Ch.XX {no one likes a snitch}

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69yolo69 please check your messages before reading this.


[[[ M A T T Y ]]]

I rub at my tired eyes and make my way back to my dorm. Hopefully Lavender isn't there, it's been a week but I have the slightest suspicion she knows that Harry knows what she's done.

He deserved to know, not my fault I happened to beat her to it.

I unlock the door and go inside throwing my things down. November might just be one of the most stressful of months for me. I plop down on my bed deciding to take a nap when Spencer comes in.

At least it's not Lavender.

"What's up babe" he says, taking his usual spot next to me. He leans over and kisses me roughly before pulling back and wait in for a response.

"Lavender hasn't been telling us much anymore and she's hurting Harry-"

"Why do you care so much about their weird relationship thing?!" Spencer pleads. "I asked what's up with you... Not them. So tell me. What is going on with you?" I gawk at him. How rude.

"Alright well I was disowned by my best friend for something she did and so I told the other person involved what was going on and now she's kicked me out and they haven't spoken in a while and I feel bad for the poor guy-"

"Please tell me you didn't mess with Harry and Lavender-"


"Is there something you want to tell me." It came out as more of a demand than a question and for a second I was confused.

"What the hell-"

"Do you think about him?" Spencer looked angry but it was gone as soon as I'd seen it and replaced with pain.

"What?! No! Nonono baby nooo! I love you and only you-" I cup his face but he yanks my hands away.

"Don't fucking lie to me Matty. I may be oblivious sometimes but I'm not stupid. I can tell when you're not interested anymore! It's like when you get bored with a conversation and lately all you seem to want to talk about it Lavender and Harry. Grow the fuck up" he tries to kiss me but I pull back, um no? He leans down further and kisses my forehead so hard I feel his teeth through his lips. And then he leaves.

"Yea?! Well fuck you too!" I throw my pillow at the door but soon regret it as now I'm in dire need of something to squeeze to death and cry into.

I wrap myself up in my blankets and try to cry but I find that I can't. I'm not sad. I'm angry, no, vexed, furious, enraged. Redundant. I lost my best friend and my boyfriend all because that Harry kid came and fucked everything up. This was all his fault not mine and it makes me so mad that I'm the one that has to suffer. Well forget this I am not gonna sit around and feel sorry for myself, he's gonna pay.

[[[ L A V E N D E R ]]]

"Matty has officially lost it" Spencer rushed into the diner and sits across from us.

"What do you mean?" I take a sip from my milkshake and furrow my eyebrows

"She won't stop talking about you and Harry and I can't take it, I think we just broke up"

"What?! But you guys were my favorite couple-!"

"Yea well after hearing about perfect harry over here 24/7 I think it's about time we had a break. Maybe you could talk to her?" Spencer's voice was near cracking and his eyes begging.

"Uh I'm not sure that's-" I look at him and pout. "I um- I guess I could yea" Marcel looks at me with bug eyes .

"Thanks mate, I've gotta scram. See you guys around" he gets up, waves and walks out.

I look at Marcel and smile but a grown soon replaces it.

"What's the matter?" I ask curiously.

"I never told you but Matty was the one that told me about you and-" he cuts himself off and glances down at his hands.

Bewilderment takes over my facial features and i can't help but wonder why that would bother him this much. Why did it bother me that Matty told him? I knew she knew and I guess that was another reason I kicked her out but I thought we were over this.

"Marcel, I trust you. I trust your judgement and if she says anything and it sparks your attention don't hesitate to talk to me. I don't want to hide anything from you anymore it hurts and it's exhausting" I put my hand over his and squeeze gently, mostly for reassurance.

Marcel slowly grins at me, his eyes crinkling.

"What?" I laugh, my eyebrow raised in question.

"Nothing. I just really love you" he straightens himself and smiles.

"We need to stop saying that omg you haven't even taken me on a date yet this is all so sudden" I say dramatically.

"What do you mean? this is our date" He says his face all perplexed.

"Oh my god I'm sorry oh my god. You could've told me!" I lightly punch him and then cover my face.

"Ouch! I'm teasing!" He rubs his arm and scrunched up his nose.

"You deserved that punch. For lying to me" I poke out my bottom lip only to have him lean down and capture it between his teeth. I gasp and that's when he pushes his tongue through my lips and kisses me.

It's only when we hear someone clear their throat we pull away, embarrassed.

I finally look up at them and see Christa, "there's a party this weekend and I was wondering if you could spread the word to all your cool buds" Christa was a slutty freshman here at Oxford and would do anyone to look as cool as possible. So kinda like me but the real deal. And at least I look classy.

"Um yea sure" I say politely, although half annoyed she even came to me.

She walks away and I turn back to Marcel who's staring intently at the girl walking away.


"You're not going are you?" He says turning to face me.

"I wasn't really, I was just gonna call Spencer to hook her up with James and all that good stuff... Why? You don't want me to go?"

"No it's not that-" I stop him knowing there's a whole lot of rambling coming.

"Besides. I have better plans this weekend"


"Yea. You still gotta take me on that date"


This is just a filler :P kinda just to help set up what's coming next. Louis' solo in Over Again tho *dying*

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