Ch. III {that was close}

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[[[ M A R C E L ]]]

"Bobby! What're you doing here?" I raise my arms in a welcoming hug and smile.

"I live here" he cocks an eyebrow and pushes me backwards onto my bed.

"Riiiiight I knew that"

"You get weirder every time I see you" he throws his bag on his bed and goes to take a piss. "Why is there water on the floor of the shower?" He says after returning without having washed his hands.

"I took a shower" I said simple as that.

"Your hair isn't wet" he points out.

"I didn't wash my hair" I shrug.

"You always wash your hair"

"Yea well not this morning"

"Okeeeeeeeey then. I'm going to meet up with Brittney feel free join-"

"Sure I'll come-"

"I was just being polite" he says sternly.

"I see" I smile. Ah yes the joys of being forced to room with a jock.

After "cleaning up" a little he's gone again and once more it's just me.

"Is he gone?" Oh and Lavender.

"Yea he's gone. Gone to screw over another helpless girl" I sigh as Lavender slides out from under my bed.

"Sliding into your DMs like" she strikes a sexy pose and laughs. "Get it?"

"Unfortunately I do" I laugh. She stands up and sits by me in the bed.

"It's too bad. He was kinda cute" she taunts me, at least I hope she is.

"Don't, after living with him for 6 months I've concluded that he is a player and you deserve better... Even if it's not me" I pat her knee and avoid eye contact. I've only had a crush on this girl since forever, I need to keep my cool and get off this sob story topic.

"Anyways I should probably check on your clothes now" I get off the bed and leave the room.

[[[ L A V E N D E R ]]]

This is my chance to get the hell out of here. I grab his blanket and sneak out the door. He probably took the elevator so I head for the stairs.


Knock* knock*

I walk over to the door and open it.

"Ew what the fuck are you doing here?"

"You forgot your clothes" he rolls his eyes and my eyes widen as I scowl at him.

"You creep! Stealing my clothes to masturbate to! Freak" I hiss, snatching my clothes from him and slamming the door. Or so I thought, his foot held it open.

"There might be a little bit of cum on it, sorry" I furrow my brows and an angry frown takes over my face. "Two can play at this game, love" he finally lets me close the door and I turn around and angrily throw my clothes at Matty.

"EW I don't want nerd cum on me!" She throws them in the floor. "How did he even get them?"

"Don't ask me, he's just some nerd with a dumb crush fixated on me" I shrugged.

"Yea ok. So do you wanna go to that party tonight at Blake's? I heard he finally got his own place and his parents paid the first monthly bills so he's having a house party. If you know what I mean" she winks.

"Sure why not. It's not like I'm still suffering from my hangover or anything-"

"Awesome! I've gotta go meet up with Spencer, I'll catch up with you later" she grabs her jacket and bolts. Finally alone.

Knock* knock*

Or naw. I try to ignore them but they continue to knock with severe persistence. I finally get up and go to the door.

"What do you- why are you still here?" My anger subsided to annoyance.

"Now" he said demandingly.

"What-?" He pushes me inside, locks the door and puts the latch on so no one can come in whether they have a key or not. "What're you doing"

"No talking-"

"Marcel, not now! We're in broad daylight" He walks over and shuts the curtains.

"There, happy?" He comes back towards me and grabs my waist and starts sucking on my neck before pinning me against the door with a thud.


"Ssshhh" I was cut off by his soft lips being pressed against mine. I hope he enjoys the taste of strawberry lip-gloss. With one hand on my thigh and the other up my shirt, I can feel Marcel smile against my lips. Yea, douche, this is happening. Calm down it's not like it's christmas or some shit.

"Marcel" I moaned as he left kisses down my jaw and onto my shoulder. "baby, the door is starting to make noises. Just hold on a moment" I tried to shuffle over to the bed but Marcel had other ideas. He picks me off the floor with ease and dumps me on the bed before starting to take his shirt off but as today would have it,

"Hey Lavender? Can you unlock the door? I left my wallet in there" Shit, REALLY Matty? Really?

Out of breath I reply, "Yea one sec" I look at Marcel and we chuckle under our breaths. Just our luck huh?

"Hurry up bitch I'm freezing my ass off out here" So impatient.

"Hide in the bathroom" I shoo him away and make sure he's locked the door before letting Matty in.

"Why'd you latch the door?" She walks over to her bed and snatches her wallet up before putting it in her pocket.

"No reason, I just wanted to keep noisy cunts like you out of my hair for a few hours" I cross my arms and smirk. All of a sudden there was a small bang in the bathroom, way to go Marcel.

"Oh my god you have a guy in there don't you!?" She hissed. A grin as wide as her boyfriend's dick spread across her face and she went to jiggle the knob for proof. "No fucking way! Who is it this time?" Let's just say I'm a good liar and this has never actually happened before.

"It's no one bye now!" I grab her and push her out the door. "Later bitch"

"Bye bye dirty whore" she irked before finally leaving.

I latched the door back and sighed. Twice in one day? What the fuck? I put my head on the door and sighed. A few moments pass and I feel arms around my waist.

"Maybe I should go... we can always try again tomorrow" Marcel kisses my shoulder before reopening the door, checking the hallways and leaving.

I need a drink.


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