Ch.XVIII {no fooking way}

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[[[ M A T T Y ]]]

I make my way to class and on my way I see a blur dart into Professor Tomlinson's room. I follow it curiously seeing as this is his usual planning time.

I walk up to the door only to have it shut abruptly. I put my ear to it and hear him talking to someone. Reaching towards the knob I plan to enter and give some lame excuse but find that it's been locked as well.

What the?

I walk out of the building and around to one of the windows out front. Only a few students studying outside now, everyone having gone to their classes. I drop my knapsack and climb up the window that's only a little taller than I. Peeking inside I find the most outrageous thing I never thought I'd ever see.

He repainted his room this hideous plum color, ew everyone knows vermilion is a better color for a room like this what with how it's set up.

"This is the last time" I hear someone say faintly.

Looking around the room I see a girl pinned against the wall and Tomlinson pressed up to her. Woah who's the lucky teacher? He tilts his head sideways to capture her lips and that's when I realize I know the girl. The girl wall fucking Professor Tomlinson. The girl I call my sister, best friend, my roommate... The girl was none other than Lavender Oaken.

-late Friday night, early Saturday morning-

I sit on my bed, staring at my hands with wide eyes. What did she mean 'the last time' ? Does it mean she's done this before? When? How? This didn't add up... She used to tell me everything what's going- Harry. Oh my god. I'v got to tell the poor lad he'll be so devastated.

Are you doing this for him or to get in his pants?

I'm doing it for him of course! He has a right to know!

Alright well how are you gonna tell him? You don't have his number and you know damn well Lavender won't let you near him.

I'll tell him the next time I see him. I'm bound to catch him on his way to class. Or something.

The door opens and shuts knocking me out of my thoughts.

"What are you doing here?" Lavender says sternly.

"I've been thinking... Maybe you shouldn't be with Harry anymore. Like at all. You're only using him for sex anyways and that's not right-"

"What makes you say that? You don't know anything about Harry and I-" she retorts.

"Harry? No not much. But you- I know a lot about you and probably more than you think I know about you..."

"What are you rambling on about. If you have something to say spill it or get the hell out!"

I sigh, get up and grab a few things for the night. It's alright you better just hope I don't run into harry, for your sake.

"I'll see you around when you come to your senses and realize you actually need me" I say quietly, leaving the room and lavender behind.

I get down the stairs and out the door when someone bumps into me.

"Hey watch it buddy!" I shout at the klutz.

"Oops sorry" they turn around and I get a good look at them. "Oh hey Matty, Lavender left this at my place could you give it back to her for me?" Harry holds out Lavender's underwear and smiles sheepishly.

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