The Harper boys

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"Get off of my head!" Deacon yelled as I sat on his head and smacked it.

"You shouldn't have squirted me with a hose," I answered, whacking his head again.

You're probably wondering why I'm sitting on Deacon's head. Let me backtrack and explained what happened.

I was in my bedroom, looking for a book, when Deacon yelled. I ignored him because he always yells.

"Tori! If you don't answer me, I'll take your bras and use them as a slingshot!" Deacon yelled.

I groaned as I stuck my head out of my bedroom window, then got blasted in the face with water. I pulled my head back inside, then ran out of my room and out of the house, tackling Deacon to the ground. I sat on his head and smacked the shit out of him. It brings us to our current situation.

"Get off of my head!" Deacon yelled.

I whacked him in the head a few good times before getting off of him. Deacon stood up and rubbed the back of his head.

"Damn, Tori. Why do you have to hit so hard?" Deacon asked.

"Hopefully, it'll knock sense into you," I replied.

"You love me, and you know it." Deacon gave me a cheesy grin.

"More like I love to hate you." I gave Deacon an annoyed look.

"Deacon! Mom needs help!" Nate yelled.

"With what?" Deacon yelled back.

"She wants to rearrange the furniture again!" Nate yelled back.

Deacon rolled his eyes.

"How many times does your mom rearrange the furniture?" I asked, confused with why Nora moves her furniture around the house.

"Beats the hell out of me. I learned not to question it," Deacon said with a shrug. He pivoted and walked home. I shook my head as mom opened the door and handed me a bag. "What's this?" I asked, peeking into the bag.

"Romance novels," mom answered.

"Ugh, why?" I groaned.

"Because Nora and I like to read them. Take them over to her house," mom instructed.

"You need a hobby," I mentioned.

"I have a hobby." Mom smiled as I shook my head.

I walked over to Harper's house and knocked on the front door. Nora answered it as I handed her the bag. She gave one back to me as I opened it. I laughed.

"Shh, don't tell your dad," Nora instructed me.

"Why don't you and my mom come clean about your Girl Scout addiction?" I questioned.

"We can't help it. Greg and Matt don't understand why we hide our guilty pleasures." Nora grinned.

My mom and Nora are crazy. They use romance novels to hide an addiction to Girl Scout cookies. I find it disturbing. I turned to walk back to my house when something clang. I leaned under a car to see a wrench on the ground and a hand picked it up. I didn't think Matt was home.

I moved upright to see Elias standing on the other side of the car, looking at me. I moved towards the car as he stood there with the wrench in his hand.

"I didn't know you were home," I mentioned.

"I got home a few days ago. I had to take care of a few things since graduation," Elias replied.

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