Ch.XXIV {that awkward moment when...}

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"Lavender wake up! It's Wednesday, the last day we have to spend with my parents. C'mon now" Marcel beamed, hovering over me all smiles at 7:17 in the morning.

"Just another hour more" I roll over and pull the covers over my face so he'll leave me be. But the irritating bugger ripped them away and I lolled onto the floor with a thud.

"Aw c'mon get up! We're all going miniature golfing today. Won't that be fun?" It's just one more day, what could go wrong? Marcel gently kicks my side and I groan.

"Fine lemme get dressed I'll be down in a bit" I make a show of getting up as slow as possible and Marcel rolls his eyes.

"At this rate we'll be here til Christmas, just wash your face and put on some clothes" Marcel shoves me into the Lou and stalks back off to the kitchen.

"Snippy snippy today hm" I hum to myself, smiling at Marcel's faux annoyance.


"Liiiiiike this?" Gemma and her boyfriend did their cute little act while Anne and Robin fond over them and Marcel and I just laugh. Blaire looked pissed as hell and kept pouting whenever Marcel would hold me close and whisper how sorry he was for how embarrassing his family was being. I loved all of it. It was stupid and fun and cheesy as fuck.

"Marcel could you help me? I haven't done this in ages and I could use some help" it was Blaire's turn and she was starting to pull the same crap Gemma had. It was cute when Gemma did it because at least Gemma was nice and couldn't steal my boyfriend. Blaire on the other hand was being a bitch.

"I can help-!" Robin went to step in and Blaire pulled a disgusted face. Anne rolled her eyes and pulled him back.

"Sorry darling she didn't ask you" she shoots him a dirty look and then waits expectantly for Marcel to reply.

Marcel looks at me and then Blaire and then back at me before shoving me over towards her .

"I think it only proper for my girlfriend and my best friend to bond a little, so she can help you if ya like" Marcel smirked, proud of himself for coming up with said solution.

Blaire all but murders me with her gaze as I go through the steps of showing her how it's done and finally she shrugs and putts away.


"I took all of you down like a pro!" Blaire gloats, though I'm sure it didn't really matter that much to the rest of us and she was just being childish.

"Well I can easily say that was the best game I've ever played seeing as I haven't played since I was little" I laugh and everyone joins me except Anne and Blaire.

"Really sweety? that's tragic! Have your parents not a single fun bone in their body?" Anne holds her hand to her chest in the most fake concerned way I ever did see.

"No they just figured lazertag was better than getting burned out in the sun" i allow my smile to hold and Marcel scoffs, shaking his head. "I had fun, anyone else-?"

"That was the point" I hear Blaire grumble, arms crossed, looking away from everyone.

"Right" I say, defeated. I give it one last shot and try to lighten the mood, "so Linner anyone?"


Apparently I'm a fat pig for suggesting such an idea at 3 in the afternoon. We'd only eaten at 11 and I couldn't take all the tension surrounding me. Eating me alive.

None-the-less, we ended up going to, of all fucking places, Olive Garden. I think this was Anne's way of saying there's no use in destroying my body like fuck that shit I want McDonalds.

Linner went horribly. It was silent, intense, uncomfortable and all around awful. Marcel's family was so nice but Anne and Blaire's attitudes made it so damn difficult to try and get any closer to the family at all! Like Anne had already decided she didn't like me before even getting to know me! What's more is that Blaire keeps trying to push me out of the picture by trying to make me jealous with all of her and Marcel's old "fun times" and their past relationship.

This whole thing was a bad idea and I shouldn't have made Marcel agree with me. I should've listened to him and prepared all this a little better.

"What's wrong with me" I mumble to myself, setting my purse down on his desk and dropping into Marcel's bed.

Marcel closes the door behind him and starts packing up his things.

"Come on Lavender we'll be late for our flight" sucks to suck. I reluctantly roll off his bed and crawl over to my pile of dirty clothes, Anne having refused me her laundry room. I lay in them and whine.

"Can I just put everything in a plastic bag? Can I leave it here for the next time I visit? I'm sure I have clothes at home-"

"Next time?" Marcel slams his suitcase shut and gawks at me. "Are you insane? I am- we are-"

"Are you breaking up with me?" I sit up and stare at him. Is he being fucking for real right now? He puts me through hell and then decides I'm no good?

"No! It's just that-... My mum and best friend are being children and I couldn't be more ashamed of them right now. I can't believe you either. Provoking them the way you have-"

"The hell does that even mean, provoke them? I've been nothing but kind! They're the ones who thought you made me up! They're the reason we're arguing right now! They're the reason you can't stand to be where you are in your life! They're the ones that are upset with your pick of the lot of girls, I can't help that they hate me for no reason-!"

"They have a reason!!" Marcel booms.

I sit in shock, my mouth wide open, eyes bulged so far out I thought they may pop from their sockets.

Marcel sighs, rubbing his forehead. He shakes his head and grabs a bag to shove more of his clothes in.

"And what, if I may be so bold, is their legitimate reason?" My voice was hard and my throat felt like it might swell up, my eyes becoming watery and my chest constricting in pain as I stared at him in disbelief.

"I tell my parents everything... They know who you are... Because you're the girl I've had a crush on for 3 years. I used to tell them how mean you'd be to me at times... They didn't like that so when I mentioned I had a girlfriend I left out the part that it was you. When my mum asked how you and I knew each other, the other night, I told her the truth and she wouldn't accept us being together... She said it was unhealthy and that she couldn't believe how stupid I'm being. Neither of us have told Robin but I'm sure she'll find a way to tell him when we're left" he finishes, walking over and helping me up from the pile of clothes.

I look at him, speechless and then let that tear finally fall. He wipes it away and smiles all sad. I cough, covering it with a laugh and grin all cheeky.

"How many other people do you think go through this?"


FUCKING FML THE DRAG ME DOWN MUSIC VIDEO!! I finally go to sleep at a normal time and wake up to see these bitches dropped it. It is so good though I'm so proud of my babies. Refresh not replay.

Here's a crappy update, next they meet Lavender's family ooooooooh you think they'll be better? Worse? Idk fam.

Sorry about the wait! School sucks and I've already had a mental breakdown. 35 weeks left!

Ciao! Moi ;*

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