Ch.XXI {Sunday, fun day}

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"Ok so explain to me again why you didn't want to take me out this weekend and are instead waiting a whole 'nother week to take me on a date?" I whine, pulling on his arm as we walk through the park.

"Because that's the proper thing to do considering everything that's happened" he grabs my hand and swings it back and worth. "Until then there is plenty of other things to do" he says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"If I have to wait a week for the date you have to wait a week as well- oh alright but only because I'm one horny fucker" I try and fail at being stern with him.

And then I get a funny feeling, not the good kind. I feel something squish between my thighs and now I'm utterly horrified. I stop in my tracks, halting Marcel as well I squeeze his hand.

"what's the matter?" Worry now etched on his face.

"I need a store" I push my legs together and hold his hand tighter.

"Alright well then let's go-"

"Marcel I um... I can't move" I try to send him an urgent vibe and soon enough he understands.

"Oh!" His eyes widen. "I see" his eyebrows fuse together in thought and then he takes his jacket off. "Hold this" I do as told and then he goes behind me and picks me up precariously considering I wasn't made aware he had a plan. "Drape the jacket over your waist"

Again I do as told and then wrap my arms around his neck.

"Sorry, I ate a lot for breakfast" I cringe, well damn, I knew I shouldn't have had that extra bagel.

"I don't mind" he carries me the next 2 blocks to a shopping centre and then sets me down. I tie the jacket around my hips and run into the shop. Pulling out my smaller wallet from my back pocket I dash around getting the things I need before heading to check out.

"Got everything?" He laughs at the tub of ice cream I have in my arms, as well as the underwear, pants, chocolate, medicine and other assorted goodies in my bags.

"I'm just being on the safe side" I smile bashfully.

"Well then let's get you changed"


"Marceeellll!" I groan, "my back hurrrts, massage meeee" I whine into his pillow while he sits at his desk doing his homework. Occasionally he'll look back at me with a smirk and then turn back around and go back to working.

"Baby you know I can't" he says, staring at his screen, typing away.

"I know you're busy but take a brreeeaaakkk" I switch to a new tactic, poking out my bottom lip and widening my eyes. "Pwease, for me" I look at him sadly and he glances over his shoulder at me. Sighing he shakes his head and continues. "I'll take my shirt and pants off" I smile cheekily.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" he shuts his laptop reluctantly and comes over, helping me remove my clothes. Imma keep the underwear and bra though.

"It's mostly my lower back" I roll over and hug his pillow to my chest tightly.

"As you wish" he starts at my lower back, rubbing small circles into the dimples just above my bum. Pressing harder with each circle, he takes his long fingers and scratches an itch i didn't know I had. Moving his hands up to my shoulder blade he unhooks my bra and tugs on it signaling me to toss it.

"Not even gonna lie, I'm not sure who's more turned on right now" he laughs, "the girl who goes horny to whiney and back or me, the one on top of that girl giving her a rather sensual massage"

I moan a little as he slowly removes all my stress. I feel him on top of me quiver a little bit and then giggle.

"Yea I wonder"


"Did you just see the way she looked at me?! Marcel please let's just go-"

"You and her need to work things out, you guys are roommates-"

"She filed to move out! They're searching for a new dorm for her as we speak- Hiiiii!" I say as Marcel gives me one last shove towards Matty.

"How unfortunate" she reaches back to grab her scotch and takes a drink, maliciously. Ok maybe it was just the fact that it was me...

"Marceeelll" I try to whisper through a forced smile but he just elbowed me and ushered me to talk. "I uh- I want to talk... May I?" I gesture to the hair next to her and she just scowls. I look at Marcel and knit my eyebrows together.

"You can't just give up-"

"I don't want to say anything I'll regret can we just go?" I plea.

"She's right, she already treads on thin ice" Matty butts in.

I don't take my eyes off Marcel's and continue to give him a hard cold stare.

"Harry" I seethe. I wanted to turn around and tell Matty to fuck off but I knew I couldn't, at least not with Marcel right there ready to hold me back if either of us chose to strike.

"Not until you both apologize-"

"I'm sorry!" We both yell at each other, Matty still looks at me angrily and then turns back around. I on the other hand am surprised she says it, perhaps to humor Marcel but still leaves me in shock. I spin back around to meet his eyes and try to soften my gaze.

"See! Progress!" He holds his arms out wide and then catches on and folds them back together. "Alright thank you Matty, see you later! No hard feelings" he takes my hand and pulls me out of the bar. "Alright it issss" he checks his phone, "10:37 wanna grab some brunch?" He swings our hands back and forth.

"How about ice cream" I say, trying to relax a little. He just looks at me and grins. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing you're just very pretty" he pushes back an invisible stray hair and smiles even wider.

"Tell me something I don't know"


Ugh I hate fillers pfffft :P


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