Ch. VII {you think too much}

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I'm god awful at writing smut next time it won't be so horrible I promise slash seriously hope, no joke.

[[[L A V E N D E R]]]

He sighed before going back to picking up his clothes.

"Marcel ... I'm sorry about.. Before. The way I treated you" I fiddled with my fingers watching him find his glasses.


"Matty just left... You can stay a while longer if you want?" I see his glasses before he does, pick them up and then slide them down the back of my- his shirt. They hook onto the collar just as Marcel turns around.

"What're you doing?" He asks.

"I uh- had an itch" I lie. There's no way he'll leave without his glasses.

"Come on. I study psychology I can tell you're lying" he crosses his arms, glaring at me.

"Well you'll just have to find out what I'm hiding by yourself then" I grin evilly.

"Give em. Whatever of mine you have give it" he held his hand out for me to give it to him but I couldn't let that happen oh no.

"You'll have to take whatever is yours off me by yourself because I refuse to comply" I shook my head and smiled. He paused and shook his head.

"Nevermind I don't need it, help me find my glasses" He continued searching and then it hits him. The look on his face was serious and I wanted to see what he'd do. I wasn't scared, I mean this is Marcel *insert laughing emoji* he's just so shy and sweet. I'm beginning to think... Maybe titles don't matter as much as we think. Eh whatever he's still staring at me trying to look mad but I know he's not.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" I tried to sound sexy and as a guy that isn't so used to being seduced, he got a hard on right then and there. I tried not to laugh but it was almost too difficult. He covered himself with a pillow and blushed a scarlet red.

"Please give me my glasses" he seemed to beg. His voice had turned from serious to distraught, like when you're joking around with someone and they don't want to put up with your bullshit so they just stand there all pursed lips and furrow browed.

"Only if you agree to stay here until-" I checked the clock on my wall, 5:54 pm. "9. You have to stay until 9 or I'm not giving them back" Marcel pat his front pocket and frowned, looking down at whatever was in it.

"Oh hey would you look at that" he holds up a contact case and smiles. "I guess I don't need my glasses after all. I'll use these until I get back to my dorm room-" he put his shirt on, sadly. "and then I'll just start wearing my spare glasses" he went to the bathroom and put the contacts in before he picked up his sweater vest, grabbed his shoes and headed towards the door.

"C'mon please! I'm not asking for too much, I just wanna hang out with you. Just for a while" I said all sad like. Marcel sighed and turned around.

"Alright" he threw he stuff back on the floor before throwing himself on my bed. I stood there froze in place that he'd actually decided to stay.

"Awesome! So-" I walked over to the bed slowly before walking my index and middle finger up his covered chest and ploooooped down beside him. "Whatcha wanna do? Talk? Watch a movie? Maybe wrestle" Marcel closed his eyes and smiled, shaking his head no. "What, you scared I'll beat you?" I taunted gleefully.

"No, I know you'll beat me" he chuckled.

"Well... OOH! I think Matty might have some cards if you want to play-"

"How about we play Would You Rather?" He said, suddenly sitting upright. His curls bounced with eagerness as I cocked an eyebrow and folded my arms.

"Hmmm, iiiiiiii guessss" I squint my eyes at him and smirked. "Ok Styles you picked the game so you go first"

"Alrighty. Lavender, would you rather... Kiss a fish or eat toe jam?"

"Is that even a question? I'd kiss the fish! They're so cute and slimy and it's pretty much like kissing you" I laughed.

"I am greatly offended" he bit his lip and put his hand over his heart.

"So you're completely fine with the fact that I've kissed a fish?"

"Maybe" he did this cheeky little smirk thing that made me throb just a TINY bit. "Or maybe it'll keep me up at night for the rest of my life knowing that Lavender Oaken made out with a fish, you never know"

"Ha. ha. Ok my turn. Ummm. Ok so who would you rather do anal with, Niki Minaj or Iggy Azalea?" I raised an eyebrow and smiled. They both have very attractive asses to be honest.

"I don't do anal" He cocked an eyebrow and smirked.

"I think you might be the first guy thats admitted that" I laugh. "Your turn"


We continued back and forth like this for 20 more minutes, laughing our asses off until things started taking a toll for the worst. Marcel was getting into his feels all of a sudden.

"Would you rather be caught out in public with me or never see me again?" Well damn...


"It's a simple question" he says softly.


"Nope. There's no depending" this boy I swear.

"Fine. I never want to see you again" it was the first thing I thought and it's not at all what I meant to say. He looks down at the bed sheet and then looks up at me.

"I guess we're done here then-"

"Marcel I didn't mean that please just stay and we'll talk about everything that's happened-"

"Your secret is safe with me" he says gathering up his things once more.

"What secret?"

"That I was your first time"

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