Ch.XXVII {Fam, chill}

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[[[ L A V E N D E R ]]]

I sit up on the pullout and stretch, finding Marcel all the way on the other side. Weird. My senses finally kicking in, i take in my surroundings. My house, my living room, myyy parents in the kitchen making brunch.

10:37 am. Glad they decided to wake me up.

I lay back down, roll over and gently wrap my arm around Marcel's waist under the covers. I snuggle into his back and take a deep breath, breathing in his man smell. His body jerks and I hear him snort. The fucker's awake.

"I know you're awake" I huff, but in a whispery tone.

"Did you just smell me?" He turns over and faces me, a prominent smile on his stupid face.

"Screw you" I throw the covers over my face.

"As soon as we get back, I promise" he pats my bum and I jerk, whacking him in the chest.

"Watch it!" I whisper at him, "my parents are in the kitchen!"

"Oops?" He smirks.

"Shut up and let's sleep a while longer before they find out we're awa-"

"Lavender, sweety, you never did find your inside voice. Join us? Your sister will be down in a bit" My mum calls from the door that attaches the living room to the kitchen. I groan and roll over.

"I'll help-" Marcel gets up and i look over my shoulder at him and frown. He simply shrugs and then heads into the kitchen.

"I'll be there in a minute" I cave, getting up to go to the bathroom and wash my face.


"Brunch was amazing, thank you both" Marcel wipes his face with his napkin and glances between my parents with a smile.

"You know you don't have to suck up to them right? You're already in and there's nothing you can do to get out" I take a shovel a forkful of my omelet in my mouth and smile nervously when i realize my parents are giving me looks.

"i'm not sucking up, i'm genuinely thankful for the meal they provided me" Marcel furrows his eyebrows at me in confusion. I gulp my food down and look around, anywhere but at him, mostly at the cocky sons of bitches i call parents. All smug in their seat.

"Shower and mall anyone?" I try and change the subject but they all continue to look at me as though i'm some alien. "Or not?"

"We made plans to go to your sister's showcase remember? It starts at 2 and i figured you'd want a few hours to settle in and get ready" Mum says, finishing her own eggs Benedict.

"Right of course um. I'm going to go put my tableware in the dishwasher and go get ready and i'll see you guys at 1" I get up and walk to the sink to rinse my plate off before sticking it into the dishwasher and making a run to the stairs.

"Someone's a bit off today" I hear my sister say as i reach the top of the stairs. I hurry and get to my room before closing it and walking over to my bed. What is going on? Marcel is being weird and my parents are kind of being a bunch of jerks and my sister is annoyingly silent about the whole thing.

Am i in the wrong? Did i say something off-putting? All i said was that Marcel is apart of this family now and there's no way around it. None of us care whether or not he's polite, families are not polite toward one another. But... maybe he doesn't feel like he's apart of the family? I don't know, maybe i just took everything the wrong way and i'm the one that's weird.

I'm about to get up and get in the shower when Marcel barges in and closes the door, quietly, behind him. His demeanor screams trouble but he's Marcel and i can handle him.

"What's up buttercup, i could've been naked did you ever think of that-" i start to laugh but he cuts me off and looks at me funny. "What's got your panties in a twist?" I scrunch up my nose and he shakes his head.

"Are you always like this with your family?"

I continue looking as confused as i feel and smile, "Like what?" I shake my head.

"Rude? Disrespectful? Selfish? Not that those don't take up the majority of your personality as it is but seriously, in front of your parents?" I sit there shocked and lean back on my hands. I close my mouth and swallow the lump in my face.

"Anything else?" I try and stay calm, knowing if i go off then this whole thing will just get worse.

"Just" he sighs and sits down beside me. "Apologize... please... later" He stares at me with sad eyes and i realize just how much this means to him. For him, fine. But i have not forgotten his comment about my personality.

"Alright, i will. That all?" I stay monotone, glaring at the wall.

"I've upset you..." No shit sherlock.

"If that's all, i'm going to go and take a shower now"

"Mind if i join?" He says hopefully.

"Piss off you clingy ass bitch" I growl, slamming the bathroom door behind me.

[[[ M A R C E L ]]]

Clingy?... She thinks i'm clingy?... Am i clingy? No she didn't mean it she's just mad at something i said and now i have to figure out what it is and try and fix it. Do i buy her flowers and chocolates? A tub of ice cream? Jewelry? Or is she just going to rant to me later and we can fix this then?


"You look beautiful-" I try and lean down to kiss her shoulder as i say this but she turns and hits me square in the nose. That had to be accidental right? Because damn that hurt.

"Sorry, i guess i wasn't aware of what it was you were trying to do" She flips her hair over her shoulder and climbs in the back of my car instead of the front where she usually sits. Next to me.

"Got a prob bob?"

"Just drive"



Ciao! Moi ;*

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