Chapter Sixty-Four

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We all stayed gathered around the kitchen table chatting and laughing for a few hours. I think it's safe to say that we all had lost track of time because when I glanced at the clock on the stove it read 12:42 a.m.

"Holy crap! I didn't realize it was that late" I said shocked. The other girls looked over at the clock and showed the same shocked expression.

"I guess we better run," Peta said as she stretched, "I've got to be ready to kick James' butt tomorrow at rehearsals."

We laughed at Peta's comment before cleaning up our glasses and heading back into the living room. The boys quickly got quiet as we rounded the corner and it was obvious that Carlos and Logan were trying to keep themselves from laughing.

"Oh..uh..James and Kendall kind of fell asleep" Logan stated.

"Oh really?" Peta questioned as she folded her arms and stared at him.

"Yeah, looks like you guys are going to have to stay here tonight" Carlos said.

"How long have they been asleep?" I asked walking over to Kendall.

"Uhh twenty minutes maybe?" Logan said.

"Hmm that's funny, Kendall usually snores once he's been asleep that long" I said as I lightly played with his hair. "Well maybe he doesn't now" Logan offered trying to cover up.

"Well since he's asleep I can finally drive his Prius," I said as I reached for the keys that were laying on the couch, "Wanna go for a drive Mac?"

She saw my mischievous expression and played along. "Sure thing! Let's go before he wakes up" she said playfully.

I reached my hand out for the keys but kept my eyes on him. I saw his eyes shift and flutter a little bit as he tried to keep them shut. I knew good and well he wasn't asleep, the guys just wanted to have a sleepover and hang out longer.

I decided to end his little game and snatched the keys off the couch, making his eyes pop wide open. As soon as I saw those bright green eyes I bolted.

"Hey! No! Get back here!" Kendall called after me.

"Run!!" I heard Lex, Mac, and Peta scream. I quickly ran up the stairs and ducked into a bedroom to hide.

"I know this house better than you do, babe," Kendall spoke aloud, "There's no place to hide!"

I peeked around the door and saw him walk further away from the stairs. I took my chances and ran back down the stairs.

Halfway down I heard his footsteps behind me so I increased my speed. I skidded into the living room where James had "woken up" and everyone was cracking up. Kendall was closing in on me so I jumped in Dustin's lap for him to protect me.

Kendall came around the corner and smirked. "Now you've got nowhere to go babe" he said as he stayed put.

"Don't have to. Dustin won't let you get me" I said as I stuck out my tongue.

"Oh really?" he asked cockily.

"Really" I smarted back.

"DBelt?" he asked. I looked at Dustin and he gave me reassuring smile. He rose up from the couch carrying me bridal style and acted like he was going to walk away from Kendall. Suddenly he turned and jogged to him and Kendall met him halfway.

"Dustin! What the hell?" I screamed as I kicked my legs and he handed me off to Kendall.

"Problem babe?" he asked as he continued to smirk.

I huffed and folded my arms as he sat down on the couch with me still in his arms. "I don't like you" I mumbled.

I looked at him with a mad face but he make me break when he stuck out his bottom lip pouting. "I love you" I said smiling.

"I love you too," he said as he kissed my cheek, "But you're still not driving my car."

I giggled and settled down on his lap as we all stayed talking in the living room. By the time Mac, Alexa, and I all yawned at the same time we knew it was ready for bed.

"Who wants to sleep where?" Alexa asked as Carlos pulled her up from the couch. "Us and Dustin can take the couches down here," Mac said as she placed her hand on Logan's knee, "that'll leave the upstairs bedrooms for you guys."

We nodded in agreement and all filed up the stairs. We all said goodnight as Lex and Los went in their room, James and Peta into theirs, and Kendall and I in our room.

Seeing as neither one of us had any extra clothes with us we improvised for pajamas. Kendall slipped off his jeans and tshirt, handing me the shirt he had been wearing. I too took off my clothes and put on his baggy shirt.

We both pulled back the comforter and crawled into bed. I laid on my stomach and propped myself up on my elbows as I messed with my fingernails. Kendall laid on his side next to me and ran his index finger up and down my arm.

I heard him sigh deeply and I cut my eyes to look at him. "What's the matter?" I asked worriedly.

"Nothing, nothing at all," he said as he smiled lovingly at me, "I just forgot how good it felt to fall asleep next to you."

I smiled back at him before meeting his lips with mine. "I love you, you know that right?" I asked just inches from his face.

He nodded his head slightly. "Absolutely, or else you wouldn't be here" he whispered.

I kissed him one more time before snuggling up to him. "Thanks for giving us another shot" I whispered into his bare chest.

"I'd give us a million shots if that's what it took to always be with you," he said as he kissed my head, "I love you Celine."

I smiled to myself and lightly kissed his chest as the two of us drifted off to sleep together in each other's arms.

|| Who would like another chapter today since I won't be posting next week?!?! Let me know in the comments along with any ideas you have for the story! Don't forget to comment and vote too! :) ||

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