Christmas Day

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Faith's POV:

I woke up about midnight on Christmas Eve and i couldn't sleep, i could hear Mam and Dad walking up and down the stairs. I strained to hear and i could hear faint crying so i assumed they were looking after Skye or Sadie. I pulled my pillow from under my head and shoved it over my head and tried to go back to sleep, I gave up after a bit forgetting i was claustrophobic. I could cry i was so tired i hadn't had a decent nights sleep since i got back for some reason and eventually i got up and climbed into bed next to Rachel "Budge over Rach, I'm coming in" I nudged her and carefully snuggled up to her as she turned over and mumbled something sleepily before curling back into me.

I breathed in her scent, she smelled of lavender soap and that Coconut shampoo she used and somehow it comforted me and soon i drifted off to sleep only waking up when i felt something climb on top of me, I rubbed my eyes and sat up carefully "Hey you lot did Santa bring you anything" I asked to the 5 children that were crowded around or on top of the bed, the four littlies were sitting on top of Rach's double bed and Grace was curled up on the beanbag next to the bed.

"Yes Yes Yes!!!" They all held up stockings and i grabbed mine and Rach's from the side of the bed and we emptied them out and we all had chocolate oranges in the toes, a tube of pink smarties , a mini cuzzoo , a hot chocolate stick and a dvd . I had Grease, Rachel had Hairspray , Grace had Santa Pups, Hannah got Barbie , the twins had peppa pig and Thomas the tank engine and Sadie got Charlie and Lola.

I organised us all into a family band with our cuzzoos and we all fell about laughing and Mam put her head round our door "I know what i want for Christmas Ear Muffs, Come on you lot lets go see if Santa's been shall we" I giggled as i saw Dad walk down the hallway loudly singing I wish it could be christmas everyday. The littlies jumped off the bed and ran down the stairs excitedly and I helped Rachel out of bed and downstairs . I positioned her chair by the sofa and we all grabbed a present each and excitedly tore them open, by the time we'd finished the living room was a mess of different assortments of christmas wrapping paper and presents.

"Not to be a buzz kill or anything but this living room is very much a safety hazard so i'd appreciate it if you all helped to pick this paper up and tidy your presents away neatly round the tree so we can move and you can properly look at your presents" Mam said 

In all fairness we did start tidying up but we got distracted by playing bat and ball with the empty tube from my poster and balls of wrapping paper but that all stopped when I bashed Ethan in the nose. "Sorry Ethan i didn't mean to hit you, it was an accident" I said apologetically and he came over to me and picked me up and tipped me upside down and shook me i was helpless with laughter.

"Ethan Put my daughter down thank you very much" Mam came in with Bacon Sarnies our usual christmas day breakfast and we all pounced on them devouring them like animals even little Sadie.


Rachel's POV:

Our house was packed, i know it is everyday but it just seemed to be busier for some reason today. There was 4 adults and 8 kids including Skye and Sadie, we were all putting on our christmas day outfits and me and faith had matching outfits, red pleather skirts with fur trimmings and a matching bodice and santa hats with black leather fingerless gloves. Faith helped me to straighten my hair and she pulled hers up into a ponytail and curled the ends, there was a knock on our door and Grace put her head round our door she was wearing a white bodysuit that looked like one of Faith's old leotards and a full pink tulle skirt and she had long plaits coming down over her shoulders "You two look like mean girls, are you going to recreate the dance scene" She asked gleefully giggling 

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