Ch.XII {friday night surprises?}

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Some pretentious senior chick was throwing a "mature" farewell party for one of her sorority sisters and a few friends and I decided to crash. I tried to convince "Harry" to come all week and still he refused. Even offered to help me with my homework if I stayed with him instead. He was all disappointed when I chose the party and my friends over him but I'd already spent the whole week with him. If you know what I mean ;)

"Hey, Oaken? You mind gettin the word out? We'll handle everything else"

"Sure thing, Spence. Where's Matty?"

"Present. And sore" she looks over at Spencer with a hint of disgust. "He insisted on-"

"I don't need the details" I plug my ears and cringe.

"Aw calm down you sissy we all know you've tried everything and know how it all works so don't act like its something new" Matty laughed patting my back.

"Yea yea ok-"

"Haven't seen you around, S, where've you been?" She puts her elbow on Spencer's shoulder and looks at me questioningly.

"Tomlinson gave me a weeks worth of homework to 'do on my own time' seeing as I was too busy not paying attention in his class-"

"Or could you perhaps have been with Harry?" She wiggles her eyebrows and Spencer looks plain confused.

"Who's Harry?" He puts his arm around Matty and stares me down.

"Just her new secret hookup- very sexy and a little birdy told me her secret lover was, and I'm quoting Lavender here, the best sex she's ever had" Matty explains to Spencer and then seems offended.

"You didn't like the varsity guys I hooked you up with? I'm mean sure they're a bunch of assholes but I mean I've heard they're pretty good-"

"Then why don't you date them sweety" Matty looks at him affectionately, pats his chests and hobbles away.

"You destroyed her last night didn't you" I cross my arms and smirk.

"You know it" he winks at me. "See you tonight" he jogs off to Matty who'd managed to get pretty far.



"This party is lame, what'd you do with the vodka? Where the hell is James with the vodka?!" Spencer whisper/ shouts into his phone. "James is late. We can't get this party crunk'd without alcohol" Spencer says to Matty and I.

"Nothing to worry about I have connections"

It's not but a moment later that the doorbell rings. Samantha the pretentious senior chick hostess I mentioned earlier went over and opened the door only to have 80+ people flood into the sorority house.

Strobe lights were brought in and hooked up, a friend of a friend brought a DJ and showed him where to set up. Alcohol of the sorts were brought in, things were crashing and breaking due to all the people, music began to blare throughout the house and it got hot and sweaty real quick as everyone started dancing with each other.

"This just went zero to a hundred real fast" Spencer says, staring in awe, eager to join in.

"Go get Matty and I some drinks a couple of beers, I'm prepared to get smashed" I push him towards the crowd and hope he finds someone with a cooler full of beers or anything really.

"Where's your mystery man?" Matty sneaks up from behind me, probably coming back from the bathroom.

"Studying" I sigh.

"Getting hammered?"

"You know it"


[[[ M A R C E L ]]]

I decide to go to the party, Lavender having "accidentally" left the address on my desk yesterday. Figured I might surprise her.

I gel my hair up in a quiff, slipped on a pair of Bobby's black skinny jeans and picked out an old Nirvana shirt of mine, throwing it over my head and looking at myself in the mirror.

"Right, contacts"


[[[ L A V E N D E R ]]]

"Hey I *hiccup* thought you said Harryyy wasn't coming *hiccup* toniiiight" Matty slurs pushing against my shoulder forcefully.

"Mmm he's not" I say, my smile turning into a confused frown.

"He's riiight there *hiccup* sillyy" she points across the room at the door where a man's just walked in.

"I dunno-"

"Ooh ya think he has anotherr ladyy?" Her breath reeks but mine probably does too so I try not to mind.

I simply shrug and watch what he does. He scans the room, being taller than most of us and whatnot, and finds me. I look away and take another swig of my... Fourth, no. Fifth? Fifth beer before setting it down on the bar behind me and rushing into the crowd.

It's a minute or two before someone grabs me and pulls me to them.

"Hey stranger" i shout over the music once I realize who it is. I smile up at him while his face is slightly etched with concern.

"How much have you had to drink?" He tries to say it lightheartedly but I can tell he was just trying to brush it off.

"8? Maybe seven... mm not sure"

He leads me outside to his car and helps me in.

"Aw nooo but Maddyyy. Specrrrr" I paw at the window and whine.

"You'll see them tomorrow-"

"But you didnnn even stayyy long. You're not... Teehee... You're not drunkk" I slur cheerfully.

"You got alll dressed uppp for *burp* me... Heehee i burpps"

"I couldn't necessarily pick you up looking like myself now could I? And I might've stayed longer if you weren't as intoxicated as you are right now" he glances over at me and laughs.

"S'not funnyyy" I cry. "I meant to get smashed... i wanted to forget about-" I catch myself with another burp before stopping completely.

"Forget about what exactly?"

"Mm tired"

"We're almost to your dorm-"

"We aren't goinn to yerrs?"

"Bobby has someone over"

"Madddy has Specer-"

"I have a feeling Spencer and Matty will be going back to his tonight"

"My place it is!" I lean over his lap and move his chair all the way back. I crawl under his left arm and onto his lap, straddling him. I wrap my arm around his neck and put my other hand in his hair.

"What're you doing Lavender please I'm driving. This is very hazardous"

I rock against his groin hearing him let out a groan. I stoop down and begin to kiss his neck, tracing his jawline and stopping just under his ear. His penis hardens beneath me and I grin.

"Keep your eyes open" I whisper and he jolts, the car swerving a little. I laugh.

I start nibbling on his jaw again, biting, sucking, licking until a bruise begins to show. A nice little hickey bestowed unto him by lil ol' me. I smile at my piece of work before the car stops entirely.

"Alrighty bedtime!" He unlocks the car, opens the door and holds onto me whist dragging me to my room. Kicking the door shut behind him.


Lmao I love drunk Lavender XD

@69yolo69 I look forward to your comments every chapter. They give me life lol love you!

You other 3-4 people should comment too, I do see you ;)

Love you all moi!

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