Physical Attraction, Chemical Reaction

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*Just a bit of background information for this chapter, I'm writing all the main characters significant moments in their lives. Enjoy 😊*

(Connie and Jacob's wedding day 1999)

Connie stood on the balcony of the hotel room that overlooked Central Park watching as the first footsteps of the day were laid on the fresh crisp snow that had fallen overnight. She shivered slightly before realizing that she was only wearing the thin nightgown she had worn to bed last night and stepped indoors before she too froze like the icicles that were hanging from the edges of the balcony. She crossed her arms over her stomach as if to protect a life that was growing there when she was actually trying to suppress the knot in her stomach "A knot of guilt" She murmured quietly to herself . Deep down inside there was a yearning , a maternal yearning for her babies who wouldn't be there to watch their Mum get married to a man who really cared for her and wouldn't just use her just for a drunken fumble in the dark which had resulted in her two beautiful baby girls who she wouldn't change for the world. She had always vowed that any children she had would never end up with the same life she had in and out of the care system until a long lost relative turned up , she couldn't tell Jacob about her guilty secret he would never forgive her he would think she was a bad mother and he might not even want to go through with the wedding. 

She padded across to the bathroom making sure not to disturb anyone as she closed the door and turned on the bath taps. She poured in a bottle of stuff that was labelled bubble bath "Mmm smells gorgeous" She fingered the locket she wore around her neck and pressed it to her lips as she loosened the clasp placing it on top of the pile of clothes neatly folded under the radiator "No one must ever know what is inside that locket Constance" She told herself firmly as she lowered herself into the silky bathwater . She let the warmth envelope her and somehow it lessened the ache she felt inside like a warm hug from your Mother , only her mother couldn't be bothered to turn up on her wedding day not that she had ever been bothered with anything in Connie's life. She told everybody her Mother died when she was 3 and that She had been brought up by Charlie her dad , at least that second part is true she thought as she slid further down into the water so that it came up to her neck. 

She was startled back to reality by a loud thumping on the bathroom door "Connie! If you're in there then get out the hairdresser is here!" The voice on the other side of the door belonged to her Sister Jacqueline. Connie stepped out of the bath and wrapped herself in a fluffy white robe that was hanging from the door before opening the door . Allowing herself to get lost in the excitement of the moment she forgot that only one other person knew what was inside that locket . In a few hours i'll be marrying my one true love was the thought going around and round in her head as she allowed herself to be pampered for her special day. "Ow!" She yelped as her sister dragged a brush through her hair whilst the hairdresser started to set up

"Well if you hadn't taken yourself off for a soak whilst the rest of us slept then your hair wouldn't be matted would it" Jac chuckled as she eased the tangles out of Connie's hair

A while later Connie's hair had been arranged into a simple yet elegant design. A half victory roll with a spray of freesia's threaded through leaving the rest of it to fall into it's natural curl. She didn't want to bother with makeup but Jac had insisted that she had to so they had compromised and she was doing it herself. She applied a smear of foundation to her naturally olive complexion and shadowed her eyes with a pale pink shadow before applying a nude lip and spraying her pulse points with her favorite scent. 

Meanwhile in a room just down the corridor Jacob was nervously fixing his tie as his Dad came up behind him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder "You'll be fine Son. You're marrying the girl of your dreams"

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