Every Second Counts

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Cal's POV:

The emergency phone rang and I rushed to answer it, tearing the lid off a pen with my teeth. "Holby City Emergency Department, how can I help?"

I quickly wrote down the details of the case and went to prep resus. "Right guys we've got a Female in her late twenties who has been hit by a car at approximately 45 mph. All we know so far is that she's been unconscious since the paramedics arrived so we could be looking at a possible head injury and she's got a possible broken leg and arm"

The paramedics brought the patient through to resus. "We've got an Unknown female, approximately late 20s. She was hit by a speeding car about 10 minutes from here. She's got a GCS of 5 and her BP is 140/90 , she's had 10 mg of morphine and 1 gram of IV paracetamol. She's got an open fracture to her lower left leg and possible femur fracture and a possible broken right arm"

We hooked the patient up to the monitors and suddenly the monitors alerted us to the fact that her oxygen saturation levels were dropping "She's not supporting her airway. Can we prepare for intubation please" I shouted. We got her stabilized and we were about to take her up to CT when suddenly Ethan came bursting through the doors

"Alicia!" He cried out and at that moment in time he looked so broken that I forgot I was supposed to be the doctor In charge and ran to my brother leading him out of resus and holding him close as he sobbed into my scrubs.

"It's okay Nibbles , she's going to be okay I promise" I rubbed circles on his back as he sobbed.

"How do you know that Cal! She looks so broken" He sniffled and took his glasses off so he could wipe his eyes "What happened to her"

"She was knocked down by a speeding car....hit and run... How did you find out?" I nipped into the toilets and grabbed a handful of tissue paper and handed it to Ethan who blew his nose noisily

"Dixie told me that they'd brought in a patient who matched Alicia's description so I looked up the CCTV"

A couple of hours later Alicia was moved to Intensive Care . I stood outside the room not wanting to intrude , I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to find Connie standing behind me "How is she?" She said her eyes filled with tears

"Stable for now. She had some trouble breathing so we've put her on the ventilator just to be on the safe side, she's got to have surgery on her leg once she's strong enough . She's going to need a lot of support when she wakes up"

"She's lucky to be alive isn't she Cal?" She let out a small sob

"Hey don't say that. Alicia would never leave her babies alone god knows Ethan wouldn't cope" I chuckled.

"Dr Knight Alicia's blood results are back, you might want to take a look" One of the Nurses handed me a tablet.

"Shit!" I swore under my breath . I turned to the nurse when Connie had gone inside "Can you get a midwife down here we need to check the baby"


Ethan's POV:

It all seemed to happen in slow motion. Dixie's words became jumbled up in the ringing in my ears. I couldn't move I was rooted to the spot even though I knew I had to move to find out what was going on.


"Don't be stupid Cal, Ethan doesn't hate you it's not your fault" I told myself as I tried to find the confidence from somewhere in me to go and visit Alicia for the first time since she was admitted.

Too much love will kill youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin