Chapter 13

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 -Sophia... good morning beautiful.
    I opened my eyes and I was in Michael's bed, lied next to him. He was smiling while looking at me, very calmly. I didn't know what to say. Why was I here? I don't remember walking to Michael's bedroom and lie on his bed.
 -What am I doing here?
 -You fell asleep on my lap, last night. So I carried you here. It looked like you were having a bad dream and I got worried, I wanted to keep an eye on you.
 -You picked me up and carried me to your bed? Just to make sure I was alright?
    I found it odd that he did all this just to see if I was okay. I didn't remember anything from last night after landing my face on Michael's shoulder, not even falling asleep, but I do remember dreaming of him, but it wasn't a nightmare.
 -I know it sucks, but we have to get up to get to school. I don't want to be late today.
    Without any more questions I got up and went to my room to prepare myself for another day of school. It was early, at least it looked like it outside my window. I can't talk with anyone at this time, it's too early to spend energy. I got dressed, ate breakfast and ran to school.
    The class had started 20 minutes ago and I was already dying in boredom. That's when I remembered how I woke up. I couldn't stop thinking about Michael. It sounded weird that he took me to his room. And it was just a bad dream, it's not like I would do something bad to someone. I got really confused and wanted to talk to Michael, but he was seating in another table, with Ashton. I was seating next to Luke and Calum was with Phillipa. Again... Luke was really pissing me off. All he could talk about was how Zoey looked good, and how beautiful she was on his dream. As much as I tried to pull the conversation to another subject, like the show they were having the next day, but he wouldn't say anything else if Zoey wasn't involved.
    I ripped a piece of paper from my notebook and wrote ''Michael, can we talk?'' on it. I folded it four times and asked Ashton to give it to him. A few moments later, I receive the same paper, with something added on it. I read ''sure, what do you want?'' and I was sure it was Michael's handwriting because it was all messy. I wrote on the same piece of paper ''I'm going to text you, pay attention to your phone''. I knew he never paid attention to it, and if I wanted him to reply me, he had to have it in his hand.
    Before I even touched my phone, it was already buzzing with a message from Michael.

From: Michael Clifford
Message: What's up?

To: Michael Clifford
Message: I wanted to talk about last night. Can you tell me what really happened? Please?

From: Michael Clifford
Message: Look, you fell asleep on top of me while watching TV, and you were mumbling something while sleeping, and then started to move a lot. It looked like you were having a bad dream but I got worried. You didn't look ok. I picked you up and carried you to my bed and layed you there. I stood there for a while until you calmed down, and then I went to sleep.

    Mumbling something? A bad dream? I don't remember my dream being that bad... I dreamt with Michael, and even though I don't really have memory of what happened on that dream, I know it wasn't bad... It didn't feel bad.

To: Michael Clifford
Message: What was I mumbling? Do you remember?

    As I hit send, the teacher hit his hand on the desk and called my name.
 -Sorry. It won't happen again.
    It was my excuse. He turned his back to the class, and while he was writing something on the board, I took the opportunity and looked at my phone that was buzzing again.

From: Michael Clifford
Message: It sounded something like ''I need you''. It was probably about your family or someone you really cared about. Was it your ex or something?

To: Michael Clifford
Message: No, I wouldn't need my ex for anything.

From: Michael Clifford
Message: It was probably just me on your dreams, and you just confessed you need me.

    Even though he was just jocking with this, I knew I wasn't. I really did dream about him, what if my subconscious was trying to tell me something?
    I laughed at my own thoughts. Subconscious? Really? But I did worried about it, It's just all really weird.
    The bell rang and we went outside. I wanted to step away from the boys for a while, so I joined Phillipa and Christy. I went to the bathroom while they were getting a place for us to sit. I walked in and heard a familiar voice. It was Amy. She was in one of the cubicles and she was talking with someone, apparently on the phone.
 -Yeah, I can't believe he's doing this to me. Michael's only with that other girl to make me jealous, she's not even that interesting. No, no... they're not dating. They barely know each other... But they're flirting a lot. Right in front of me!
    While the conversation kept going, Zoey gets out of other cubicle and sees me washing my hands. ''Don't worry, I won't tell her you heard it'' she whispered to me. I ran away so Amy wouldn't find out I was there.
 -Hey, what happened? You look upset.
    I ran into Michael.
 -Nothing, it was nothing.
    He grabbed my arms and looked into my eyes.
 -Are you okay? Seriously, you can tell me anything.
 -I appreciate it Michael, but I have to go before she sees me.
     As the words came out of his mouth, Amy left the bathroom and stared at us with disgust. I heard her mumbling ''See? Always in front of me... This is just to keep me jealous'' but apparently so did Michael.
 -Amy, what the fuck are you talking about? I can't have friends because you'll think it's just to make you jealous. Wake up! You're not the center of the world.
    He grabbed my arm and dragged me with him to a corner. He leaned on the wall and looked straight into my eyes.
 -Don't let her get into your head. She can be the devil when she wants to, but please don't let her take you down.
    I nodded, even though I know I'm weak, and at some point she'll break me down, but I trust Michael and I know he will do everything he can to make me feel better next, and that's all that matters to me.
 -Sophia, I really like and I don't want her to get in the way...
 -I know Michael, I like you too. Don't worry about it.
 -No, Sophia, you don't understand. I think I.... I love you.

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