Ch.XIX {*narator voice* pt2}

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Fucking I am sick of this. Marcel has blown me off every day for the past week. Screw this I'm going to see him I don't care how much space he needs we are going to talk.

Every excuse of his is simply 'no, busy' and I stopped saying 'I love you' after he never said it back the second time. I'm such an idiot for falling for him in the slightest. I've been making sure to only see Louis during class these days and making sure not to be left alone with him. Honestly a part of me wondered if Marcel had found out but how could he?

I'm just stupid for letting Marcel get to me. I have to talk it out with him though otherwise he'll go around telling people he's the best sex I've ever had and he'll have Bobby to back him up. That'd be embarrassing.

Another part of me still wanted to go on that date though... Oh well who the fuck cares about that anymore I just want to know why he's avoiding me.


I barge into his room and freeze. Marcel was there in his cute dorky sweater vest and khakis, slicked back hair and glasses with none other than Lola sitting on his lap sucking his face off.

"What the actual fuck" I say angrily. Hell yea I'm angry he blew me off for this chick? Probably treated him better... She pulls away almost immediately and he slowly looks up at me almost reluctant.

"Hello Lavender was there something I could help you with?" He rubs at his eyes and waits for me to answer. I just came in and he already looks 100% done with me.

"May I speak with you? In private" I said through clenched teeth.

"No I'm quite fine right here, now what was it you wanted?" He held onto her thighs and looked at me impatiently.

"You" I point at her, "get the hell out"

Her being one of Marcel nerdy friends she got scared easily and got off Marcel's lap in a heartbeat. "Now" I said as she scrambled to pick up her pants and her shoes. She runs out the door and out of sight and I stare at Marcel, hurt.

"What the fuck. You canceled our date, you refused to talk to me other than "no busy", you blew me off for a week and now you're seeing someone else?" I fumed.

"You slept with someone else" he says leaning back in his chair nonchalantly.

I gasp and then try to recover but he notices all too soon.

"I mean I didn't want to believe it at first but looking into it turns out there were pictures. Then I got to thinking. She'd never do this in a million years, she's not that kind of person, this is photoshop. But then it all made sense. All the times you went to "turn in homework" all the things you had to go do... It all makes so much sense. And you had come back to me all innocent and sore and I massaged you. I basically massaged the sex out of you and you just sat there letting me. I was right about one thing though, you'll never cease to surprise me, Lavender Oaken" he finishes.

"May I say somethi-"

"When did you start sleeping with Professor Tomlinson" he says coldly, a small tear escaping his eye. All I wanted to do was go over and hug him and tell him everything would be ok but I knew I couldn't and that it wasn't ok. Because what I had done was not ok.

"Some time in October" I wince. "But I swear I called it all off-"

"The last time I saw you... Then and only then you called it off? Is that why we hadn't fucked those few days before?" He tries to stay calm but he's shaking refusing to cry.

"Can I just tell you what happened and then you can ask questions and be mad at me?" I say exasperatedly. He takes a deep breath and nods. "I fucked him maybe three or four times and that's it. And only because you were busy and I needed to get off. Last week was the last time I fucked him and that was only because he pressured me. I called it off after that, I've been avoiding him and ignoring him and this is a whole week now that I have had absolutely no intercourse whatsoever and don't think if I waited any longer it'd be any different because all I could think about was being with you and wanting more of you and wishing we could have had our first date. Eventually yea I was going to tell you and I'm not sure exactly how you found out but I wish I could've explained all this earlier instead of losing precious time with you. Marcel when I said I love you I meant it and I know you're thinking 'when you love someone you don't go around fucking other people' and no I know that and I can only imagine what an eventful week you've had with Lola and I'm not entirely sure if you feel how I feel right now but I can honestly say if you do feel this I am so fucking sorry I put you through this. I am so incredibly sorry because this absolutely does not feel good at all. Do you have an ache in your chest right now? Like does it feel like you're empty? How'd you do that for a week I can't even handle it right now I- I need to sit down" I rant through loud sobs. "I hope that's genuine enough for you" I sit on the floor and sob into my hands.


"Don't say anything! Let me be disgusted with myself for another moment!" I heave these horrible sounding hiccups and continue to cry into my hands. "Alright I'm sorry now you can be mad at me" I sniffle, still hiccuping as I try to stop crying. I wipe at my eyes but everything still seems blurry.

Marcel sighs, gets up and goes to the bathroom.


He comes back moments later, sweatpants tied loosely around his waist, plain white t-shirt hanging from his shoulders, hair a wet mess and contacts in.

"I'm gonna be honest I'm getting kind of tired of dressing up for school" he laughs weakly.

"You're not mad?" I sniffle.

"I was never mad, just hurt" he sits down next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him, and kissing my forehead.

"So Lola-"

"We didn't" he looked at me with a sad smile, "couldn't bring myself to do that to you..."

"Marcel I-"

"You really called it off?" He stares blankly at the desk in front of us.

"Yes" I say, feeling small and ashamed.

"I love you too, Lavender"


I effin hate myself,  I am too nice to you all smh XD BUT THE STORY IS NOT OVER YET! They still have a date and Matty still needs to be taught a lesson and NEW CHARACTER NEEDS TO COME IN AND FUCK SHIT UP. Also Spencer drama soon, Lola drama soon (she finally gets a voice lmao) and mayyyybe I'll throw something Matty's way. For now things are looking up for Mave :) you think Marcel might've been too forgiving??? Hm I guess we'll find out just how much he actually trusts her soon huh -~-

Vote and comment a bad joke on chapter XVII! :D

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