Chapter 16

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A/N : I know in the last chapter i said that i would update twice a week but my school life has been all over the place and now I've broken up from school for half term I thought I'd treat you to a chapter or two.

Alicia's POV

I woke up and I realised that it was already nine O clock and I had to be at the hospital for 10 to get my crutches, I leaned over so my hair was tickling ethan's face, and I shook him awake I'd already got my outfit out the night before and I just needed Ethan to help me get myself dressed as I couldn't stand without support.

He was soon awake and fumbling about our room to find his pants. Soon we were both ready and I wheeled myself to the lift my mom has had installed in the house for me and grace it stopped which meant I was on the ground floor.

I quickly grabbed a bite to eat in the kitchen whilst it was peaceful and it wasn't full of screaming kids and food fights, then I called to them from the bottom of the stairs and they all came down from youngest to oldest  Emily , Jack , Hannah, Rachel and right at the top Faith and then one by one they jumped off their step ran into the kitchen and sat at their seats patiently waiting for their breakfast and I already knew what breakfast each child had the twins had mushed up weetabix with hot milk on then faith had orange juice and cornflakes with cold milk as she was wheat intolerant and then Rachel and Hannah  just had rice crispies or coco pops depending on which we brought in.  Once they had finished eating I set the twins on the floor to go and play with their toys and then I shooed any child older than five upstairs to get ready for school. Once Hannah, Rachel and Faith were ready for school Faith left as she was at the senior school in town and Hannah and Rachel sat and watched tv whilst I got Emily and Jack ready,I placed emily down in her room and went to help jack who said to me " lisha me pwease pwick my clothes? " I allowed him to do this and he picked out a checked shirt and a pair of brown trousers I then helped him on with his velcro shoes and we went through the interconnect in the middle of the room into Emilys and she had got her trousers on alright and was struggling to get her Sofia the first top over her head so I picked her up and pulled gently on the t-shirt and it slid over her head , we all headed downstairs and I signalled to Hannah to get the low stool I used for doing hair by this point Ethan had come down and was playing with Jack on the floor Hannah came and sat on the stool and asked me if I'd do pigtails in her hair so I did and wound them around my fingers for extra curliness, Rachel's hair ended up half up half down and Emily wanted to have pigtails to to copy her big sister so I tied her wisps of hair up into bunches for her. Once everyone was ready we all piled into the car and dropped han into the infant playground and Rach into the Juniors soon to be a year six in September.  Then we drove to emily and jacks playgroup and thanked the assistant for having them earlier today then we made our way to the hospital for my appointment where they got me up on my feet and gave me the crutches, I was wobbly at first as I had not been up on my feet since that fateful day.  They said that I can't use the crutches outside yet but I can use them for 30 minutes a day to get used to them. Ethan was being slow so I threatened to fall out of my wheelchair on purpose and make him carry me all the way out to the car and then I'd make him go and get his face painted in the soft play area which we were taking the twins to . His face was a picture and the nurse handed him my crutches and laughed when he muttered I'm going to bin those crutches.

Ethan's P.O.V
I watched Alicia in physio this was the first time she'd been up on her feet since the accident and I was so so proud of her.  She had soon finished and she wheeled over to me and the nurse handed me her crutches.  We were looking after the twins this afternoon and we had agreed to take them to the soft play area I don't know why because Alicia couldn't play with them it was just an excuse to see me running around after screaming children.  "Come on then Ethan we've got to go pick up the twins and if you don't hurry up I'll fall out of this wheelchair on purpose and then I'll make you carry me all the way out to the car and then do you know what I'll do I'll make you go into the soft play area and make you have your face painted ". My face was a picture of horror and she laughed and I muttered to the nurse as we were leaving I'm going to bin those crutches.  We soon arrived back at the twins play group and I went to go to get them as it was easier than Alicia  transferring out of the car into her chair for five minutes just to do the same thing again, they squealed " lisha we paint you picture today " they handed her a picture of what was supposed to be me and her but looked more like a blob with legs but she smiled and said it was very good and was going to go on the fridge when we got back home they had a good sibling relationship. I was worried about her though she had been throwing up alot lately and I knew it couldn't be the concussion from the accident and I didn't know what to do about it and I knew that sometimes when we were together before the accident she would throw up as alcohol didn't mix well with her but she couldn't drink on her pain medication then it dawned on me Alicia could be pregnant so I quickly made a detour to the drug store making out that I needed some indigestion tablets and I went to the counter and said " Hi there my wife has been throwing up alot lately so could you please point me in the direction of the pregnancy tests please " they pointed me in the right direction and I picked up two just in case and payed for them at the tills, I got back out to the car and Alicia asked  me did I get what I was looking for I just made out that they didn't stock the brand I wanted so we just carried on to the soft play area and I actually had fun running after Emily and Jack . Once we were home and we had put them down for a nap , I voiced my concerns to Alicia and she agreed that she could possibly be pregnant so I fetched her diary and she checked the dates and realised that she was late not just like a week late she hadn't had a period since she came out of hospital, so she went into the downstairs bathroom and came back out five minutes later and I said "what is it darling, what did it say, whatever the outcome I'll stick by you ". Alicia looked me dead in the eyes and said "I'm. .."

A/N: Sorry for the cliff hanger guys wait and see if she's pregnant or not in the next chapter.  For those of you who watch Eastenders you may of noticed I used some of the lines that were used in Thursday nights episode between Jane  ( Alicia) and Iain (Ethan).

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