Ch. II {i need a shower}

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[[[ L A V E N D E R ]]]

~September 20th 2014~

I wake up in an unfamiliar dorm and immediately notice it's a guys.

"Why does my mouth taste like semen?" I look over and see a blurry disheveled Marcel sitting on a chair in front of his laptop.

The gel in his hair couldn't fight it anymore and so he had pieces of hair flying in every which way. His glasses were crooked and he was only wearing briefs and his usual white undershirt like that one guy in that one Tom Cruise movie. [[[figure it out and I'll give you a cookie]]]

"God, what'd you do to me?" I smell my breath and soon regret it.

"God didn't do anything to you but I on the other hand was turned on and like the tease you are I was left on so I came in your mouth. You deserved it" He says as though it's no big deal. I sit up and gawk at him.

"What the fuck?! I'm sorry but I was intoxicated- OW!" My head started pounding and the room began to spin. "Ugh I need more sleep" I plopped back down on my pillow.

"No, you need to take the pills and drink the water I set out for you" he spun around on his little wheely chair and pointed to a small table within arms reach.

"Such a gentlemen" I say sarcastically with the cup at my lips. I take one sip and then pop the pills and chug the rest.

"Such a lady" he replied when is finished.

"Shut up I need a shower and some mouthwash" I get off the bed and hold onto my head as I walk over to where Marcel is. I sit down on him, straddling his lap.

"Just one kiss before I go baby?" I pouted and started combing my fingers through his hair.

"Oh no no no. Mouthwash and shower first and then we'll see. I don't want to know what day old semen tastes like silly, nice try though" he pushes me back a little by my waist.

"Well you certainly are too smart for me" I faked a smile and rolled my eyes, turning around and going to his bathroom. {And before you wonder how I know where his bathroom is please recall that I'm in a dorm.}


After I finish, I get out and dry off. He's been quiet, I'd of thought he'd try and pick the lock and scare me or something. As I looked around for my clothes I realized they were gone. UGH that little shit.

I pound on the door from the inside and say, "Marcel! Where are my clothes you blithering idiot!" When he doesn't answer I wrap the towel around me and slowly peek out of the bathroom. I bet he and his nerd friends are hiding and waiting to pop out and laugh because they'll think Marcel and I fucked or some screwed up shit. This better not be a prank.

How could I let myself get into this. I close the bathroom door and sit there thinking of how I can get out of here with no one noticing but I mean... Who the fuck misses a girl running around on campus in a towel?

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Lavender? Are you all right in there?" Just fine cunt, how are you? I refuse to answer because then that'll totally blow my cover if this actually is some kind of sick joke. "I have clothes" he says in a sing-songy voice.

I crack the door open and he squeezes through a baggy t-shirt, a pair of briefs and some shorts. These must be his roommates because I've never seen him wear these.

"Where are my clothes?" I ask through the door.

"In the washer but don't worry no one saw" he replies.

"Ugh... Fine" I put the clothes on and peek out again. Apparently I wasn't as careful as last time because squeak. Marcel spins around and smirks at me.

"What're you doing?" He laughed. Yep this is a prank.

"Let's get this over with" I walk out of the bathroom completely and wait expectantly for other nerds to come out and laugh at me. "The girl desperate enough to ""sleep"" with Marcel Styles" ugh.

"What the fuck are you doing?" His tone went from amused to confused. Nothing happened. Just silence.

"I thought-" and in that moment realization hit him. Though I wish it hadn't because now I feel like an asshole but suddenly I don't care.

"I see... And you really think that's the kind of person I am? Ok then" he stands up and heads for the door.

"Where're you going?" I say with a small voice.

"I was going to check on your clothes but I just remembered I only put them in 13 minutes ago" he turns back around and crawls onto his bed and under the covers.


"Mhm?" He says into his pillow. 

"Could I lay there next to you? I'm really tired and I don't want to sleep in your roommate's bed because that'd be rude" not only that but it looks like there is a used condom on it.

He turns his head to look at me and smiles. His glasses smooshed between his face and the pillow.

"There's a used condom on his bed isn't there?" He laughs and all I can do is scowl because it's not funny, it's super disgusting. "Come on" he scoots over, taking the pillow and the duvets with him.

I lay down on the edge of the bed and stare at him. This is not what I signed up for. I got smashed last night because I wanted to get it over with but apparently he wants me sober when we do the dirty.


"Why're you all the way over there?" He asks politely, and for some reason it pisses me off.

"Because this is not what I'm supposed to be here for. I'm not your girlfriend, Marcel, I'm your fuck buddy so use me and dismiss me already. I have class" my sassy side is coming out, now I only hope he listens. But he only chuckles. "What's so funny?" I frown.

"It's Saturday, you don't have any classes on Saturday" he suppresses another laugh and grins. "Aw is someone grumpy" he cooed in a little baby voice.

"You're an-" and the doorknob started to jiggle, I could hear keys clinking together outside the door.

"That's my roommate, hide!" Marcel pushes me off the bed and luckily I can catch myself. I quickly roll under his bed and wait to see what happens.


I'll update in a few :)

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