Ch. V {"i'm yours"}

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I'd upset Marcel more than I thought I had. As a couple of first timers neither of us were very gentle with each other. He was more of a rough lover whereas I only craved more of his body, it's not my fault he's so goddamn breathtaking. It was more instinctive more than anything with him.

{clothes somehow end up on the floor lol whoops}

{random condom manages to find its way into Marcel's pocket and then magically onto his dick} woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

We were nervous at first but as torn as I was I wanted to prove that I could be the one for her. I'm not much but I honestly don't see her with anyone else here at this school. But then I guess it's because I choose not to see her with anyone else.

He's fucking amazing! What the hell? Has he been practicing with a doll or something?! FUCK!"" I thought whilst clawing at Marcel's back, legs wrapped around his waist moving my hips against his. Once he entered me I was struck with a lot of pain but it was soon replaced with a wave of ecstacy.

She's got a better body than me"" I thought to myself, but her eyes, her icicle eyes... were the most captivating thing about her. It was amazing because after each sensual kiss I'd pull away and see her piercing blue eyes. I can't believe that after we're through I'll never be able to be with her like this again. I'm still a little hurt that she thinks I'll never be good enough for her... But it was expected.

Fucking HELL! This is cheating he knows what he's doing and that's not fair!"" My mind was everywhere, mostly Marcel's lips and our bodies in such close proximity and the fact that I was finally seeing why everyone craved this activity so much. It feels so fucking amazing.

I was close but I was willing to wait until she came before I released myself. I pushed her greedy hips to the bed, pulling out halfway and she groaned. She attempted a comeback but I held her hips down earning a lustful look from Lavender. When she finally stayed put, I let go and laid flat to where I was completely inside her and her body began to wiggle beneath me. I contiued rocking my hips back and forth slowly and then faster, my hands running up and down her bare sides groping her breast every now and then.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god"" I thought as a knot formed in my stomach. I was reaching my high and good god almighty it was coming fast. I scratched at Marcel's back trying to let out my frustration with this new feeling while Marcel kept his pace and started sucking, nibbling and kissing little love bites all over my neck and right under my ear, how does he know what feels good? This isn't fair. The knot grew tighter and tighter and soon enough I reached my peak.

Her body wracked with pleasure as she laid sprawled out on the bed. I finally released into her and she moaned leaving a small smile on her face. I rolled off top of her and laid down beside her, my back in pain because of the fresh claw marks Lavender left. As we were catching our breaths she looked over at me and laughed. She just straight up laughed. Was it that bad? I thought I did pretty well.

"what's so funny?" I asked, looking over at her. She shook her head and continued giggling. "No really what is it?" I furrowed my eyebrows, nervously.

"it's nothing..... it's just that. Your curls are stuck to your sweaty forehead... I mean like... we really just did that" she chuckled once more probably hoping I'd join in but I only gave her a half smile and stared at the ceiling. This was it.

After my eyes have adjusted I take a deep breath and carefully sit up on the side of the bed, feeling around for my clothes. "Well I better get going before Matty comes back-"

"You're not leaving are you?" She sits up and pulls the dovets to her chest, silly girl I've already seen them.

"Um... Yes?" I shrug, pick up my pants and slip them back on still looking for my shirt and slacks.

"Oh ... ok" her shoulders slumped.

"What... you want me to stay?" I picked up her panties and threw them at her, finding my shirt and giving it to her as well. She puts them on as if to say yes before plopping back on the bed and rolling over. I smiled to myself before crawling back into her bed.

"You weren't really going to leave me were you?" she spoke to me but she remained facing the wall. I slid my left arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me and put my right arm under Matty's pillow thaaaat I'm just going to borrow for now, to prop my head up. Our immense body heat made it extremely hot so I threw the blankets at our feet and held her close.

"Me? leave you? of course not" I kissed the crook of her neck and felt little goosebumps rise to the surface of her skin. "I was just worried that Matty-"

"Matty is with Spencer today and then I think she has a test review in one of her classes" she shook her head, looked over her shoulder at me and smiled before turning to face me. "You worry a lot don't you?" she rubbed her nose against mine and then laughed as I scrunched my nose up to keep from sneezing.

"Only when it comes to you" I let out a breath I'd been holding in and relaxed a little.

"Well why would you worry about me?" her eyes went from my lips to my eyes while her hands graze my torso.

"I just worry if you'll be alright or if you'll ever find a guy that makes you happy, and sometimes I worry that every moment i'm with you might be my last because sometimes you're so damn unpredictable" I smile down at her and let out a small laugh. Her face morphs into a guilt/loving look. "what? is it difficult to believe one of the guys here at uni actually gives a shit about you?" she looks from my right eye to my left eye and back suspiciously.

"You think you know me but you don't" she shakes her head and nuzzles into my chest. "can we talk more later I'm exhausted" she looks up at me one last time with this lazy smile and kisses me. It's not passionate or sensual it's just a sign of affection and it makes my heart swell.



I hope this was to your liking... I'm not very good with smut but ya knooooooooow

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