Ch.XXIII {"and why's that?"}

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"Marcel you're parents hate me. You and I both know damn well that they do-"

"Hate is a very strong word" he rubs the back of his neck.

"Then what the hell would you call it?! All through dinner they're sitting there shooting these invisible daggers at my face! And what was it your mum told you? Why'd she want to 'talk to you in the kitchen' ?" I put my hands on my hips and look at him questioningly.

"Blaire is here because my mum invited her... Because she thought I made you up-"

"Yea, no, I knew that much"

"Blaire is here because my mum thought I might still like her" he explained, a little more elaborate this time, quickly biting his lip perhaps afraid of what I'd say next.

"Still?" I raise an eyebrow, not sure I understand. "What do you mean still like her?"

"She's an old flame but Lavender that's all she is to me now. I love you-"

"tell me something i don't know" i say, crossing my arms and looking down at the floor to my right. Marcel gets up off his bed and walks over to me, grabbing my elbows and pulling me to him.

"look, just give them some time-" he cooed, "they'll come around-"

"your mother told me to call her Mrs. Twist! To hell with that, what if she ends up hating me?! but you know in that way that only women do. Where they smile and seethe and pretend to like you but then when you turn your back they pounce! Marcel I don't think i can do this, not this soon anyways" i try and say it as nicely as possible but Marcel still looks pained by my words.

"Give them a chance and then we're off to see your parents. You're telling me they won't be the same way?" he attempts to ease me with a sly smirk but i can't help but laugh.

"At least my parents don't doubt you're real" i scoff, letting a laugh escape as well.

"oh c'mon-"

"knock knock!" Anne says as she barges in. "Oh i hope i'm not interrupting anything" um? fuck yes you're interrupting something you inconsiderate snob. "Lavender, I have the guest room set up when you're ready for bed-"


"Isn't Blaire already sleeping in there?" Marcel interrupts me before i say anything i might regret.

"Well you see, dear, you and Blaire have known each other for ages! Remember all your sleepovers? i just thought Lavender would like some privacy and you and Blaire can catch up" Anne finishes with a smile as though this is the most normal thing in the world.

"Mum" Marcel laughs and shakes his head. "that's nonsense. I intend to share my room with Lavender and nothing you say or do will change my mind. If it's intercourse you're worried about-" Anne stiffens "then you have absolutely nothing to worry about" Marcel scratches the back of his neck and lets out a cold laugh.

"Why I've- that's- alright" she gives in with a defeated sigh. "Lavender, I apologize for my behavior tonight. I'm sorry if i came off rude, that truly wasn't my intention" She rubs her hands together and sends me a somewhat forced smile, almost weak.

"It's ok, really... Anne" i wink.

"Oh no, please" she shakes her head, scrunching up her nose.

"Goodniiight mum" Marcel pushes her back out the door, closing it behind her. "What did i tell you?" he grins.

"She still doesn't like me. And what kind of parent tells you that its ok to sleep with an old friend OF THE OPPOSITE SEX but not your own damn girlfriend, with whom, I'm going to add, you've already had said intercourse with!? You're family is odd" I start to slip my pants off and then my shirt just as Marcel rushes to the bathroom.

Probably to change and get ready for bed.

"I mean seriously" I continue, unhooking my bra. Then, proving psychic, Marcel bolts back into the room, ready for bed in record time, just in time to catch my boobs as i fling the bra off. "what're you doing?" I smirk, eyebrow cocked in mock confusion.

"these looked heavy, thought i'd be the gentleman my mother raised me to be and help you out" he grins this stupid cheeky grin and i almost swoon. He's such an adorable dork.

"you're weird" I say, pulling one of his shirts on. "Now please move your hands"

"You and i both know that's not what you really want" he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Ok well can we at least get in bed and then do this? I'm tired!" I exasperate.

"sure thing, I'll get the lights" He lets go and backs up to the light switch behind him. Still looking at me mischievously.

I climb into bed and under the covers and then the lights are out. It's when a minute goes by with Marcel still not in bed that i start wondering if he's going to try and scare me. I give it another few minutes and then i actually start getting worried.

"Marcel?" I call into the darkness, my eyes refusing to adjust. "If you're trying to scare me it's not funny" I attempt to stay calm and collected but his absence is really starting to freak me the fuck out. "Marcel you're not being funny!" I whisper shout just in case there's anybody else trying to sleep. "Fuck you I'm going to sleep whether you're here or not-"


"AAHH! you fucking asshole!" i sock him in the face with the pillow i was laying on and i hear him groan.

"Damn" he holds his jaw in his hand as though there had been rocks in the pillow and he laughs. "Could you really not see me? Cause i could see you, getting all worked up" He giggles.

"Fuck you, Marcel, fuck you" i say getting settled back down. "My tatas don't want your touch anymore, you can sleep on the floor" all the same he jumps into bed next to me and wraps his arm around my waist and under my shirt. He cups my left breast and if i'm being honest i couldn't care less.

"You know you love me" he kisses my shoulder.

"Just then when you said that? makes me loathe you now" you know that feel bro.

"Yea well you know what they say, there's a very thin line between loving and loathing"


OH MY GOSH! Ok first i'd just like to apologize for the wait. I wrote this chapter twice because wattpad deleted it and then i got pissed and stopped writing hoping it'd just reappear. But anyways wtf is up with Anne? and why is she so pushy with Blaire? and why does Blaire still have a thing for Marcel after so many years? hmmmmmmm

love you guys!

Ciao! Moi ;*

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