home drunk when he was a kid, I learned that showers really help the proccess. I picked Michael's arm and put it around my neck, driving him to my bathroom. Once we got there, I took off his clothes, since he could barely move, and put him in the bathtub with warm water so he could rest for a while.

    While he was there, trying not to fall asleep, I cleaned my room and picked some of my brother's clothes so he could sleep here. He couldn't go like this, I won't let him.

 -I'm cold...

    I stepped in the bathroom and saw him standing in the middle of the room, with only a towel on his body, in front of the mirror. I turned on the heater so he could feel better.

 -You should dry your body, you can catch a cold.
 -Can you dry my hair? I can't reach it...

    I picked up a towel from the basket and started to dry his hair with it. He giggled with the movements I did to his head, and I saw him smile like I never did before. Even though he was drunk, he was smiling like a little kid and that always made me happy. Ugh, he's so sweet.

 -Where am I going now?
 -What do you mean?
 -Am I going to stay here? In your house?
 -Yes, but just for the night. In the morning I'll call Luke to warn the guys you're here.
 -Thank you.

    I just smiled.

 -Come on, let's go.

    I took him to my room and gave him the clothes to get dressed. He took his time, especially with the shirt. He couldn't find out where to put his head in so I had to help him.

    I helped him getting on the bed and then dragged myself next to him. He was shaking a bit, probably because he didn't dry himself properly, so I grabbed him and cuddled.

 -Good night, Sophia.

     I smiled.

 -Good night, Mikey.

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