Chapter 5

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    The sunlight was coming from the outside. I opened my eyes, yawned and let myself stay there, layed on my bed, resting. I heard a few noises from the kitchen, probably someone cooking breakfast. It was Sunday morning, 9:13am.
 -Sophia... hey, good morning.
    I heard a sweet voice coming from the door. I looked in the door's direction and saw a women's figure, it was Karen.
 -Just to warn you breakfast is on the table, and I wish I could let you sleep all day, but I talked with Michael and we think it's better if he shows you around.
-Oh, yes. I think it would be better that way. I'll get there in a minute.
    I jumped out of bed, in a good mood. I had a really good night of sleep. I took a quick shower and then got dressed. Skinny jeans, a simple t-shirt and some sneakers, the ideal outfit for me.
    The breakfast was toasts with vegemite. Karen gave me another million options, in case I didn't like it, but I tried it and it was actually good. Michael surprised me by giving me a kiss on the back of my head and messing with my brown, medium hair.
 -Good morning. Are you feeling better today?
 -Hey.. good morning. Yes, thank you.
 -You know, after you sent me that text I went to your room, but you were already asleep. You don't have to thank me, I did it because I like you, and I knew you needed someone.
 -I do need to thank you, not everyone would stay... and I say it because I have experience on it. Not everyone likes to help when it comes to situations like that.
 -Okay, if you really need to thank me, do it by coming to my band practice this afternoon.
 -Are you sure you want me there?
 -Why wouldn't I?
    We finnished breakfast and went to the streets. It was really hot and Michael explained me that it was the usual temperature there. It took me a while to get used to it.
    He showed me where the school was, most of the restaurants and parks. While we were walking we talked a lot about his band.
 -So, what's the name of the band?
 -You're gonna laugh...
 -No, I'm not. Tell me... please... -He took a while to get to it, but he finally broke the silence.
 -5 Seconds of Summer.
 -Well, that doesn't make sense, you live in Australia.
 -I told you, you were going to laugh.
 -Hey, I'm not laughing! -I chuckled. -Who thought of that name? -I continued.
 -Actually, me...
 -And can you talk about some of the songs?
 -We're still working on them, but we already have some. We have one called ''Out of my Limit'', uh.. ''Heartbreak Girl''.
 -Do you write your own songs?
 -Yeah.. Do you want me to show you?
 -Sure, I'd love to.
    He took his phone and earbuds out of his pocket and connected them. He gently places the earbuds on my ears, brushing his hands on my cheeks, as we sat on a rock bech. The sound started to a song called ''Heartbreak Girl''. I recognized Calum's voice, and then Luke's and then everyone at the same time. The lyrics made me smile, because somehow I felt them, and lived them.

                             ''I know someday it's gonna happen
                              And you'll finally forget the day you met him
                              Sometimes I'm so close to confession
                              I've gotta get it through your head
                              That you belong with me instead''
    It was already 2:36pm when I left the house. Michael and the boys were already in the warehouse when I arrived. The warehouse wasn't big, but it was nice.. It belonged to Luke's family, so they decorated it and started having practices there.
    The boys were playing their own instruments randomly. Michael was the lead guitarist, while Luke also played the guitar. Calum played the bass and Ashton was the drummer, but they all sang. They started playing after a while and they sound beautiful. They were playing a song called ''Try Hard''.

                             ''She's so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard
                              'Cause she makes me feel, makes me feel,
                               Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard''

    I noticed a girl on the other side of the room, looking at Calum. I got closer and saw it was the girl that came with me on the airplane, the one that was on the same high school as I was, and even though we studied in the same year, we never really talked.
 -Hi. -I made a pause while she looked at me- Aren't you the girl that came with me?
 -Hi, yes I am. I'm staying in Luke's house, and he invited me to come here.
    I got a little sad inside, I thought I was special to be the only one here. Apparently not. She smiled at me and instantly said:
 -You're staying in Michael's house, right?
 -Yes. I am. -I didn't really like the way the conversation was going. I thought she would try to flirt with him, and I didn't want that.
    She noticed the look on my face and whispered: ''Don't worry, I'm not interested in him, or any of them really. And if I had to choose between these four, I would definately choose Calum.'' I got relieved and looked at her. She looked like a really fun person.
 -Oh, I'm Phillipa, by the way.

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