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"I'm glad you agreed to join me" I pulled out Lavender's chair and I sat down.

"It's no big deal really," She paused as I sat down and opened my menu before following suit. "I missed you, ya know? You've done well for yourself over the years. How old is Sydney now?" She said, making conversation.

"She's 5" I smiled, looking over my menu at her. "What about your boy, Harry, and Delilah was it? How old are they?" I set my menu down having selected a meal and smiled at her questioningly. There was no doubt Harry shared a resemblance... but not with his own father.

"Harry is will be 7 in a few months and Delilah is 4" She held her menu a little higher, blocking eye contact. An obvious sign she was hiding something.

"So... that means he'd of been born a few months after we broke up hm-?" I ponder out loud.

"You remember when we broke up? That's kind of pathetic don't you think-?" She tries to change the subject.

"Does his father know" I cut her off as she'd done to me and watched as she set her menu down and sighed, running a hand over her face.

"Niall knows yes, he promised to love the Harry as his own" She hung her head, refusing to look at me when I asked;

"How far along were you when..." I trailed off, my jaw clenching.

"Maybe a month and a half? I don't know because it'd been so long since we had... and I didn't feel anything wrong, I- when I found out though-"

"That's when you-"

"Marcel you didn't need a child taking up your time, you had your whole life ahead of you. You were studying Law for Christ's sake! you were going places and I was failing a lot of my classes... So i dropped out and wondered around for a year before I met Niall. I was hitchhiking, couldn't bare to go to my parents and he picked me up and we traveled far and wide and it was everything I'd ever wanted. When I had Harry... He thought it would be best if we settled and I agreed knowing I'd need to give Harry a chance to make his own, give hims normal life until he was ready to go on his own adventures" She finally looks up at me, a few stray tears here and there.

I reach across the table and wipe them away before cupping her cheek gently, she leaned into my hand and let out another sigh.

"You knew I'd drop everything to raise a child, and you didn't want me to I understand but why didn't you ever try and call me? I deserve to know about my own son, I could've helped out, could've babysat every weekend. He's my child too!" I grit through my teeth, tears of my own falling from my face.

"I couldn't bring myself to ring you... I knew you'd react like this" She put her face in her hands, my own falling to her wrist and I was starting to appreciate that we'd been given a table outside away from most people.

"Lavender, I love you, and I love our child but you need to tell him-"

"He knows too..." She looked up at me and shrugged. "He figured it out some time ago wondering why he had green eyes instead of blue or brown and we tried to tell him it was because Niall's mum had green eyes but he knew we were lying when he saw some photo lying around. He's really smart... gets it from you I guess" she chuckled sadly.

"Has he ever asked about me?" My eyebrows raised in the most pitiful of ways.

"When has he not asked about you more like... He's wanted to meet you for so long... He stopped calling Niall 'dad' a year or two ago" She sobbed. I grabbed my own chair and brought it around to her side to embrace her. When she'd stopped crying, I could see from the corner of my eye a sympathetic waiter nodding to me if we were ready to which I nodded.



"I'll just go and get him" Lavender ran her hand from my shoulder to my own hand before giving it a squeeze and going inside.

I stood outside in the brisk morning air, watching the door. Eventually Harry had come racing out in a big jacket, stopping right in front of me.

"You're my dad?" He said, excitement and curiosity written all over his face.

"You're my son?" I squat down in front of him and opened my arms, he slowly but surely stepped into them and I took a deep breath.

"You look like me" He pulled back a little, his chubby hands brushed my cheek and his little finger poked at my closed eye. "And I have your green eyes! Mum said I got them from grandmum but i knew she was lying" He whispered as Lavender had made her way out to see how things were going.

"Naughty mummy" I shook my head and he smiled. I looked up and grinned at a fond Lavender.

"Would you like to stay for brunch? I'm sure Niall won't mind"

"Yea dad! Please?" I stood up, leant down and kissed his forehead, ruffling his hair.

"I'd love to"


IT'S OFFICIALLY OVER AND OMG PLOT TWIST I HADN'T REALLY THOUGHT ABOUT!! hope you guys have enjoyed the ride and check out my other books, Blaire's Harry Tree and Vengeance! Thanks again!! This is dedicated to BlackRoSEaHs thank you for your lovely comments and inspiration. I love you vv much lol. Hope you haven't cried internally too much ...

Ciao, moi ! *\(^o^)/*

Dalliance |h.s|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ