Ch. IV {the party girl}

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"I told you this would be fun, bitch!"

Matty half laughs, half supresses the urge to throw up the last 4 beers. Oh Matilda, what would your parents say if they saw you now?

"Hey babe" Spencer! Oh how lovely of you to join us. "Smokin' Oaken what's happenin?!" He shouted over the music.

"Hey Spencer! Nothing much at the moment, just a few horny guys here and there" I wanted a drink so bad but half of me was waiting for Marcel to text me not to.

Me: Hey what's up?
Me:I haven't heard from you after what happened this morning

I put my phone in my pocket and waited for a response. 10 minutes and half a beer later I get a reply.

Marcel: Yea sorry. I've been studying for an upcoming test of mine.

That's a lame excuse. Anyway, since he's studying I guess that means I can have a little fun right?


I was so wrong. My head is throbbing and my knees are weak. I can barely stand up and I can't help but laugh at everything and it's god awful. I feel like a giggly piece of shit that needs a tongue down her throat and another beer in her gut. Though it's terrible, I find myself too busy dancing and slurring and laughing my ass off that I don't even care.

"Hey baby glad you could make it" Jeremiah strut over to my side and put his arm around my waist.

"Yea me too, I needed another party to drown out the idea of upcoming finals" I chuckle, not even bothering to move his hand from my butt.

"Where's Matt-"

"Matty is gettin laid" I snickered, leaning into his side trying not to burst out laughing.

"Wanna join them?" He looked down at me and winked. I shook my head and grinned.

"Silly boy, you gotta prove to me that you can handle all thissssssssssss" I turned to stand in front of him and grinded up against his front side in a teasing manner.

"Shit, c'mon Oaken don't do me like this" he whispered in my ear whilst starting to nibble at my ear lobe. I shook my head and continued taunting him, I laughed as he hardened beneath me. "FUCK" he turned me so that he could see my face and then he shoved his tongue down my throat and I let him.

Our little makeout session got so hot that a few people even took pictures but I didn't care... i'm just here to have fun.


We never made it to a bedroom and thank the lord Jesus because me? And Jeremiah? Sure he's hot but his personality is that of a cocky jock. Lol that rhymed. Anyway he's like a Russian doll, full of himself.

I for one wish Matty were here to bring me some medicine. I don't want to get up ye-

I run to the toilet and you can probably guess why so i won't share the horrific details.

In case you were wondering, yes. Marcel shows up round noon to check on me after seeing the pictures of last nights party online.

"Before you ask why I'm just gonna say that you could've stopped me and we could've done some amazing shit but you were studying and I wanted to get my mind off this whole thing-"

"I wasn't going to ask you why" he sat down in my spinny chair and placed his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees, he stared at me before wiping his eyes.

"Well then why are you here-" i ask as he runs his hands through his hair until some of his gel has come off on his hands.

"I'll be right back" Marcel gets up and goes into the bathroom.

"Don't turn the fan off it still smells in there!" I call through the door. I hear the sink turn on and after a while I hear it turn off. He's in there for a few more minutes before coming out and when he does I'm pretty sure it's not even Marcel and it's actually just a lost guy... A really attractive lost guy.

Marcel is drying his hair while I check out his shirtless torso. My stomach churns and I feel like I'm gonna throw up again but I'm not sure if it's because I can't hold my liquor or because this beautiful man is mindlessly torturing me. Was taking your shirt off completely necessary, Marcel?

While he continues drying his hair I push past him, not without running my hand across his abs of course, and go into the bathroom to freshen up in case he... You know.

I empty my stomach, brush my teeth, use a ton of mouthwash, cover up the mint taste with some strawberry gum, spit the gum out after it goes bland, change into some more attractive PJs and I exit only to find Marcel lying on my bed, curly haired, eyes closed and hands behind his head. I walk over to him and crawl in bed next to him, snuggling up to his side, I wait for him to say or do something.

"Is the door locked?" Not exactly the first thing I wanted to hear but I get up and check anyway. It's not locked so I lock it up tight and then go back to Marcel.

"It is now" I say laying back down.

"Ok" I'm not for sure what he's expecting me to do so I just lay there drawing circles on his stomach with my fingers.

"Why don't you wear your hair like this more often?" I look up at his face to see if he'll respond while moving my hand from his torso to his hair giving it a few strokes.

"Because it looks a mess, why would I wear it like this? It looks unprofessional" he looks down at me with furrowed brows.

"I like it" I whisper, allowing my eyes to rake over his body. I'm not that shallow he just has a really good looking body.

"Would you date me publicly if I wore it like this all the time?" He shifts onto his side to where he's facing me.

"Marcel... I-I'd never ask you to change who you are especially not for someone like me-"

"But would you?" he looks at me expectantly.

"I-" I look over him one more time and then shake my head.

"What'll it take? ... For you to not be embarrassed by me-"

"I'm not embarrassed by you-"

"You wouldn't be in this bed with me had I not offered to pay you, you ... slut" he spat, sitting up and starting to get a little frustrated. His words hurt me but with my reputation I've heard worse.

"That's not true and you know it-" I sit up beside him.

"Oh that's right the only reason you agreed was because you wanted me to keep your secret safe-"

"You're being ridiculous! You could get any girl you wanted!" I tried to change the subject, it worked but not the way I wanted it to.

"Then why is it I can't get you? The only girl I've wanted for a long time now" he looks on the verge of tears but for the sake of his masculinity he sucks it up and grabs me by the shoulders, pushing me back onto the bed. He looked deep into my eyes as if silently asking for my permission.

"I'm yours"


MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS!! I'll probs update again in an hour or so SO BE EXPECTING!!!

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