My Love, My Life

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Alicia's POV:

I looked at the clock, only two hours till my shift ended. I was desperate to get upstairs to the Children's Ward and see Rachel. She was still undergoing tests to find out why she had a seizure. I bit my lip anxiously, I was sure I was partly to blame. I should have picked up on her change in mood when she was on the phone to me , I'm a doctor for god's sake.

"Earth to Dr Hardy" Suddenly someone was waving a hand in front of my face and clicking their fingers in my face.

"Huh what?" I snapped out of my trance and looked at the person in front of me.

"You're somewhere else altogether. Either pull yourself together or go home. You haven't listened to a word that Iain just said about the patient have you?" Dylan said sharply

"I'm sorry Dr Keogh I was just ....never mind" Dylan didn't do emotions so it was pointless trying to explain to him how I felt.

Cal came over and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder "Take a break Alicia, we can handle this" 

"I can carry on , I don't need to take a break Cal" Dylan was right my mind was somewhere else and I couldn't wait until my shift was over.

Eventually my shift was finally over and I grabbed my stuff out of my locker and started to get changed when a pair of arms snaked around my waist and I got a kiss on my neck "Hey Mister I've missed you today you've been avoiding me all shift" I giggled and spun around so I was facing him and kissed the tip of his nose playfully.

"You okay now? Cal said you were drifting earlier, you still worried about Rachel? Look on the bright side, if they'd found something serious they would have called Connie up to the ward wouldn't they?" He wrapped his arms around me and at times like this there were advantages to being shorter than Ethan because when we hugged I could always hear his heartbeat which always reassured me and made me feel safe.

"You're always. I just feel like I'm partly to blame for it, I called the house and I could hear it in her voice that something was wrong and she told me she had a headache and her eyes hurt and I should have gone straight home maybe I could have prevented it from happening" I mumbled into the material of his shirt.

"Alicia stop this. You can't blame yourself for every slight thing that goes wrong in your family life" He stroked my hair back off my face "Now stop this nonsense and go and see her and if it makes you feel better have a chat with her doctors they'll be able to tell you more"

Rachel's POV:

"Hey you over there. Get me some chocolate from the sweet trolley will you. My money's over here" I shouted across the ward to one of the smaller kids
"I've got a name!" She marched over indignantly
"Well I don't know your name do I. I only came in here yesterday" I stuck my tongue out and placed three pound into her hand
"Well I know yours, everyone knows you. Your Rachel and your always in here" She ran away giggling
"I'd better get my chocolate!" I yelled.

Soon the nurses opened the doors of the ward for visiting time. My mood Cheered up considerably when I saw Alicia , the young girl I'd asked to get me chocolate deposited a bar of dairy milk on my bed along with my change. "Thanks... please tell me your name?" I asked
"Nancy" She replied and ran off to her own visitors

"Hey I'm sorry I didn't come yesterday. Ethan kept me in the ED for hours observing me because I was borderline hypothermic" Alicia sat on the end of my bed. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'd be better if I wasn't stuck in here again. I spent my summer holidays stuck in this Dump last year and now I'm here again. Why can't I go home, they said they'd keep me for 24 hours observation I've done that now" I pouted and broke off a square of chocolate

"Now you know that they have to be careful with seizures. Look at Grace after the accident she developed epilepsy and we don't know why. It may run on Dad's side of the family but no one knows so they have to run a lot of tests" She pinched a piece of my chocolate and giggled. I could see something was bothering her . "Look on the bright side at least this happened the week before your Half term holidays so you won't miss any of your holidays" 

"Alicia? You and Ethan aren't going to split up are you?" I asked.

"What No!" She spluttered and almost choked on her square of chocolate "What makes you think that?" She asked gulping down a glass of water.

"You just don't seem very happy. You seem distracted by something" I explained hugging her slightly

"Rachel I can assure you me and Ethan aren't going to split up" Alicia chuckled

Soon it was the end of visiting time and Alicia stood up to go. I could see that she still had something on her mind and I texted Ethan once she'd left.

Alicia's POV:
I left the hospital and realized that I had come to work with Ethan that morning so I would have to get the bus home. I leaned against the wall to gather my thoughts for a second, to try and calm the whirling dervishes that were my thoughts at that current moment in time I must not have been looking where I was going because as I stepped out into the road to get to the bus stop and I froze like a deer In headlights as the sound of screeching tires got closer and closer , I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out . Before I knew it the car slammed into me and I flew through the air my limp body hitting the bonnet as I felt it crumple beneath me and the glass shattered pieces of it snagging my already broken skin . I rolled off the bonnet and hit the ground with a sickening thud feeling like every bone in my body was shattering at that moment in time. I could smell an acrid smell almost like burnt rubber but at the same time I could feel blood dripping down my nose and face , it was warm and wet so maybe it was my brain distorting my sense of smell. I could hear people around me trying to reassure me I was going to be alright but everything was muffled by the loud roaring in my ears, the last thing I remember was hearing tires screech on the uneven tarmac and then I closed my eyes and let myself drift away into the velvety darkness that awaited me.

Too much love will kill youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora