Chapter 20

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    As I ran to nowhere, I heard Ashton's voice rushing my way. He called my name, screamed and shouted but I kept going. I was angry, sad and devastated, but I wanted Ashton to get me. Even though all the feeling were boiling in my head, I wanted someone to hold me and tell me that everything is going to be alright. And that's what he did. He grabbed me and threw his arms around me. He knew that I wasn't okay. As my head dropped on his chest, the tears multiplied and they were running down my face.
 -What did she say?
 -I doesn't matter -I said sobbing.
 -Sophia, tell me what's wrong. Don't worry, I'm here for you.
 -I don't want to be here. I want to go home... I want to hug my mom.
 -I know it's hard...
 -He rubbed his hand on my head, making me comfortable.
 -Can we go somewhere else, please? -I asked.
    He went back to grab his stuff and came with me. I saw everyone stare but no one moved. It was for the best. From the last look that I took, I could see that Amy was approaching them, so I just turned my head and kept walking with Ashton.
    We walked a bit on the avenue next to the beach. I haven't said anything about what happened with Amy yet, and I wasn't even thinking of it. Me and Ashton just talked about ourselves. About our past, our present and what we want the future to be like. We talked about our families, our friends and our relationships, without mentioning Michael. I noticed he wanted to ask what we had, but he didn't want to be incovenient, so he didn't. Even though I had everything still on the inside, without counting to let it all out, I felt a lot better. I started to realise that Ashton is indeed a good friend, and he has a certain way to put everyone around him happy. Maybe it was his giggle, or maybe his smile, but he did put me in a good mood and that's all I needed.
    Both of us sat down on a bench next to a park. We have been walking for more than half an hour so we were a little bit far from the beach.
 -I'm sorry to ask, Sophia, but what happened? I know it's not my business but I think you should talk... Why were you crying?
     With a bit of doubts in wether I should tell him or not, I paused. I'm not sure it's good for me to tell him, but I feel like he need an explanation. And I want to see his reaction, to know if I overreacted or not.
 -Do you promise me not to tell anyone?
 -Sure. Pinky promise? -Ashton said, bringing his pinky finger to mine, making me giggle.
 -I can't believe she actually did that! It was all fake!
 -That's what she told me. I don't know what to do now...
 -Look Sophia... I know what you might think. Michael would never do anything to hurt you. Believe me.
 -How can you be so sure?
 -Michael obviously has feelings for you, he definately feels something towards you, and I know him. He gets in really deep, and he wouldn't be that kind of jerk. He might not give you the right attention sometimes, or not say the right words, but when he loves someone he protects them as much as he can. And I've seen that happening... With you. The way he acts around you is not the way he acts around other girls. He cares about you. He did that to Amy because she's a person. Anyone would save her, it doesn't matter if she's the bitch or not, but he wouldn't just use you to make her jealous. He wants a lot more of you.
 -Do you think I overreacted?
 -No... It was your way of dealing with the pain. I get it... But look, talk with Michael. I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose. And don't worry with Amy either. Me and the whole group will make sure she doesn't get in your way.
     Ashton smiled at me and then wrapped his arms on my body. I fell into his comfort and just let myself enjoy it.
    I picked my phone out of my bag. I turned it off when I was with Ashton so anyone would annoy me. I was alone, making my way to Michael's house, not knowing what to say really... I turned my phone on and I had 3 text messages and 7 missing calls. One of the text messages was from Luke and the other 2 and all of the missing calls from Michael.

From: Luke
Message: Where are you? Everyone is going mad... Amy just told us you threatned her about Michael... Don't worry, we don't believe her. But text back please! Michael's crazy worried about you!

From: Michael
Message: Sophia, where are you?

From: Michael
Message: Amy told us you threatned her but I don't believe her. Where are you? I need to know if you're okay! Please answer my calls!

From: Michael
Message: Sophia, I'm getting really worried! Come back! Or at least tell me where you are! I need to see you! You ok?

    I decided to call Michael, just for him to know that everything is fine.
*-Hello? Sophia?
 -Oh my god, Sophia! Are you okay? Where are you? What are you doing?
 -I'm okay, don't worry. I'm walking over to your house... I'm almost there.
 -Are you with Ashton?
 -No, he went home. I needed some time alone to think, so I decided to walk for a bit.
 -What happened? What did Amy do?
 -Don't worry with that. Just come to the door, I'm almost there.*
    I hanged up as I saw the gates to his house. From the distance I could see Michael's silhouette come my way. When he saw me he started running to me, and when he finnaly was close enough, he hugged me and picked me up, spinning me in the air.
 -Please don't do this again to me, I was really worried with you. What happened?
 -I don't know if I'm ready to talk with you about it...
 -Sophia, I know what Amy is capable of... I want to know what she said. I'm sure she said something like how much I still think of her or that I'm using you, didn't she?
 -Yes... Kind of.
 -She told us you threatned her... but I know it's all fake, right?
 -Of course it is fake! Do you think I would do that?
 -No... Can you talk with me now? Please?
 -I guess...
     We ran to the house and went upstairs, to my room. We shut the door and talked about everything that happened. Michael was really pissed. I never saw him like that, but for the way he acted, it didn't look like it was the first time Amy did something crazy.
 -Sophia, you know I would never do anything to hurt you! I can't do it! I love you and I will tell you that as much as I can so you can understand it! I will never hurt you! I can prove it everyday... Every morning when you wake up I'll be there for you. Even when you go home! I'll call you, text you... I don't want to lose you. You're special to me and you're the only person I have left that loves me as much as I love them. I know it... Please, don't cry. Please...
     I saw Michael in a very vulnerable way. I never thought of seeing him like this, not even when he talked about his father he acted this way, and he was miserable. I don't know what's going on with him, but I don't think it's just me. I stop thinking about myself and realise that Michael's the one who needs the most  to be comforted. I hold him in my body. He's stuck in my arms, not moving. I feel his breath on my neck and his heartbeat on my chest. His hands are on my lower back, moving in circles.
    Suddently he moves his arms and puts his hands on my arms. He looks at me in the eye, picks a lock of my hair and puts it behind my ear. ''I would never hurt you'' he whispers. His lips get closer to mine but not yet touching. His hands are on my waist and his whole body is pressed on mine. The only thing I could see was his eyes, like the whole room disappeared. He got closer and his lips were moving into my own. The kiss started slow but soon gain speed and strength. His breathing was accelarating and so was mine. He picked me up and layed me on my bed, putting himself on top of me. His right hand was behind my head, grabbing and gently pulling my hair. The kiss was getting better and the heat between us was undeniable. I attempted to take his t-shirt off, but I only took it with his help. My fingernails were on his back, smoothly scratching it. All I could think of was ''I never felt this way and I want him, now''. His hand reached my back, without having to take my shirt off. Michael stopped and looked at me with a smirk.
 -Are you sure you want to keep going?
 -Don't even think of stopping now.

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