Ch.XXVIII {oh wowza}

26 1 2

There is a little bit of lesbian smut at the end. if that makes you uncomfortable, skip ahead to the author's note.

[[[ L A V E N D E R ]]]

The showcase was great and dinner was great but Marcel thinking i'm not still pissed off at him for the personality comment is getting annoying. He's acting like everything's fine and it's not. Oh my god is this what guys mean when they say their girlfriend won't communicate? Double 'oh my god' am i the one wearing the pants in this relationship? I need a drink.

"where are you doing?" Marcel sounds behind me as i change and put on different shoes.

"I'm going out for a drink-"

"You had plenty to drink at the showcase and you're in no condition to drive-"

"Oh my gosh please shut up i didn't realize i was dating my mother!" I snap, my head pounding. "I'll call Monica to come pick me up, everything's gonna go swell. Can i leave now or do you have any more questions?" I can't stand the way he's treating me and finally he lets me leave. Asshole.


"I can't believe him. That's ridiculous, you're not disrespectful at all! you're hardly rude, is it maybe the fact that he's just super duper nice?" Monica questions after i finish ranting about how clingy Marcel has gotten since this morning which is an insanely small window of time to become as clingy as he's become.

"That'd make a ton of sense" I giggle, looking at my glass, swishing around the alcoholic contents. "You know, when i met him he was a virgin" I look up at her and she's in shock, smiling and raising her eyebrows in disbelief. "Yep, true story. He told me he'd pay me to sleep with him and i told him i didn't want his money but oh honey once that shirt was off and his hair curly as ever i was putty in his hands-"

"Do you ever think about us?" Monica blurts. I figured this would come up as i'm drunk out of mind and she's my designated driver. I stare at her, a little dazed and half confused at the question.

"Sometimes, yea" i nod my head lazily.

"I miss us... i miss you... how come you never return my calls or texts anymore?" she asks sadly.

"Marcel checks my phone every once in a while when he thinks i'm asleep" i lie, knowing it's better she hates Marcel than me, for now as she's my ride home.

"That's bullshit! Why are you even dating him? he treats you like a child!" She stares at me accusingly, her face slowly softening. She glances at my shoulder and then places her hand on my upper thigh. "You know... i'd never treat you like that"

"I know" i look away, understanding enough that if i so much as give her a glance i'll start to cry and feel bad for ever leaving her because of what someone else might think.

"Look at me, baby" she whispers. I can hear her clearly as it's only 7 p.m. (stupid fucking showcase and auction) and not many people come to a bar this early. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from bawling and turn to look at her. Her eyes are sad and it only makes her look sexier than she already is. I squeeze my eyes shut and think of Marcel. He's upset with me and i'm angry at him, he's clingy and emotionally abusive at times and i'm tired and just want to be loved.

"I still love you" I say quietly and i feel Monica's hand squeeze.

"I never stopped loving you either" She kisses my shoulder cautiously and i move my hair over my shoulder so she can get to my neck which she ever so politely obliges. She stops, looks around at all the creeps making googoo eyes at us and then grabs my hand. "you wanna come over? we can continue in privacy and i have heavier stuff than anything they've got here"

"Just like old times?"

"We were fucking weird teenagers"


"Ugh i should go" I groan, the wine and booze taking its toll. I mean about time, i've only consumed a few gallons. Or something like that, my perception of everything are dysfunctional at the moment.

"What? No! You're drunk, I'm drunk and i'm not letting your god-awful boyfriend anywhere near my place. Plus your parents are probably already asleep by now and your sister hates being your chaperone so really, you're stuck with me for the night" she shrugs.

"Aw don't say that, I'm not stuck with you. It's like a surprise sleepover, i can probably still wear your clothes right?"

"Yea yea now sit back down and lets watch another movie"

We didn't watch another movie, we stared at each other and smiled behind our mugs of vodka. Eventually we lowered the mugs and her face got all serious.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I grin and look away bashfully.

"You're just... really pretty" she pauses to take a drink. "Also i was remembering our first kiss"

I stare deep into her eyes and feel my face fall serious as well.

"I um-"

She attacks my face with her lips, using all her strength to push me backwards on the couch before pulling away.

"I'm sorry, i just, my emotions got the best of me and i'm not think-" I grab cheeks and pull her to me, planting a big fat kiss on her thin lips. This felt so nice, to not worry if she loves me or not because i know she loves me unconditionally and i never should have left her ever ever never.

I slip my tongue into her mouth and she gasps allowing me to explore a little more, the taste of her booze mixing with mine in a gross way but i couldn't stop. The closeness was enough to drive me crazy and i couldn't get enough. My fingers ran through her hair, tugging and pulling at her clothing occasionally until both of our outfits were off and on the floor in a pile.

"I love you so so so much and with all my heart" Monica said through short breaths as i continued slipping my tongue in and out of her mouth before giving up and moving to her neck. She flips us, her on top of me now, and smiles down at my mostly naked body. "You got even more beautiful if that's even possible"

"I love you"


honestly, lavender. you a dirty little hoe oh my gosh first marcel, then your teacher and now monica. damn. you've gone more than half a full circle, administrator, best friend, boyfriend and now all you need if father's boss! jk that's not happening but omggggg i think i might just bless you with a third update if i don't fall asleep.

Ciao! Moi ;*

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