Chapter Seventy-Five

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The guys absolutely killed this show. They sang each song with such passion and emotion that you couldn't help but feel how much they loved what they were doing and who they were doing it for.

That was one thing I'd come to love most about traveling with Kendall during the summers that he was on tour. No matter how sore his throat was, how tired he was, or if he was in a bad mood, it never came through on stage or with the fans. He always had his best smile on because he knew they needed him to.

"Okay so for this last one," Kendall said into the mic pulling me out of my thoughts, "We're going to do an old one. When I first wrote this song I was trying to get over a broken heart and I never thought it'd be the song that would bring me the girl who would mend my heart. Three years ago today a clumsy blonde girl dropped her phone right outside and I picked it up for her. Little did I know that after seeing her that one time I would fall in love with her. So here we are three years later. She's still clumsy, she's still blonde, but she's mine. I love you, Celine."

I blew him a kiss as he winked and they began to play Art of Moving On. They played it acoustically, just like they had the night we met.

Our eyes stayed locked the entire song as he strummed and sang and I swayed to the beat. I felt a feeling of complete happiness and bliss overcome my body as I watched Kendall up on the stage. I absolutely loved this; the performance, the song itself, but above all else, I loved him.

As the song came to a close I cheered loudly along with the rest of the crowd, including our friends and family. I expected them to say goodnight and go running off stage like they did after every show but they didn't. Instead Dustin stayed strumming the same song as Kendall put his guitar on the stand and walked up to the microphone.

"I know you guys were expecting just a show tonight but you're in for a little something more," he said as he smiled and laughed, "Like I said, today is a very special day to me. Three years ago I met the girl that I am without a doubt, totally in love with. Celine, my love for you grows everyday whether it shows or not. I couldn't, nor do I want to, imagine a day in my life where you won't be in it. You're my best friend, my heart and soul, my go-to when I need someone to listen to a new song. Simply put, you're my everything."

I felt myself tearing up as I watched him speak. Matt came over and rested his hands on my shoulder in his loving best friend sort of way as my sister grasped my hand in hers. I glanced at the two of them and gave them a quick smile before turning back to Kendall.

"I know that we've talked about our future before countless times and that we made some sort of agreement, but sometimes plans change. I think we of all people know that better than others. But I don't think we've changed. Every morning for as long as I've known you you go through the same routine. We're always the same, carefree goofballs when we're together. I know that you want 3 sugars and 2 creams in your coffee. Whenever you play a tennis match, you have to bounce the ball 5 times before you serve. You hate wearing pajamas that match," he said as he chuckled a little, "You have a whole drawer full of your own sweatshirts but you'd rather wear mine. I know that after a long day all you want to do is be as lazy as possible, and I love being lazy with you. You can't fall asleep unless you're laying on your right side facing me and we're touching somehow. I know all of the little things you do that you think don't matter, but they're so important to me. And I know there's things you need me to do, even if you don't say so. But I don't think I can keep doing those things..."

You could hear the crowd gasp, including those standing with me. I felt Matt's grip tighten on my shoulders and my sister squeeze my hand tighter.

"Please tell me he's not" I choked out with tears threatening to fall.

"He wouldn't. Just keep listening" Matt said assuringly.

Kendall stepped down from the stage and walked toward me with the microphone in hand. He stopped just a few feet in front of me and stood there looking me in the eye.

"I can't keep doing those things unless I know I'm the only guy who gets to do them for the rest of your life," he said as he pulled a box from his front pocket and got down on one knee, "Please. Please let me be that guy. Will you marry me?"

A little squeal slipped out as my jaw dropped and I brought my hands up to cover my mouth. I stood there shaking as tears ran down my face and Matt playfully massaged my shoulders before letting go.

Kendall remained kneeling but wiggled his eyebrows in the way he knew I thought was so weird. I began laughing through my tears and started nodding my head.

Kendall smiled and stood up, coming closer to me. He opened the box and showed me the ring. It was perfect. A princess cut diamond that was far bigger than I could've ever imagined anchored on a simple, silver band. My eyes grew big in astonishment as I looked up at him.

"So is that a yes?" he asked as he smirked.

"Absolutely" I said as I caught my breath.

He smiled as he took the ring out and slipped it on my finger, handing the empty box off to Matt. I happily kissed him and hugged him as he lifted me up off the floor.

"She said yes!" he exclaimed.

The fans and our friends and family erupted in cheers and congratulations as Kendall and I laughed.

"So that's why everyone came to this show!" I said as Kendall put me back down.

Kendall laughed and nodded his head. "Everyone knew but you and I thought they should all be here" he explained. I smiled as I leaned up and kissed him.

"Congratulations!" Alexa and Mackenzie squealed from behind us.

Kendall and I went separate ways and talked to a few fans before they were escorted out and then went to our family and friends. We received hugs and congratulations from everyone and I showed off my ring when asked.

I was standing talking to my sister, Megan, Alexa, and Carlos when I glanced over and caught Kendall staring at me. I winked at him and quickly waved before turning back to our conversation.

A few minutes later I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and a pair of lips kiss my cheek. "Sorry folks, but I'm stealing my fiancé away for a few minutes" Kendall told them as he grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

We found a hightop table amongst all the commotion and I sat down as Kendall stood next to me, his hands resting on my lap. "Fiancé huh? I like the sound of that" I said giggling.

"So do I," he said as he kissed me, "I know we said we'd wait until after you graduated to get married but I didn't want to wait any longer for this. I just wanted something to show everyone that you're mine and I'm never letting you go."

I laughed as he played with the ring on my finger and kissed his cheek. "So you're forcing our stars to align again?" I joked. Ever since my graduation that had sort of become a running joke with us.

"They just needed a little push was all" he said as he winked.

"Thank you. For making me the happiest girl in the world" I said as I held his hand. He smiled before meeting my lips with his.

"Why tonight though? Not that I'm complaining" I said laughing.

"Cause maybe tonight the stars align" he sang quietly.

I snickered before gently pulling his face up to mine so that I could kiss him.

"I love you, dimples" I whispered as I rested my forehead on his.

"I love you, too, blue eyes" he said in return before kissing my lips once more.

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