Ch. VI {you're wrong}

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[[[M A R C E L]]]

I wake up to the sound of the doorknob jiggling. Groggily, I wipe the eye boogers away and look at the time on a phone sitting next to me.

5:07 pm.

Fucking lovely. I still need to study, shit.

I heard keys jingle and the knob twist and turn again. I rolled back over not wanting to get up when a feminine voice called through the door, "Lavender?" and it was only then did I realize I was still in Lavender's dorm room.

"Lavender are you in there?" shit it was Matty, "is someone in there with you? What the fuck why didn't you at least text me or some shit?" She stopped jiggling the knob and sighed loud enough for me to hear her through the door. "Hey guy? Whoever you are could you open the door? I kind of need something of mine" the door made a bumping noise as she pressed her head against the door to listen.

"One moment!" I said, hoping my groggy voice wouldn't give me away.

"Woah who is that? You sound hot as fuck" Matty mumbled mindlessly to herself not caring that I could still hear her. But I guess it's nice to know I have an attractive voice.

I got up and put my briefs on, shaking my hair out a little more to be as curly as possible so to hide my true self from her. I unlatched and unlocked the door before opening it a crack, squinting my eyes at the harsh hallway lights.

"What do you need? I'll get it for you" I put my hand on the doorframe, widening the door some more so to reassure her I was no 'nerd'.

[shocked Matty on the side]

"Holy fuck that's hot" She said, her eyes taking in every inch of me. It made me feel a little more confident, her comment did. "Um yea... no wait um... I just wanted my books so I could go and study with um... um" briefly forgetting her boyfriend's name I spoke up.


"Yea him" she let out a breath she'd been holding in. "Do you even go to school here?" she asked, once again letting her eyes roam over my body like it was some sort of steak or something. If I'm being honest she looked ready to fuck me then and there... but no one would fuck with me... I'm Marcel Styles, Oxford's biggest nerd.

"Yea actually I do," I say after realizing I hadn't answered her yet.

"What classes are you taking because I sure as hell would love to try something new" was she hitting on me?

"Matty?" I hear a sleepy voice say from behind me. "I thought you were with Spencer?" she rubbed her eyes before finally taking notice to my existence. She glanced from me to Matty every so often before her eyes widened and her jaw dropped so low she had to pick it up... metaphorically speaking.

"Who's your friend here Lavender?" Matty smirked awaiting Lavender's answer. Her nervousness intrigued me as to what she'd say.

"Um um uh this is uh... This is my guy friend... his name is ummm... what was it? Oh yea um Harold" I furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief. I knew she was embarrassed by me but I didn't realize I was THAT embarrassing. "Um yea but you and I can just call him Harry" she let out a nervous laugh. What the actual fuck.

"Where'd you find this guy? I've never seen him in my life," Matty states quite clearly stroking my chest longingly, lustfully.

"I met him in my law class I can't remember which I'm quite tired as you can tell," Lavender said with a yawn. I mean she did just get up.

"Yea um," she pet my chest once more and then finished, "I just need to get something and then I'll be on my way" Matty pushed her way past me and went into the room not bothering to notice my slacks and suspenders on the floor. She plucked a jumper from her side of the room, forgetting her books and then left.

Well that was easier than I thought. At least she didn't push the subject much further. Lavender relocked and relatched the door before sighing and turning to look at me. I stood there with my arms folded across my chest waiting for her to say something.

"What the hell were you thinking opening the door like that?" she stepped forward and crossed her arms as well.

I sighed, "I don't know what I was thinking, I mean, it's her room too" I said as calmly as I can.

"You could have woke me up and then hid and then I wouldn't have had to go and make up some disguise for you-"

"So you're admitting you are embarrassed by me," I chuckled figuring this was to happen eventually.

"I never said that-"

"You didn't have to! You just went and made up a name for me just then or were you not quite awake yet?" I watched her as she looked at the ground with a sigh. "Why are we even discussing this it's not like we'll ever see each other again anyways," I roll my eyes and start grabbing up my clothes.

[[[L A V E N D E R]]]

"We'll never see each other again anyways"

"Wait, why not?" I say, snatching his clothes from his grasp.

"Why would we?" he asked, trying to get his clothes from me and failing.

"I just thought-"

"You don't even like the person I am. You're embarrassed by my clothes and my lack of popularity and-"

"Stop for a moment please! Stop being hateful for one fucking second so I can think before we both say something we'll regret" I hold a hand up signaling for him to cut it out.

I wouldn't say he embarrasses me, I'm just not used to guys being genuinely kind instead of arrogant and cocky and fucking annoying as hell. Marcel is so beautifully different and it makes my heart ache every time he's nice because I know that's the exact opposite of me. I'm somewhat cynical and rude and I treated him like dirt before all this. Then there's the small possibility that I could bring him up the scale of popularity with me as long as he let me adjust his look a little. But that would change who he is and I don't want that because it would completely diminish who he is.

I don't even know at this point. We've only 'known' each other for about 3 days and this just seems stupid.

Maybe it was the naturalness of him that made me want to get to know him better... or the fact that we had sex a few hours ago that could be it too. But I'm going to go with the first one to sound a little less of a horrible person.

"What were you thinking? That I'd just give up my lifestyle just to be popular with you?" he paused, stepping closer to me and pushed his clothes from my hand back onto the floor, wrapping his arms around my waist. I really liked being held in his arms... or just being held in general, I don't discriminate.

"Tell me I'm wrong," he says in a whisper. I look up at him with sad eyes before giving him the weakest of smiles. He had no idea the thoughts racing through my mind.

"You're wrong"

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