Ch.XXV {expect the unexpected}

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"I honestly thought she'd put up more of a fight, she was kind of a pathetic opponent" I laugh. Marcel rolls his eyes and smiles.

"Any exboyfriends I should worry about? Trying to steal you back and all?" Marcel nudges me with his elbow and I laugh harder.

"Please don't, you'll make me pee myself, I don't have any exboyfriends that stuck around long enough for me to even call them my boyfriend!" He looks at me funny and I clear up, "not the time I know"

We both sigh simultaneously and then giggle having done so.

"I hope you know I really am sorry..." My shoulders slump and Marcel grabs my hand, giving it a reassuring kiss on my knuckles.

"Don't sweat it, we're together now" he kisses my hand again and then grins. "That's all that matter" he adds.

I look out the plane window and let my thoughts trail off to the future... To our future. Would we have a future? I hope.


"Mum! Dad! Oh it's so good to seeee you!" I give them both a good squeeze and let out a nervous laugh. "This is my boyfriend, Marcel, Marcel these are my parents-"


"Jennifer, Anita is already asleep-"

"That's my sister"

They all shake hands and I feel so happy that there isn't any awkwardness whatsoever.

"Pleased to finally meet you, Lavender here has told us so much about you-"

"Muuummm!" I whine playfully.

"Oh hush look he thinks it's cute" I look at Marcel whom I already know is enjoying this so much. He's grinning from ear to ear and I want to smack him.

"Come on in, you must be exhausted. We have some food left over from dinner if you're hungry" They step out of the way and lead us inside. "So if there's anything you need, Lavender knows exactly where to get it"

My mum clasps her hands together and smiles. "You two are just too cute" she sighs a relieved sigh and looks at my dad. "Well your father and I are going to go ahead to bed, help yourself to anything you like and we'll see you both in the morning. Goodnight Lavender we love you, goodnight Marcel. sleep well!" They disappear into their room and I turn and smile at Marcel.

"You hungry?"

[[[ M A R C E L ]]]

I take a sweep of the house in one glance and feel myself relax. They're so polite and they didn't question any sleeping arrangements or anything. Maybe they just assumed we'd behave, not that I'm saying we won't.

"Starved, haven't eaten since three!" I remind her.

"Sorry I'm a fatty" she shrugs walking away. I follow her and we end up in the kitchen.

"That's not what I meant" I laugh, wrapping my arms around her waist as she starts to heat up the left over pasta they'd probably had for dinner. "Besides you're not fat, if I can almost wrap my arms around you twice, you most definitely are not fat" I kiss her shoulder and she shivers.

"You're freezing, go stand over there" she points at the island and I smirk, retract my arms and back up to the place.

The timer goes off and she retrieves the pasta, walking over to me and grabbing two forks from behind. She hands me one and then starts to dig in.

"Mm, this is good!" I say after the first bite. I take another and another and another before she snatches it away.

"No more! You can't share" she finishes eating it and then discards the plate and silverware into the dishwasher.


"Let's go"


"Lavender?!" I look around for the shrill voice and spot a brunette waving like crazy at the opposite side of the store. I look down at Lavender in confusion.

"You know her?" I crease my eyebrows as we watch her race over to us.

"I think we went to high school together shit..."

"Lavender hi!! Oh my god it's been too long" she hugs Lavender and then pulls back waiting for her recognition. She stands there with her mouth gaped open in surprise. "It's me" Lavender still seems to not remember. "Monica!"

Lavender's eyes widen and she smiles.

"Monica of course how could I forget" she looks visibly shaken by Monica's presence and then turns to me. "This is my boyfriend, Marcel" she looks nervous and I'm still confused but I shake Monica's hand politely.

"Hi, how're you" I say, not really caring just wanting to speed things up so we can head back home to Lavender's.

"I'm better now actually thanks" she says, seemingly uninterested with me as well. "Wow. It's been forever!"

"Yea it has" Lavender pushes her hair back and looks at the ground in angst.

"Oh my god, we totally have to catch up sometime! How long are you in town for?" Monica was just not getting the hint.

"Oh I really don't think-"

"You can come to lunch with us if you want?" I blurt. Lavender is sending me dirty looks but with my nature I can't help but be polite. "Um, we were just about to check out and go actually would you want-"

"Oh I'd hate to impose and besides I meant more like just Lavender and I... I mean she practically lives with you I assume" she fakes a strange laugh and continues, " so would you mind lending  her to me for just one meal?"

"Um... Sure, I'll just take these groceries home and tell your parents you ran into an old friend" I kiss Lavender's forehead, shrugging and making my way to the check out line.

Alright that was weird.


[[[ L A V E N D E R ]]]

"Alright how did you know I was here because this is not some damn coincidence" I hiss under my breath.

"Can't a girl go out shopping without being accused of being a stalker?" Monica sips her stupid white girl coffee and licks her lips all innocent.

"Not when it comes to you" I try to keep my voice low.

"Obviously you still haven't forgiven me for your last failed relationship which really wasn't my fault-"

"You sent us both death threats and purposely ran over his cat!"

"You're over exaggerating, I ran over his cat on accident" she took another sip and dug through her purse to find and reapply her lipgloss.

"How long have you been looking for me and what is it that you want?"

"We both know what I want, Lavender"

"And you know that can't happen-"

"I don't see why your sexuality is any of your parents business"


Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuun. Idek what's going on anymore this whole book is strange lol. Ugh I'm sick and rashy and itchy and need a shower. School sucks,

Ciao! Moi ;*

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