Chapter 14

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~Michael's P.O.V.~
    I can't wake her up, she looks like an angel, so calm and sweet. Dammit, I have to. It's getting late. I gently shook her so she would wake up.
 -Sophia... good morning beautiful.
     Shit, did I really say beautiful? It's not like it's a lie but this is a bit awkward. She was really sleepy and confused, but I couldn't stay away from her last night. She fell asleep on my shoulder, and then she started shaking a lot, mumbling words like ''I need you'' and ''Please, don't let me go''. When she said those words she hugged me tighly and her eyes opened a bit and she said ''Michael, please don't ever let me go''.
    I was in class, sitting next to Ashton. I asked him to sit with me because I needed to stay away from Sophia. She is doing something to me, something good and bad at the same time. I've been having mixed feeling lately... I really want to be with her, especially since that kiss we had. That kiss... wow. When I'm next to her, I want to hug her, kiss her, just be there for her. I know for sure that I will do anything I can to make her happy, but I barely know this girl. She hypnotizes me, and I want her, in every way possible, but she probably doesn't feel the same for me.
    She gave me a piece of paper asking to talk, and then the same one telling me to pay attention to my phone. She already knows me well enough to know that I don't pay attention to it. I sent her a text asking what she wanted to talk about, she responded saying she wanted to talk about last night, to tell her what happened. I understand why she's asking more, if it was with me, I would do the same thing. I answered saying she fell asleep on top of me, and that she mumbled a bit, but I just told her about the shaking and saying ''I need you''. The teacher called her name so she would stop looking at her phone, but she didn't stop. I jokingly told her she said she needed me directly to me, but I'm sure she doesn't remember it enough to know it's true.
    The bell rang and we all went outside. Sophia went with Christy and Phillipa, and I went to the boys. I wanted to be with her, but I don't want to stalk her, so I decided I'm going to give her some space.
    I was walking past the ladies bathroom and Sophia got out of there, almost running. I grabbed her arms and looked her in the eyes. Her eyes are so beautiful, it's like I can see her story behind them and they always shine to me. I asked her what happened and she was making excuses, saying it was nothing.
 -I appreciate it Michael, but I have to go before she sees me.
    As the words came out of my mouth, Amy also left the bathroom and stared at us, with that facial expression, that made me hate her even more than I already did.  She mumbled  ''See? Always in front of me... This is just to keep me jealous'' and I noticed Sophia heard it too. I got so angry, Amy doesn't understand the fact that I moved on, I'm ready to move on... I love someone else now.
  -Amy, what the fuck are you talking about? I can't have friends because you'll think it's just to make you jealous. Wake up! You're not the center of the world.
    I was so mad. I grabbed Sophia's arm and dragged her to a corner. I leaned on the wall and looked to her gorgeous eyes again, I can't resist them at any time. They always catch my attention. She's perfect the way she is, and I want her like that.
  -Don't let her get into your head. She can be the devil when she wants to, but please don't let her take you down.
    I know how Amy tends to drag everyone down when she felt threatened, and Sophia was the perfect girl to make her feel like that because she is so much better than her in every level.
    She nodded but I felt like she didn't meant it.
 -Sophia, I really like and I don't want her to get in the way...
    Hopefully she'll understand the hint.
 -I know Michael, I like you too. Don't worry about it.
    She didn't. I took a deep breath. I'm nervous, and I'm not sure I should say it, but I have to... I need her to understand that I do care about her, and I want to be with her. When I'm with Sophia, I feel a better person, and I need her in my life.
 -No, Sophia, you don't understand. I think I.... I love you.
    There, I said it... She looked very surprised. Shit, I knew I shouldn't have said it. But it's true and I don't think I should lie to her.
 -You do?
 -Yes... I'm sorry.
 -No! It's okay...
    She smiled to me. This is crazy, she smiled! She didn't run away, she didn't slap me! Yet...
 -It is? Are you sure?
 -Yes. Just please don't make this awkward...
    She giggled! Oh, her giggle... It's so beautiful, innocent and angelical. Wow, I'm really caught up.
 -So, can we talk for a while? I have a lot to talk
 -Sure Michael, let me just tell the girls I'm with you.
    She went away smiling, blushing. I'm happy, so happy. She came by and took my hand.
 -Let's go... we have a lot to talk about.

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