Ch.XV {hazed, dazed, fazed}

48 4 1

-the following Thursday-

[[[ M A T T Y ]]]

"Mmm, S?" I mumble against my pillow.

"Yes?" I hear another voice.

"go get breakfast"

"Nooo" she grumbles, rolling over on her side.


"Fine alright. I'll be back, B. Call Spencer, tell him to bring some alcohol and we'll have a little fun" she throws a pillow at me. "And put some clothes on" she smacks my fleshy boob.

"You know you'd go lesbo for me shut up" I irk, a cheeky grin plastered on my face in a cute sleepy way.

"Expect cheap gas station food my little slut" she grabs some sweats and her hoodie before leaving. Hope her wallet was in there.

I wrap myself up in my blanket and sigh. This is the life.

*bzzz bzzz bzzz*

From: Spence<3
goodmorning fuckface.

From: Spence<3
beautiful* ;)

I smile stupidly and reply,

To: Spence<3
Morning lover ;*

To: Spence<3
Gay ass bitch*

From: Spence<3

To: Spence<3
We are aren't we? -~-
Anyways wanna come over rn and chill with S and I? She's bringing food! All you need to bring is yourself ;)

To: Spence<3
And alcohol lol

I set my phone back on the floor and get up to get dressed. I will never know why I never used to sleep naked. It is the best feeling.

I slip on one of Harry's shirts that Lavender brought back from his place and then go to my dresser to get my underwear and yoga pants. Spencer bought them for me because obvi he loves this ass and please, who wouldn't.

I don't bother with makeup seeing as it'll just be the three of us when SOMEONE DECIDES TO BARGE INTO THE ROOM AND oh it's just harry.

"Lavender told me we were having breakfast? Where is she?" Well damn chill out.

"She went to get breakfast. Feel free to sit wherever you want seeing as our place is your place too now" I brush my hair and giggle. He was so obviously falling for Lavender and I kinda felt bad seeing as she's not really the dating type.

"How um- how long will she be?" He goes over to Lavender's bed and sits down uncomfortably.

"Well she only just left about 5-10 minutes ago so probably another 10-15 minutes before she gets everything and comes back" I explain before checking my phone for a response.

From: Spence<3
Alright I'll see you in 10 xx

I can't seem to wipe the dumb, lazy smile off my face and Harry notices.


"Yea" I set my phone down and then go back to my bed to sleep for another 10 minutes.

"Is that my shirt?"

My eyes shoot open and for a moment I'm almost worried. Almost. Matty doesn't get worried.

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