Ch. I {hear me out}

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"Just listen to me!" he shouted at me, grabbing at my wrist. Who does he think he is?!

"I don't owe you the time of day!" I hissed. No one can know I even talked to this loser.

"It'll benefit us both!" I stop in my tracks, turn around and squint at him. What can he give me that I don't already have?

"How?" I cross my arms over my chest and wait for his answer. "Well?"

"I know you're still a virgin so I thought-"

"HOW dare you! I've gotten laid more than you have-"

"Oh please. I haven't even- that's why I was thinking-"

"You have no proof that I'm a virgin" I whispered angrily.

"I have plenty and now you've annoyed me. If you want me to keep your secret then you'll help me... Of course after we're through I won't have to keep your secret-"

"Are you implying that we should have sex?" I furrowed my brows and thought for a moment. No! I'm just waiting for the right person... Besides I'll be through with schooling in a few years and my party girl reputation will finally be lifted. Then I can start thinking about a better job, a house and a family. Of course it'd be nice to get it over with.

Am I seriously considering this?

"I'll pay you if I have to" he adds. "I just want to get it over with"

"Then why did you pick me of all girls. This could ruin me. Did you ever stop to think about that?"

"Wow. You are just as shallow as everyone says you are... Forget it. It was a long shot-" he turns to leave.

"Wait!" He stopped and looked over his shoulder at the ground. "Don't play the guilt thing on me..." He spun around and walked over to me, standing a few inches taller and at close proximity, I was almost scared.

"Then don't make me" He whispers in my ear.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into... You're too good of a kid" I stammered.

"So are you... But I am so fucking ready to get this over with" He kisses my shoulder sending shivers down my spine.



"Not here... Not now"

"So is that a yes?" he lifts his head and in the dark of the night with only the moonlight I see him smirk.

"You're fucking annoying! Leave me alone you creep!" I say just in case someone is around. "Text me" I whisper, walking away. I pull a gum wrapper out of my pocket and use the pen I keep in my butt pocket to write down my number before tossing it on the ground. I walk ten paces more before hearing running and then nothing and then more footsteps.

And so began the slow downward spiral that is my life.


~September 19th 2014~

[[[ L A V E N D E R ]]]

Marcel: Hey, so when do you want to start your tutoring?
Marcel: ;)
Marcel: c'mon
Marcel: Babe
Marcel: Is someone with you?
Marcel: Shit.
Marcel: Oh wait... It's Friday night
Marcel: You're at a party
Marcel: Well how about I'm the after party? ;)
Me: Can you come get me? I'm tired of pretending to be wasted
Marcel: Where are you?
Me: I'll meet you at the park
Marcel: Be there in ten

I lock my phone and put it into my pocket just as Christa hands me another shot.

"One more!" She shouted over the music.

"You said that 10 shots ago!" I faked a drunken giggle but take it anyway, throwing the contents over my shoulder. I'm just not feeling it. If it happens tonight though I'm gonna need to be hammered.

But I already told him I was clean? A beer or two couldn't hurt right? Maybe just a sip... To get me a little tipsy.

[[[ M A R C E L ]]]

I watch as Lavender stumbles through the streets with a beer in her hand. She just couldn't resist could she? She's currently trying to walk on the curb turning into the park but when she sees my car she runs out into the middle of the road waving her hands and giggling like a toddler on a sugar rush.

"Hello sir could you give me a ride back to my dorm? I'm not supposed to be at a frat party so ssshhh" she hiccuped and giggled and then held her finger to her lips and shushed me.

"Yea get in" I played along, getting out of the car and opening the door for her and making sure she gets in all right.

"Thank you so much" she says once I get back in the car. "You're too kind" she laid her head on my shoulder and started to fall asleep. "Is there anything I can do to repay you?" She sits up and smiles at me. It's a kind lazy drunken smile but it's still the strangest thing I've ever seen.

"No it's fine-" she starts kissing my neck. "Really you don't have to-" her lips move to my jaw and then down my shoulder and now I've got a hard on. Just great. Another night with "Jillian" and an adult movie... Because I'm an adult.

Lavender continues kissing me and eventually she's got her hands up my shirt and I can't take it anymore.

"Stop" I say with what might I have left. She starts lifting up my shirt and I'm already sick of this. "I said STOP" my boner is still trying to escape and honestly it's starting to hurt. Before I can say anything else, Lavender begins to cry.

"What'd I ever do?" She turns away from me and sobs harder.

"Lavender-" I attempt to turn her back around but she slaps my hand away.

"Don't touch me!" She stops her bawling and begins to sniffle.

"You don't want to do this, not yet... And especially not when you're fucking... Hammered, really? Why'd you do it? This could've been the night but you ruined it-"

"It can still be the night!" She yells, throwing her hands all over my thighs. I pull the car over and look at her.

"Baby, talk dirty to me" she began to unzip my pants, biting her lip in that cute little teasing way. So this is how she got her heartbreaker reputation.



"Stop it"

"Make me" she managed to get my pants unbuttoned and unzipped and my Eiffel Tower popped out. It's huge, believe it and weep.

She stared at it longingly and as if that didn't make me hard enough, she touched it. She wrapped her small hand around my shaft and started giving me a hand job. Towards the end of my climax she fell asleep and I ended up finishing myself off in her mouth. She deserved it, turning me on and then leaving me hanging.


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